Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1313 You are responsible for everyone

Before going up the mountain, everyone had already changed into their camouflage uniforms and brought their equipment.

After two hours of rapid march, we have reached the desert mountain forest, which is already an inaccessible place.

There is a forest park in the Guanbei section of Moshan, and it is free to visit.

Everyone goes up the mountain from the park.

However, there is a power grid blocking the path between the open area and the old forest.

Tourists are prohibited from climbing over the power grid to reach the old forest.

Of course, this rule is completely useless to people like Holden and Jonagin.

They took Qu Tianfeng and a group of people, and held the hostages, successfully crossed the power grid and entered Laolin.

Chen Xin'an and his team members also joined together and followed closely.

The distance between the two sides is twenty minutes, but in the old forest, it is not even three hundred meters.

But even so, both sides can't see each other's lights, and as long as they don't shoot, they can't hear each other's voices.

Because the old forest has dense branches and leaves, light and sound cannot travel too far in it.

Bian Hu, who was walking at the front, stopped and raised his arms.

The people behind them also immediately stopped, raised their guns, and were on full alert.

Soon, there was a rustling sound, accompanied by several night owl calls.

Bian Hu said in a deep voice to Chen Xin'an beside him: "He is one of ours!"

Sure enough, Dai Wugang quickly ran back from the front and said to Chen Xin'an and everyone:

“They stopped and were resting!

Our people are alive. "

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as a person is alive, there is a chance to save him!

Zhu Shanluo said to Chen Xin'an: "We must rescue the hostages before they meet up with the three wolf kings!

Otherwise the sacrifice could be huge! "

Chen Xin'an held a piece of grass in her mouth, chewed it twice, frowned and asked: "What about the Wolf King, so powerful?"

Dai Wugang said with a solemn expression: "Don't underestimate us!

They are real war machines!

Also a killing machine!

Tugreev, Migolun, Lubinhan.

These three names are all notorious in the military world.

In the non-savage war, the jungle wolf mercenary group intervened.

Tugrev alone slaughtered an entire large tribe's armed organization.

At least three hundred people died in his hands!

The other two are not easy to mess with either.

They are all war madmen with extremely rich combat experience!

His personal strength is enough to deal with a reinforced company of ordinary troops! "

Bian Hu nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Last winter, the Montenegrin tiger encountered Migron in the snow ridge.

We dispatched a mixed group of more than 60 people, but they only had 20 people, and in the end we let him run away alone!

Three people were killed, five were seriously injured, and 12 were slightly injured!

Of course, the only one left alive by the other party was Migoron himself! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Such battle losses may seem like a huge advantage, but in fact, for everyone in the Montenegrin Tigers, it is a bit embarrassing.

They are the strongest and most elite warriors in China, and their personal combat strength represents the top level of China's border soldiers!

It's really a bit embarrassing to defeat the small with more and not be able to annihilate them all!

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and said, "In other words, tonight is the best time to take action?"

"Yes!" Zhu Shanluo nodded and said, "Once they join the three wolf kings after dawn, we people will have no chance!"

Bian Hu said unconvinced: "It can't be said that there is no chance! It's just that... the casualties are a bit high, and it is difficult to predict and control!"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, somewhat disapprovingly.

He had never fought against the three wolf kings, and he could not imagine how powerful they were.

But he was certain that the opponent was not an ancient martial arts master with the fourth level of inner strength.

In this world, the only people in this world that really make Chen Xin'an feel taboo are the masters who are at the fourth level of inner strength or even higher.

Chen Xin'an would not take anything else seriously.

"Otherwise!" Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "I'll go over first to check out the situation and look for opportunities.

Then try to protect the hostages first.

When I give you the signal, you take action!

When the time comes, how about we cooperate inside and outside to rescue the hostages? "

here we go again!

Bian Hu and Eagle Eye looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Dadun said to Chen Xin'an: "Not so good! Boss, you can't act on your own every time!

This time you are the leader of our action team, and we want to follow your orders.

You went off to act alone, and we're just hanging here?

This is too dangerous! "

Zhu Shanluo also said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Team leader, our mission is not an opportunity for you to show off as a personal hero!

You have to know that a small decision or a slight mistake on your part may cause huge casualties and irreparable losses to the entire team!

I hope you don't treat this mission as child's play! "

Chen Xin'an looked aggrieved and muttered: "Where am I kidding? I just think this is the safest rescue method!

Okay, okay, I am the team leader, I will make arrangements!

Dai Wugang, please tell everyone the distribution of the enemy's troops. I'll go take a look! "

"What are you looking at?" Zhu Shanluo grabbed his arm.

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened and she scolded him: "Look at the beauty! What else can you look at?

There are a bunch of rough guys here, what can I see?

If you want me to take command, you have to let me know the current state of the enemy, right?

I have to see it with my own eyes before I can deploy a combat plan based on the actual situation!

You guys wait here, I can take action when I come back! "

Everyone looked at each other, but had nothing to say.

After all, this was his first time participating in a combat operation, and he was still the direct commander.

It is understandable not to play according to the routine.

"But..." Dai Wugang wanted to say something else, but Chen Xin'an ignored him and quickly climbed up a big tree nearby, and then quickly disappeared above everyone's heads.

Seeing this scene, Dai Wugang simply closed his mouth.

Is this a monkey?

Isn't this skill really neat?

He cleared his throat in embarrassment and said to everyone: "Let me tell you the enemy's position.

Especially next to the hostages, the enemy sent two people to guard them, but as soon as there was any movement, at least six people would shoot immediately..."

In the dark mountain forest, Chen Xin'an turned off the lights and quickly moved through the branches and leaves with only the faint and blurry moonlight above her head.

Soon, he saw the fire ahead.

A group of people were sitting on the exposed roots of several large trees, having a barbecue.

Damn these guys, the food is pretty good!

Chen Xin'an looked a little depressed.

They only have compressed biscuits on them, unlike other people who have big fish, meat and wine.

Is this an escape?

Is this good for traveling?

Although they are in the same group, they are distinct and not close.

Five mercenaries sat together eating and drinking.

The remaining nearly twenty Chinese people were together in twos and threes, and they were all a little quiet in comparison.

Seeing the weapons in their hands, Chen Xin'an almost laughed!

Are all these people hunters?

What's that thing in your hand?

They are all shotguns that look like tulabars!

But in the hands of those mercenaries, they all had the same Inca-style rifles as Butcher and Powell.

Chen Xin'an estimated that they concentrated all the bullets and gave them to these mercenaries.

The people below him had no weapons to use, so they asked Guan Xinran for these guns.

In fact, if it was just one or two, Chen Xin'an wouldn't take it seriously.

But there were dozens of native guns here, and his heart trembled just looking at them.

These people brought by Qu Tianfeng should also be the gunmen of the Spear Club.

Their marksmanship may be average, but if they use native guns, they don't have to worry about marksmanship.

All they hit were iron sand, and one shot would injure a large area.

Dozens of people fired at the same time, and Chen Xin'an turned into a butterfly and couldn't escape!


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