Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1312 I also have a background

It turns out that the goddess in my heart is not a working girl from Beijing who is struggling with life, but the richest man in Kyoto?

She foolishly promised someone to go abroad, and he arranged everything, promising her that she would live a high life...

Now that I think about it, it’s really a big joke!

He was originally from the upper class, but he was the one struggling at the bottom!

But what alarmed him even more was Andy's change in attitude towards him!

He no longer had the obedient fascination before, but instead looked at him with eyes full of disgust and contempt?

How dare she!

Ning Xiruo looked at Andy, sighed and said, "Go away. We don't know each other from now on, so we don't need any contact!"

Andy felt a pain in his heart, lowered his head and cried, "Xi Ruo, I'm sorry!"

If Jack was granted amnesty, he stood up and said to the people around him: "Get out of the way!

Haven't you seen that Xiruo has forgiven us?

Xiruo, I'm sorry, it was my obsession that offended you!

Don’t worry, I’ll go back tonight and never go back to China again! "

Ning Xiruo looked at him coldly and said, "I asked Andy to leave, but I didn't ask you to leave!"

Jack froze and asked Ning Xiruo with a pale face: "Xixi Ruo, what do you mean?"

Ning Xiruo stood up, exuding a cold aura that even Guan Qing and Zhou Zhi had never felt before, and said to Jack:

"My husband once told me that you must not be soft-hearted when dealing with those who regard you as weak and deliberately plot against you!

Because of your kindness, these people will only use it as a magic weapon to bully you again and again!

My husband said it was the stupidest thing.

So I won’t be his stupid woman! "

She stopped talking, turned and walked towards the bedroom inside.

Andy turned around and looked at Jack with a sad and pitiful look in his eyes, but in the end he made up his mind and walked out.

Luo Xiaoman, Dao Lei, and Xiao Zhang laughed.

They all rubbed their hands and looked at Jack eagerly.

Luo Qianhe said: "Don't play to death! Take a breath, I've prepared some new medicines, and I'm short of people to test them!"

Jack felt like his heart was about to stop. His intuition told him that these people were not just talking!

His life was really in the hands of these people!

"Andy! Save me! Don't leave me here!" Jack yelled, but Andy didn't seem to hear him and walked out.

Jack looked at Ning Xiruo's back with desperate eyes, as if he thought of something, and suddenly shouted:

"Xi Ruo, forgive me! Someone else asked me to do this! I was also following orders!"

Ning Xiruo stopped as expected, turned around and frowned at him and asked, "Someone ordered you to do this to me? Who is it?"

Jack breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Ning Xiruo was interested, he would have a trump card.

He stood up, wiped the blood from his face with his sleeve, picked up his wallet and green card, and put them in his pocket with peace of mind.

Glancing at Ning Xiruo, Jack pretended to be cool and shook his head, and said with a sneer: "Xiruo, I didn't expect you to become so powerful now!

But I am not that little ant-like person in your eyes!

There is also a big boss behind me. He is an international business giant, and you can’t afford to offend him..."

Dao Lei was impatient, walked up to Jack, grabbed his right arm, twisted it in the opposite direction, and then slammed his left elbow on the anti-joint of Jack's right arm!


Jack's right arm was broken in response!

He screamed like a pig but looked at his right arm in horror.

As if he didn't believe that the other party didn't say a word, he came over and broke his arm!

Luo Xiaoman took off the flip-flops on his right foot and held it in his hand. He patted Jack on the head and cursed:

"You kid is so stupid!

How far have you fallen to? You have no idea?

Still pretending here.

Do you really think we are scaring you when we say we will kill you? "

Xiao Zhang looked at Jack sideways and said, "Just say whatever I ask you. If you say any more nonsense, you will die here tonight!"

Jack now finally understands that his little life is really nothing in the eyes of this group of people!

The people on the other side may not necessarily say anything harsh.

But there was that chilling momentum all over his body, and the naturalness with which they struck.

They all show that they are really cruel people who dare to take people's lives, and this is not the first time they have done such a thing!

Jack finally realized that he was on the verge of death tonight and was testing like crazy!

How dare he hide it, he quickly said to Ning Xiruo: "It's Jimmy, the boss of Xinlunguo Wackeer Tire Factory, he is the sponsor of our bwc TV station!

After he found out that I was a classmate of the heroine in "Sunshine Paradise", he took the initiative to find me.

Give me fifty thousand and let me follow you...

Anyway, just create some scandals!

I don't know why he did this, and I do have thoughts about you.

So I took on this task..."

Ning Xiruo frowned, sounding a little weird.

Because she didn't know this Jimmy at all and had no connection with his business.

Looking at the indifferent eyes of a group of men next to him, Jack shuddered and cried:

"What I said is real!

Jimmy also said that he wanted more than just dirty information about Xiruo!

If possible, it would be best to make her disappear completely!

I didn't agree to this, so he said he would find someone to do it himself! "

Everyone's expressions changed.

Who is this Jimmy?

Why be so cruel to a weak woman in a foreign country?

It's not enough to ruin someone's reputation, but also take their life?

Jack breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ning Xiruo: "Xiruo, let me go.

When I go back, I will help you find out about this matter.

See why Jimmy hates you so much!

I'm familiar with that place, and I'm the only one who can help you with this! "

"You are not needed!" Wang Yi said coldly, and then said to Du Yunyan beside him: "Work!"

"Okay!" Du Yunyan nodded, and the two of them walked to the nearby work room, turned on the computer, and started working on it for a while. Within ten minutes, they had a clue.

"Xi Ruo, we found this Wackeer Tire Co., Ltd. It is a branch of the Inca Wackeer Rubber Group. The president is Abraham, an Inca and Jimmy's cousin."

“This Abraham is a director of the Global Business and Trade Services Alliance and one of the five candidates for the next secretary-general!

Xiruo, I think this Jimmy wants to deal with you, probably because of this, to clear the way for his cousin to be elected as the secretary-general of gbsa! "

Ning Xiruo nodded, it turned out that the root cause was here!

She also knew that becoming a gbsa secretary-general candidate would definitely offend many people.

But she didn't expect that the other party would do something so cruel and ruthless. It was not enough to use her classmates to discredit her, but also to kill her!

Sure enough, intrigues at the international level are more cruel than at home!

Jack people are all stupid!

She thought that she was Ning Xiruo's only hope to uncover the truth now.

But I didn't expect that people would find out in just ten minutes.

What kind of monsters are these people around her!

He had no idea how powerful the classmate he had provoked was!

Ning Xiruo felt tired, waved her hands and said to Luo Xiaoman, "Take him away! Do whatever you want, just leave him alive!"

Konoha scolded angrily: "Why is this kind of garbage still alive? Just kill him and find a place to bury him!"

Ning Xiruo rubbed her eyebrows and said to her: "You also know that he is trash, why do you care about his life and death?"

She turned her head, looked at Jack and said coldly: "I can spare your life. But you must pay the price for what you have done.

Because you not only offended me, but also insulted my husband! "

Even before the campaign started, something like this happened, and Ning Xiruo really felt tired.

It would be great if my husband was by my side!

Then she wouldn't have these worries.

Husband, where are you now?

How are you?


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