Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1325 He is a ghost and Satan

The injured mercenaries were gathered together.

The two who were stabbed in the foot were fine, both injured one foot, and could walk with the help of others.

The two who were bounced by the small tree were the most unlucky. They were still alive, but they had at least five or six fractures on their bodies.

Let alone walking, it was difficult to sit up now, and they couldn't carry it on their backs.

If they wanted to keep up with the main force, they could only cut a few branches to make a simple stretcher and carry it.

But now they were chasing people, not escaping, so it was not appropriate to carry these wounded.

Migolen had a gloomy face and asked the injured to rest on the spot.

One person was left to take care of them, and the rest continued to move forward!

Just after walking a short distance, a shrill scream came from behind, and there was dense gunfire!

Everyone had to run back again. The injured looked terrified and shouted to Tugref and Migolen in a trembling voice:

"I saw him! That ghost just appeared again! George was injured by him!"

The injured were still there, and their injuries were not aggravated.

But the unlucky guy who stayed behind to guard was shot through the knee of his right leg by an arrow!

He is now lying on the ground, unconscious!

"Ah! This bastard!" Lu Binhan, who had just fallen and had a bloody face, looked even more ferocious at this moment, punching and kicking the big tree next to him.

In a rage, he even hugged the big tree and gnawed it, tearing off a large piece of bark!

They have always been hiding in the dark to attack the enemy.

Now I have also tasted the taste of me in the light and the enemy in the dark.

Moreover, this opponent is better at hiding than them, and his strength is terrifying.

He is elusive and unpredictable. He injured so many people without even seeing the shadow of the opponent!

There is no way, so I can only leave one more person to take care of these wounded. The rest of the people searched around and found no trace of the enemy, so they headed towards the depths of the desert mountain again!

This time, they walked more than 20 meters, and screamed again behind them, but the gunshots were much sparser.

When Migolen hurried back with five or six people, the scene in front of him made his mouth twitch, and he almost collapsed on the spot!

The original injured were still alive and not injured again.

But the one who stayed behind to look after them was shot in the most critical part between his legs by an arrow!

Of course the unlucky guy didn't die.

But it was obvious that even if he walked out of the desert mountain alive and crossed the northern border, his future life would be worse than death...

"Let's go!" Migolen's face was gloomy as if it was going to rain. He glanced at the injured on the ground and turned to the mercenary beside him.

A mercenary asked curiously: "Master White Wolf, don't we need to leave anyone to take care of them? What if that ghost comes back?"

Migolen gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Don't you see it yet?

That ghost-like Chinese man deliberately asked us to leave someone to take care of them!

These people are his bait!

He just wants more and more of us to be injured!

This will slow us down!

We can't be fooled by him again!"

"But Mr. White Wolf..." The mercenary next to him looked at the wounded lying on the ground and said worriedly:

"They can't move at all.

Even if that ghost doesn't come back, if they encounter wild beasts..."

Migolen thought about it, took out a magazine from his body, and threw it in front of my wounded.

"Hey! Guys, this is all I can do to help you!"

Migolen shrugged his shoulders and said to the wounded with a helpless look.

Then he turned his head and said to the mercenaries beside him: "Of course you can also volunteer to stay and take care of them.

But let me make it clear first, if you don't participate in the direct mission, the bonus will be reduced!

And if you also encounter that ghost and become like these wounded, I will not send anyone back!"

After that, he turned and left.

A mercenary also took out a magazine, looked down at the reserve, but stuffed it back, and said helplessly:

"Sorry my brother, I also want to help you, but...

God will bless you!"

After that, he turned and left, quickly following Migolen.

The others carried all the wounded together.

This way they can take care of each other.

Then he shook his head helplessly, and turned around one by one to follow Migolen.

The wounded looked at their backs with despair, they knew that they had been abandoned by their companions!

In this foreign forest, let alone being injured, even if they were healthy, it would be difficult to get out once they were separated from the main force.

Don’t even expect the main force to come back and pick them up after completing the mission.

Let alone whether their injuries can sustain them until their companions come back without treatment.

Just the route, in this primeval forest, it is impossible to walk the road a second time. Even if you mark the way along the way, you will still get lost!

At this moment, someone suddenly said: "It seems that you have been abandoned!"

Several wounded soldiers who were still conscious changed their faces instantly and raised their guns.

They were too familiar with this voice.

This is the third time you have heard it, right?

This guy is not a ghost, he is simply a madman!

Chen Xinan curled his lips, looked at them and said: "I didn't expect that they would give up on you so soon!

In this case, you are useless!"

A wounded man quickly changed his magazine, pointed at Chen Xin'an next to the big tree, and cursed: "Fake Squid! Damn you, it's all because of you!"

With bursts of gunfire, bullets poured out like rain!

But Chen Xin'an had disappeared, and all the bullets were lodged in the tree trunk next to him.

When the gunfire disappeared, Chen Xin'an's voice came again: "Since it's useless, you can go die!

I am a warm-hearted person, and I will send you to meet the God who sent you! "

A round object fell next to the wounded man.

Looking at the still smoking thing, the wounded man had a look of extreme horror on his face.

Chen Xin'an had turned around and left, and there was a loud roar behind him.

The wounded didn't even scream anymore.

Don't you like throwing grenades into crowds?

Now let you have a taste of this for yourselves!

As for whether one grenade could kill six or seven wounded people.

Chen Xin'an felt it didn't matter.

Those who were killed on the spot were blessed with good luck.

One step at a time, pain-free.

If the injury worsens, the only thing that can be done is to endure the pain and suffering.

Or his injuries worsened and he was tortured to death.

Or be killed and eaten by wild beasts.

Anyway, it is impossible to leave Moshan alive!

It is estimated that even in the next life, they will not dare to come to China again.

The people here are really terrible!

When he heard the gunshots from behind, Migorun didn't even stop.

Even if that guy goes to the wounded again, there will be no surprises.

Those people lost their use value and his wishful thinking was seen through, so he could only leave in anger.

But when the explosion of the grenade was heard, everyone's expressions changed!

They never dreamed that the Chinese man could be so ruthless!

China has always respected the preferential treatment of prisoners.

Now that the enemy has lost the ability to fight, they will take good care of it.

Even if he didn't have enough to eat himself, he would save food rations for the captives.

But the enemy we are facing now is completely different from other Chinese soldiers!

He is too cruel and ruthless. If the enemy has no use value and falls into his hands, there will only be death!

Although there has been no formal face-to-face contact, a group of mercenaries have already developed a fear of Chen Xin'an.

This ghost is simply the incarnation of Satan!

If you can't kill him, then stay away from him, otherwise you will eventually die in his hands!


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