Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1322 You Can’t Help Me

He didn't expect that the other party's movements were so weird, he was so mysterious!

Judging his running route very accurately.

Then intercept him halfway and wait for him to come to your door!

One second it was ten meters away, and the next second it might be right next to you!

With the ferocious style of this wolf king, Zhu Shanluo knew that his fate should be handed over here now!

But the expected fatal shot was not fired.

The guy who had control over his life and death seemed to let him go and disappeared out of thin air!

what happened?

Where are people?

At this moment, from behind a tree not far away, there was suddenly a muffled sound of flesh hitting flesh, and the sound of someone breathing hard.

Tugrev is fighting with someone?

Who is so powerful that he can compete with such a ferocious and cruel wolf king?

Da da da!

Gunshots rang out, this time in rapid succession!

And when shooting, the opponent kept retreating, seemingly running while shooting!

After a while, the surrounding area became quiet. Not to mention Zhu Shanluo, everyone looked confused.

Soon, the cry of the night owl came from the forest. Bian Hu looked happy and said to everyone: "The boss is back!"

He also raised his head and shouted, and soon a man in the forest hurriedly walked over and appeared in front of everyone.

But it shocked everyone.

Because at this time, Chen Xin'an looked like he had just crawled out of a pool of blood.

His face was covered in blood and he was almost unrecognizable!

Bian Hu screamed: "Boss, are you okay?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "Don't be nervous, it's all the enemy's blood, I'm fine!"

Everyone was relieved when they heard that he spoke with great energy and did not look like he was seriously injured.

Zhu Shanluo looked at Chen Xin'an in shock and said, "Boss, were you the one who fought against Tugreev just now?"

Chen Xin'an pouted and said: "That guy who looks like a gorilla, is Tugreev?

I failed to kill him and let him run away! "

Everyone's scalp went numb after hearing this.

That person is the Wolf King!

He is the king of mercenaries!

One person beat a group of us so hard that we couldn't hold our heads up.

You single-handedly beat him away, but it's a pity that you couldn't kill him?

In this way, aren't you more powerful than the Wolf King?

But it seems natural for this kind of thing to happen to Chen Xin'an!

Especially Bian Hu, the special operators of the Black Mountain Tiger, even if you tell them that Chen Xin'an defeated an alien fleet by himself, they will not find it surprising!

This new instructor is so powerful that no one knows how high his upper limit is!

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "How is everyone doing?"

Zhu Shanluo said quickly: "The boss came back in time, everyone is fine. A little injury will not affect the action!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "Instructors, they are yelling nonsense, why are you joining in?

Boss, boss, others think we are a gangster! "

"That's what we call it in our special team!" Zhu Shanluo said seriously:

"Only a commander who truly admires himself can be called this!"

Everyone nodded together.

Chen Xin'an wanted to say something else, but Zhu Shanluo stood up straight, saluted with a snap, and said to him:

“Boss, I didn’t know you well before, so I often disagreed with you.

During these two days of fighting, you really opened my eyes.

It turns out that one person can be so strong!

The most important thing is that you clearly think about us and protect us at every turn, but we still don't understand you.

But you never care about anything!

Boss, I, Zhu Shanluo, have never subdued anyone in my life, and you are the first!

I now apologize to you for my previous attitude!

In this life, you will be my boss! "

He took the lead, and all five members of Chuanyunlong also stood up, lined up in a row, respectfully saluted Chen Xin'an, and called "Boss" together!

Chen Xin'an was a little embarrassed!

He asked tentatively: "Does that mean you won't stop talking nonsense after what I say?"

Everyone nodded together.

Zhu Shanluo said to him: "You are the leader of our entire team, so of course you can do whatever you say!"

Bian Hu rubbed his hands and said impatiently: "Boss, if you lead us to fight the Wolf King, then this battle will be great! Our side has a great chance of winning!

Give the order, how shall we fight?

Everyone listens to you! "

Everyone nodded together, looked at Chen Xin'an eagerly and said, "Yes, boss! Give the order!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay! Listen carefully.

Now immediately retreat with Captain Shi, the others, and these prisoners.

Go to Guanbei Moshan Park. "

Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked at each other.

Zhu Shanluo asked: "What about you?"

Chen Xin'an raised the corner of her mouth and said to everyone: "I want to stay and contain the Wolf King and the others! After I deal with them, I will go to Xuecheng to meet you!"

Everyone fell silent.

After a while, Zhu Shanluo said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, can I understand your order this way?

That means you're going to make us all retreat.

Then you stay and resist the three wolf kings and the wolf pups they bring? "

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Good understanding ability, I choose you to be the class representative!"

What the hell is a class representative?

Everyone shouted to him almost in unison: "Boss, no!"

Zhu Shanluo shook his head vigorously and said: "Boss, you are seeking death!

We can't leave you here alone to face the three wolf kings!

We have to stay and help you, this is not your fight alone! "

Chen Xin'an kicked him in the leg, rolled her eyes and cursed: "You just listened to me, but you changed your mind in the blink of an eye. Are you still a human being?"

Zhu Shanluo said with a straight face: "You can listen to other orders, but this one really doesn't work!

Boss, we are soldiers, and it is our fate to die on the battlefield!

Just die for your country on the battlefield, why return your body wrapped in horse leather?

Now, boss, you want us to be deserters, so I can't help but obey! "

Everyone nodded together and looked at Chen Xin'an with a look of death.

"You damn deserter!" Chen Xin'an cursed angrily, stared at Zhu Shanluo and asked, "What are we doing this time?"

Zhu Shanluo stood upright and said loudly: "Operation Zhanxue!"

Chen Xin'an then asked him: "What mission do we want to achieve?"

Zhu Shanluo continued to answer: "Rescue our captured comrades and withdraw safely!"

"Here!" Chen Xin'an pointed at Shi Jianfeng and others and asked him: "Have your comrades been rescued? Have you withdrawn safely?"

"This..." Zhu Shanluo was dumbfounded. He looked at everyone, then at Chen Xin'an, and said with a tangled look on his face: "But..."

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and shouted to him: "Nothing to worry about! Only when we take these comrades back, our operation will be complete.

I stayed to ensure the successful completion of the operation!

The three wolf kings, no matter what their purpose, will not just watch us leave.

They will definitely come back and want to fight us to the death!

I won't let them succeed!

Only if I hold them back alone can it be considered a real victory.

You stay to help me, you are just dragging me down.

If there is only one casualty, the operation will not be complete!

Now our brother is suffering so much that he must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

If you stay, you will only increase the casualties. Do you understand? "

Zhu Shanluo said unconvinced: "But we are special forces members! At least we can leave a few to help you!"

"You can't help me!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said.

Then he suddenly rushed towards a thick-waisted tree nearby, kicked it in the air, and broke the trunk with a crack!

He turned his head and said to the stunned people: "Come on, you guys should try it too. Whoever has this strength will stay!"


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