Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1321 We are all his hunting targets

When there are grenades nearby, there is no use running. You can only quickly lie down to reduce the exposed area.

Following several loud noises, flesh and blood flew everywhere!

The huge air wave lifted Koushan Lake into the air and fell two meters away!

As soon as he landed, he shouted regardless of his pain: "m69! Seven o'clock direction!"

Zhuang Yan and Dai Wugang squatted on the ground at the same time, raised their guns, and shot at a big tree!

Others quickly covered Shi Jianfeng and the four of them and hid behind the big tree.

A total of three grenades exploded, and the most serious casualties were those captured by the spearmen.

Because they have the most concentrated personnel, grenades are stuffed directly under their butts!

After the explosion, at least six or seven people were killed directly, and the remaining people were all injured.

Some even had an arm blown off, half of their bodies were almost torn apart, and they lay unconscious in a pool of blood.

Zhushan Luolian made a gesture, and Zhuantou and Xiong Wandong quickly approached the big tree where everyone was shooting, holding their guns and taking advantage of the cover of the trees.

By the time the two of them got around the tree at the same time, there was no one here, except for the body of half a hare.

The reason why it is half a rabbit is because the head of the rabbit is gone, and a leg is missing, leaving only a mutilated body.

"Who are you scaring?" Xiong Wandong cursed and raised his foot to kick the rabbit corpse.

But before his feet touched the rabbit, he was pulled by the man next to him, making his center of gravity unsteady and he almost fell to the ground!

"What are you doing!" Xiong Wandong shouted angrily.

Zhuantou waved his hand to him and looked around carefully.

Then he pulled him and hid behind a big tree, aimed at the rabbit corpse, and pulled the trigger!

With a burst of gunfire, the rabbit corpse was beaten several times.

Xiong Fangdong wanted to laugh at him for wasting bullets, but he heard a bang and the rabbit corpse exploded and fell apart!

It turned out that there was a grenade underneath the rabbit corpse!

Xiong Wandong's expression changed. If he had touched the rabbit corpse just now, even if he didn't die now, his right leg would be blown off!

What a cunning enemy!

For those who survived the Spear Club, the ropes that tied them to each other had been blown apart.

Although their hands were still tied behind their backs, there were no restrictions between them.

Some people were slightly injured and were frightened by the explosion. They ran forward crying and howling, as if they wanted to escape from this terrible place.

As soon as a man ran to a big tree, a cold light suddenly flashed in the slanting thorns.

He didn't even have a chance to dodge, and with a pop, a dagger was stabbed into his temple!

The knife pierced so deeply that it almost penetrated the man's head!

The man stood frozen on the spot, his body shaking rapidly.

As the dagger was quickly pulled out, the man fell straight to the ground and died!

There was a gunman running wildly not far away, and something flew from behind, quickly caught up with him, and then exploded above his head!

Another grenade!

Most of the gunman's head was blown off, and red and white blood and brains were sprayed everywhere on the trees and the ground within a two-meter radius!

Bian Hu shouted loudly: "Don't run! It's Wolf King Tugreev!"

He regards all of us as prey, and whoever runs out first is his hunting target!

Now everyone stay put!

Instructors, we must find his location as soon as possible! "

Zhu Shanluo's heart sank.

Tugreev, the boss of the three wolf kings, is also the most terrifying person.

He is murderous and cruel.

Treating the target as his prey, he likes to use the hunting method to slaughter all the enemies!

It is said that he once hunted a well-equipped Alofat special warfare unit of Xinlun Kingdom by himself.

Through constant harassment and secret attacks, more than 130 opponents were killed in the Gasso Jungle!

The more panicked you are when you meet this person, the faster you will die.

You must be calmer than him to have a chance to escape!

"Captain, be careful!" Zhuang Yan shouted and knocked down Bian Hu who was not far away!

At the same time, an explosion sounded beside them, and both of them were blown up and fell heavily to the ground!

Intensive gunfire rang out, and everyone attacked the place where the grenade had just flown.

Zhu Shanluo shouted loudly: "Bian Hu! Solemn!"

"It's okay!" Both gritted their teeth and stood up.

The pain in my back was severe, it must have been an injury.

But for them, injuries are a common occurrence. As long as they can still move, it's fine!

The remaining spearmen from the Lancers were all frightened!

They were guilty of many evil deeds, but they had never seen such a terrifying scene, and they all collapsed!

"Don't kill me! We are on the same team! I was captured, and I never betrayed you..."


A gunshot interrupted his words.

The bullet entered his open mouth and passed through the back of his head, punching a big hole in the back of his head that could be seen in front of his mouth!


The corpse fell heavily to the ground, and the gunmen next to it all started shouting in fear!

"Don't scream! Don't provide him with your location..." Dai Wugang shouted anxiously.

While they were talking, two more gunshots were fired. A cloud of blood exploded from the heads of the two gunmen and they fell to the ground.

At the same time, Dai Wugang quickly rolled to the ground and hid in another big tree.

Sure enough, the sound of bullets caused a burst of bark and sawdust to rise where he had been standing.

Others fired back at the place where the gunshots were fired, suppressing the opponent's firepower.

But everyone also understood that the other party was not hit and became invisible again!

"No! We can't leave like this!" Zhu Shanluo looked gloomy, lowered his head and said to the intercom on his clothes:

“I draw the enemy away.

Bian Hu, Dai Wugang, you two lead the team.

Protect Shi Jianfeng and the others as they retreat with the prisoners.

Cui Wancheng, find a safe place to lurk, and once you find the target, kill him immediately! "

Bian Hu immediately said: "No, it's too dangerous! To deal with Tugreev alone is to seek death!"

Zhu Shanluo snorted and cursed: "But this is the only way to get rid of this wolf king's hunt!

Do you want us people to repeat the tragedy of Alofa? "

Dai Wugang took a deep breath and said: "The method can be used, but instructor, there is no need for you to go out and attract him.

I can just go, maybe there is still a chance of survival.

You are older and your movements are not as flexible as mine, so lead everyone to move quickly! "

"Get the hell out of here!" Zhu Shanluo cursed angrily: "I'm only three years older than you, how old am I?

When it comes to obstacles and fighting, in what way are you better than me?

You are talking nonsense to me here, young master, just obey my orders!

Get ready now. I'll tell you to start later, and you will take action on your own! "

No one spoke.

There are not so many pretensions on the battlefield, and every second is a fighter.

Seeing that Shi Jianfeng and the others had been carried on their backs, Zhu Shanluo took a deep breath and shouted: "Start taking action!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out like an arrow from a string!

While running, he held the gun in his hand, thinking about where he predicted the enemy might be, and fired a few shots.

At the same time as the gunfire sounded, he suddenly changed direction and ran in the other direction!

Sure enough, at the moment when his gunshot sounded, two gunshots also rang out from a big tree.

Because Zhu Shanluo had already predicted, he dodged these two shots.

He knows very well that the opponent relies on his own strength and always shoots in bursts.

He rarely wastes bullets to spread the killing area, which is an insult to him.

So this is also Zhu Shanluo's chance to stay alive. If he avoids his bursts of fire, he can counterattack!

The two hunt each other!

But just when he wanted to shoot in the direction where the opponent was hiding just now, there was a clicking sound in his ears!

Zhu Shanluo's whole body became ice-cold for a moment, and he secretly said: It's over!


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