Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1326 Try to survive this round

The stream is gurgling, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

The mist rises in the forest, making the entire mountain col look like a fairyland on earth.

But no one knows what kind of danger is hidden under such beautiful scenery.

He picked up a handful of stream water with both hands and slapped it on his face. The cold feeling penetrated his heart.

Chen Xin'an washed her face, put her hands in the water, buried her head and took a big drink of the stream water.

But the taste of this water is a bit strange...

He turned his head and looked at a monkey standing next to the big rock upstream, peeing into the stream with his belly full...

When he and Chen Xin'an looked at each other, the monkey put his hands on his hips and opened his mouth wide, laughing loudly!

Your uncle!

This grandson has been following him for a long time!

I disturbed it in the tree last night and got into trouble with Chen Xin'an.

Chase him relentlessly and attack him.

After being kicked a few times by Chen Xin'an, I felt that I was no match, so I changed the direct fight to a free fight.

Now Chen Xin'an not only has to deal with the three wolf kings, but also has to be wary of such a little thing.

It's not that you can't kick it to death, but the key is that Chen Xin'an also feels guilty about it.

When I met this guy last night, he and his girlfriend were hiding in the branches and doing indescribable things.

A burst of gunfire frightened his girlfriend so much that she peed all over him, screamed and ran away without a trace.

Chen Xin'an, who had borrowed a place to hide, was also embarrassed.

There was also a group of sika deer under the big rock. They looked at Chen Xin'an warily while lowering their heads to drink from the stream.

Chen Xin'an walked towards the big stone, and the sika deer scattered in all directions.

The little monkey also looked at him warily.

Chen Xin'an ignored it, sat on the edge of the stone, took out the compressed biscuits in her backpack and took a bite.

The little monkey rushed over, waved his paws and pounced on him, but Chen Xin'an casually pushed him away and fell into the stream.

Chen Xin'an picked it up from the water, broke off a piece of compressed biscuit and said to it:

"If you want to eat, just ask me! If you want to rob me, I'll whip you, do you hear me?"

The little monkey was ready to explode if he had to fight to the death with this bastard.

But suddenly I saw the compressed biscuits handed over by this guy, and I swallowed a few times without restraint.

He stretched out his paw, took it, and stuffed it into his mouth!

"Zhizhizhi!" The monkey jumped up, looking very excited.

He jumped to Chen Xin'an, sat down next to him, and stretched out his paws.

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "I'm going to vomit after eating it, but you still think it's delicious!

OK, I’ll give you another piece!

But don’t eat too much of this stuff. It’s not that I don’t want to give it to you. The main reason is that if you drink cold water later, your belly will definitely be bloated! "

Chen Xin'an took out another pack and handed it to the little monkey.

This kid is so smart that you can understand what he says.

And if you do any action in front of it once, it will learn it.

A sika deer seemed to have seen the delicious food and came over timidly.

Before it even got close, the little monkey opened its teeth and claws and scratched it, scaring the deer away.

The little monkey tore open the package by himself and took out the compressed biscuits inside.

He broke it open and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it a few times with great enjoyment.

Then he picked off a little more and handed it to Chen Xin'an with some hesitation.

This kid actually knows how to be grateful!

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "Why, I bought you with a pack of compressed biscuits? Don't you want to trouble me? I won't eat it, you can eat it yourself!"

The monkey chirped while eating, as if cursing.

Chen Xin'an laughed and cursed: "I even said I didn't mean it!

Besides, if one girlfriend runs away, just find another one!

Why should a man worry about not having a wife? "

The little monkey couldn't understand, but that didn't stop it from continuing to curse Chen Xin'an.

You're eating my food and you're still scolding me.

What the hell do I owe you?

Chen Xin'an was angry and funny. She shook her head and stood up, saying to the little monkey:

"Okay, I'm leaving! I'll give you another pack, so you can save some!"

After throwing a pack of compressed biscuits to the little monkey, Chen Xin'an stood up, stretched and prepared to leave.

The little monkey also stood up, suddenly jumped up from the big stone, grabbed his backpack with his paws, then ran to his shoulders in the blink of an eye, squatted there, and turned to look at him.

Is this relying on him?

Want to go with him?

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "I'm fighting for my life!

Many people are surrounding me. Why are you following me?

Okay, I got it! "

Chen Xin'an simply took off her backpack and took out all the compressed biscuits inside. There were four or five pieces in total, and handed them all to the little monkey.

"I've given it all to you. This is all I can eat in my bag! Take it and get out of here!"

The little monkey took all the compressed biscuits with his paws. If he couldn't take them, he just hugged them.

Then he threw it all into the backpack, including his own bag.

have to!

They don't just want to eat, they just like him!

Normally, it would be interesting to have such a smart and spirited monkey accompanying him.

But now, following him is like stepping into the gate of hell with one foot, and you don't even know how you die!

How could he bear it?

But this monkey is also a stubborn donkey. No matter how Chen Xin'an drives it away, it just won't leave!

Listening to the movement in the forest, Chen Xin'an had no time to fight with it. She put on her backpack and said to it:

"You want to follow me, right? OK, if you can survive this wave, then I will take you with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly shouted.

The sika deer group by the stream were startled and ran quickly into the forest.

Chen Xin'an, who was carrying a monkey on his shoulders, also followed.

At the same time, gunshots rang out, and a sika deer next to him had a splash of blood on his head and fell to the ground!

It was another sika deer, which had been shot three or four times. Maybe it missed its vital point, but it didn't fall down yet and kept running!

The moment he entered the woods, he let out a mournful cry and fell down.

But Chen Xin'an, who was hiding behind it at this moment, had already rushed into the woods!


Chen Xin'an patted the little monkey and shouted to it: "Explore the path!"

The little monkey chirped, bounced off Chen Xin'an's shoulder, and jumped onto a big tree nearby!

Chen Xin'an followed closely and climbed up.

One man and one monkey shuttled through the forest quickly, bullets kept hitting behind them, as if they had eyes and were chasing after them!

Including the three wolf kings, there are still ten people on the other side.

In the entanglement and fighting last night, both sides were hunters of each other, pursuing the prey relentlessly.

Chen Xin'an was injured numerous times, and the price in exchange was that he killed only seven of the opponent's twenty mercenaries!

But those who can survive are all elites.

The most terrifying thing is that the three wolf kings have used all their experience in jungle warfare.

There are only ten people left in total, but their strength is the greatest expression. Their combat effectiveness has increased several times compared to when there were all the people!

The two sides set traps for each other and fought against each other.

Chen Xin'an returned in vain in several confrontations.

Twice, I was almost blocked by them and fell into a desperate situation.

If it weren't for the inner support that always helped Chen Xin'an escape from death, he would have died in the hands of the Wolf King!

However, this only aroused Chen Xin'an's fighting spirit.

After coming down the mountain, he rarely encountered such a life-or-death situation.

In Dongshan and Kyoto, no matter who he fought or how he fought, he was sure of victory.

Because the strength of the third level of internal strength is enough to make him proud of all opponents!

But this is a real battlefield, and he is facing mercenaries who regard human life as nothing but money and not people!

The other side used guns and ammunition.

No matter how good your kung fu is, facing someone with modern weapons, you can still defeat him with one shot!

As long as he is slightly negligent, he can only die under the gunpoint of the other party!


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