Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1314 Creating internal strife

How can we take away the hostages without shooting?

Chen Xin'an knew very well that letting the action team deal with the mercenaries first, and then rescuing the hostages was the normal way to deal with these spearmen.

But no matter how it is deployed, there is an unavoidable problem, that is, hostage safety!

Not to mention the casualties in the battle between the two sides, Chen Xin'an could even let the two snipers, Hawkeye and Cui Wancheng, take advantage of the distance of the standard rifles to kill these gunmen one by one!

In the woods, if you take a gun and try to kill an enemy fifty meters away, you are simply seeking death!

But what if you don't fight the enemy or take the hostage?

Isn’t the role of a hostage to intimidate the rescuer into not messing around?

When this group of desperadoes saw that things were not going well, killing the hostages was a no-brainer. Chen Xinan had to worry about this.

In his opinion, what bullshit rationalization of battle damage!

The action team is here to rescue people. If they come in intact and rescue the person intact, this is considered to have completed the mission.

Whether it is a hostage or a member of the action team, as long as one is lost, the operation will be considered a failure!

This was his first scream combat operation and his first time as a commander.

No mistakes are allowed.

No matter how many people you bring, when you bring them back, you can only increase them by four, and you will never decrease them by one!

"Fake! Getoutthere!" A mercenary kicked a spear gunner and knocked him to the ground.

Everyone fell silent and looked over.

The gunman stood up and cursed at the mercenary: "What the hell, that's my water!"

A companion came over, pulled him up and asked, "Xia Mi, what's wrong?"

Xiami pointed at the mercenary who was drinking mineral water and cursed: "I don't know what happened, but that bastard came over and took my water away!

Damn it, he finished his own drink and came to snatch mine! "

The companion approached the mercenary with a straight face, stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it here!"

The mercenary spit in his face, then picked up the bottle, poured the unfinished water directly on his head, and then slapped the empty bottle hard on his face!

"Hahaha!" A group of mercenaries all laughed.

Xiami and his companions were all anxious and cursed: "What the hell are you! Damn foreign guy!"

The two rolled up their sleeves and were about to take action. The mercenary directly raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Xiami's head!

"Bullying people, right? You bastards, I've had enough of you for a long time!"

One of the gunmen cursed, raised his gun and aimed it at the mercenaries.

The remaining companions also raised their guns.

At the same time, the mercenaries also raised their guns and pointed them at the gunmen!

"What are you doing!" Holden ran over and yelled at everyone.

Qu Tianfeng also changed his expression, ran over, kicked Xiami, and cursed at him:

"You're so tired of living, aren't you?

Who told you to point a gun at them?

Are you crazy?

Don't know who they are? "

Xiami said with an aggrieved look: "Brother Feng, these bastards are so bullying!

They eat our food, drink our food, and even ask us to escort them away at our own risk.

But they don’t treat us as human beings at all!

Don’t you still know how you bullied us in the past two days? "

Qu Tianfeng slapped him in the face and cursed at him: "Why are you talking nonsense to me here?

Do you want to kill me?

If we offend these people, none of us will have a good life in the future!

What did I tell you?

If you can endure it, endure it; if you can't, endure it!

From now on, our activities will basically be outside the country, and we will rely on these people to protect us!

How dare you offend me? Do you want to implicate me? "

Xiami opened his mouth and glanced at Qu Tianfeng angrily. After all, he didn't say anything more. He lowered his head angrily and turned around to walk behind the big tree.

The gunmen also lowered their guns, turned around dejectedly, and returned to where they were sitting just now.

The mercenaries laughed, and each of them gave a thumbs up to the gunmen, and then turned their wrists so that the thumbs were pointing down.

The mercenary grabbing the water looked victorious, threw away the empty bottle in his hand, and kicked it away.

Then he cursed and walked to the big tree on the other side, unbuttoned his waistband, hummed a little tune in his mouth, and released the water happily.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, there seemed to be something above his head!

The mercenary was startled, flicked one hand, and subconsciously held the gun on his back.

But before he could see what it was, his mouth was covered with a hand.

Then he felt a pain in his heart, a short knife stabbed into his body, and then he pulled it out instantly!

He raised his head and looked at the man hanging upside down from the tree trunk.

Under the firelight not far away, he saw a face smeared with oil paint.

And that camouflage uniform!

This is a real Chinese soldier!

The mercenary wanted to shout for help, but the opponent was so strong that he couldn't break free.

The two of them remained still in this position.

Chen Xin'an looked directly into the other person's eyes, and didn't let go until she saw his pupils dilated.


The tall body of the mercenary slumped to the ground, making a sound.

Beside the fire not far away, several fellow mercenaries stopped talking when they heard the noise, turned around and asked: "Aled, what are you doing!"

There was no movement behind the big tree.

A mercenary stood up, walked over with a frown, and said:

"Damn it, what are you doing?

Hurry up, we are leaving...

oh! Shet!

Come on, something happened! "

As he shouted, several mercenaries rushed over. Looking at the bodies on the ground, everyone's expressions changed!

A group of gunmen from the Lancers also came over after hearing the news. They stared blankly at the corpses on the ground, with shock written all over their faces!

How did this guy die?

Looking at the blood on his chest, everyone understood that he had been stabbed to death with a knife through the heart!

There was silence.

At this moment, Xiami walked out from behind the big tree, holding a dagger in his hand. He was cutting a branch as if to make it into a javelin, and said to everyone:

"What are you doing? What are you guys looking at here? What's there to see?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked at him without blinking, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Xiami was shocked at being stared at, so he stopped and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?

Is it possible that there are flowers on my face? "

A mercenary suddenly raised the muzzle of his gun, aimed it at Xiami, and cursed: "Damn Chinese! I'm going to kill you!"

"What are you doing!" A gunman also pointed his gun at the mercenary's head!


This time, the troops from both sides, who had just ceased fighting, were once again at war with each other, pointing their guns at each other.

"Are you crazy? Put your gun down!"

Qu Tianfeng yelled and yelled, wishing that one of them would give them a slap.

The gunman who was the first to hold the gun said to him sullenly: "Brother Feng, let them put down their guns first, otherwise Xiami will be beaten to death by them!"

Qu Tianfeng shouted at him angrily: "Ah Cai, are you following their nonsense? What are the backgrounds of these people? They don't understand, and neither do you?"

"I understand!" Ah Cai said with a gloomy face: "But Brother Feng, I can't watch my brother being beaten to death for no reason, right?

These bastards don't treat us as human beings, so they can just bully us.

Now you can kill whenever you want. Do you really think of our spearmen as livestock? "

Holden looked gloomily, pointed at the corpse on the ground, and said to Qu Tianfeng:

"Boss Qu, your men killed my brother. How will the debt be settled?"


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