Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1320 Let’s fight the wolf together

Gunfire rang out!

Under the command of Migolen, a group of mercenaries fired at the depths of the woods.

However, after a round of shooting, no counterattack was heard from the other side.

Migolen raised his left hand, and everyone stopped shooting.

Looking at Jonathan on the ground, they all exclaimed.

At this time, Jonathan had a wooden arrow in his mouth.

The tip of the arrow came out from the back of his head and nailed his head to the ground. He couldn't die any more!

"Damn it!" Migolen's face was extremely ugly.

He hadn't said where the original stone was, and there was no clue where the others had gone.

But Jonathan died just like that!

What he couldn't accept was that he died under his nose!

And just now, he promised Jonathan in front of everyone that it would be difficult for Jonathan to die with him around!

In the blink of an eye, Jonathan died!

The enemy was very cunning, and first used steel needles to disturb everyone's mind.

When everyone was busy with their own affairs, he shot Jonathan to death with a wooden arrow.

What shocked Migolen was that according to the angle of the wooden arrow and the wound caused, the opponent was on the tree in front of him, less than fifteen meters away!

Damn Chinese warriors!

Apart from this kind of people, Migolen couldn't find anyone else who could have such a mysterious body movement.

He didn't waste time and whispered to everyone: "Follow up!"

Rush forward quickly!

The three wolf kings rushed over non-stop for those raw stones.

The urging from above was too tight. If anyone found the raw stone first, the benefits would be very considerable.

Even if you whitewash your identity, live freely with your family under the sun, and go on a vacation when you have nothing to do, it is very likely!

Although the three came to China together, they didn't want to complete this task together.

Because no matter how good the reward is, if three people share it, it will not be attractive.

So the three of them acted independently, and whoever found the raw stone first and brought it back would get the credit!

Tugrev, the lone wolf who always keeps to himself, has been missing since he entered the Snow Ridge.

The most ferocious Lubinhan took five people to guard the Jiguan Peak.

That is the intersection of Moshan and Xueling.

Migolen, who is the most cautious, took fifteen forest wolf mercenaries and went deep into the direction of Moshan.

Along the way, he left marks that only the jungle wolves could understand.

Sure enough, he was also the first group to encounter the target.

But before he could ask anything, the only target was already in a hurry to see God!

What's the use of being one step ahead!

Migolen hated the Chinese master hiding in the dark!

He has made up his mind to catch that guy!

And he will not let the other party die easily. He must try all the means he uses to treat prisoners and slowly kill him!


The first batch of mercenaries who came to China were wiped out.

Except for the two at the base, the rest are dead!

Now it is the second batch.

It doesn't matter, just keep killing!

Do you really think that China is called the forbidden land of mercenaries for nothing?

You can come in but you can't leave!

Never dare to step into Chinese soil even one centimeter again!

Chen Xinan wiped the blood from his neck with a sly smile on his face.

He almost couldn't get away after risking his life to kill Jonathan.

I have to admit that the white-haired guy is really alert.

If I wasn't an internal force master, my body movements would have been a little slower, and my neck would have been pierced by the bullet!

I have to use the steel needle sparingly, there are not many left.

There is only one wooden arrow left.

The tiger-tooth knife is still sharp, and the wood in this forest is inexhaustible. You can make as many wooden arrows as you want.

The key is that there is no time!

The enemy doesn't even let you squat down to cut wood!

There was a rustling sound in the woods behind him. Wow, these guys are fast enough and chasing so closely!

If there is enough time, Chen Xinan can set up many traps in the woods.

Not to mention that the other side has more than 20 people, even if there are 200 people, as long as they enter Chen Xinan's trap array, no one will think of coming out alive!

Of course, this is just a thought.

Chen Xinan can't just walk out and say to the wolf king and the mercenaries he brought: "You have the guts to wait for me for a day, let me set up a trap array!"

I guess those people will treat him as an idiot and reward him with a hornet's nest!

"Whoa!" A sharp whistle suddenly came from behind, it should be someone blowing a whistle!

This is a signal to call companions!

Chen Xinan looked down on the white-haired man.

Aren't you the wolf king?

You should use your throat to make a wolf howl!

Not as good as that Inca animal expert, he even used a whistle, so damn contemptuous!

However, Chen Xinan could feel that after the whistle, some changes had occurred in the woods.

Although he didn't hear or see it, Chen Xinan could feel that many people were approaching here!

There are not only those mercenaries, but also his own people!

Soon, a burst of intense gunfire was heard from a far distance away!

Chen Xinan's face changed, and he quickly rushed towards the direction of the gunfire!

"Cui Wancheng, Ma Jinglun, you two, listen to me! The lives of these brothers are entrusted to you two. We must send them safely back to the Black Mountain Tiger!"

Zhu Shanluo kicked Ma Jinglun and said to him with a straight face: "You know how to stop the pursuers, just do it as usual!"

The horse prayer wheel shook his head vigorously and said: "No, that is too dangerous and will hurt you!"

Dai Wugang fired a shot into the forest, smiled and scolded him: "You are stupid! If we retreat, we will definitely not follow your path!

Wouldn’t that lead people to your side?

Besides, you know how to mark it!

We will be careful when we see the mark. "

"But..." The horse prayer wheel was still hesitant.

Dai Wugang scolded him: "Stop chirping, bitch!

Your task is not easy. In addition to these four comrades, there are also twelve prisoners of the Lancers!

None of them are fuel efficient!

However, I authorize you that if you find someone doing something wrong, you can shoot directly and kill them on the spot! "

The gunmen from the Lancers turned pale with fright.

Some people originally wanted to escape halfway, but after hearing these words, they immediately gave up the idea!

Everyone had just met, and now they were about to separate, and they were all a little reluctant.

After Cui Wancheng inspected the firearms, he said to Zhu Shanluo: "Instructor, you must take care.

Once down the mountain, we would call for backup from the Syracuse Police and Mobile Company.

You must hold on until we come back! "

Zhu Shanluo nodded and said: "After we find the boss, we will retreat!"

The horse prayer wheel snorted and said: "Impossible! The boss will not let these people go!"

Zhu Shanluo was stunned for a moment, thinking about Chen Xin'an's temper, it was indeed like this.

He laughed immediately, nodded and said: "Then let's meet the three wolf kings with the boss!

I have been tricked by them several times, and I have to settle many accounts with them! "

Bian Hu licked his lips and said with a ferocious smile: "Fighting wolves with the boss, it's fun just thinking about it!

The mercenary king, right?

If you dare to come to China, I will teach you whether to come back or not! "


There was a soft sound, as if something hit the tree trunk, and then rolled to the ground.

Everyone looked left and right, but they still didn't react.

On the other hand, Xiami, who was squatting on the ground, looked at the round iron lump as big as a fist under his companion's buttocks not far away, and his hair stood up!

He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Get down! Grenade!"


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