Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1333. Play psychological warfare with me?

Tugrev, who had just stood firm, grabbed the wooden thorn on his face and pulled it out suddenly, blood spurting out instantly.

I have to admit, this bear wolf is really a fierce man.

When the grenade exploded, he didn't even hide!

Because he also knew that this was the best time for the ghost to reveal its flaws!

Only with the help of the cover of the explosion, can he get close to the opponent smoothly and have a chance to kill with one blow!

It’s just that the other party’s reaction was too fast!

At the critical moment, he was able to avoid the fatal part, and even forcibly cut off his backhand to escape this disaster!

Tugreev felt pity.

Opportunities like this don't come often. It's even more difficult to kill him with one strike after he escaped this time!

But this doesn't mean that he has no chance at all.

That guy was seriously injured, probably more serious than his own injuries.

There is also a lot of physical exertion, but it is just supported by will.

Now it depends on whether you can cause his will to collapse as soon as possible, and then he will be at his mercy!

The wolf's leg knife in Tugreev's hand was still bleeding.

His knife was different from others, it seemed narrower, longer, and sharper.

This is because what he likes most is to pierce the enemy's body with a knife.

Then hold the handle of the knife with both hands and cut hard.

The people he killed with the wolf-leg knife were all miserable.

The internal organs and intestines were everywhere, and it looked bloody and disgusting!

The wounds on his face made it difficult and unclear for him to speak. He looked at Chen Xin'an coldly, spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground, and said:

"I have to admit, you are a formidable opponent!

Fierce, cunning, terrifying in combat power, and thoughtful in thinking.

It is natural and deserved that these idiots die in your hands.

To underestimate an opponent like you is to seek death!

But I am different from them!

I have been in more desperate situations than this.

But the one who survives in the end is always me!

Just like this time.

Do you think it will be easier to solve it if they are all dead and I am the only one left?

I regret to inform you that you are wrong.

I'm scarier than all of them combined!

Mr. Ghost, you're done!


Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an scolded him impatiently: "If you want to be beaten, then beat him, what are you babbling on about?

The Chinese is half-baked and sounds awkward.

You don't want to take action, are you trying to make me sick by talking like a girl? "

Tugrev was not angry, and said with a smile: "I just want you to listen to other people's voices before you die, because soon you won't be able to hear them anymore!"

Chen Xin'an didn't hesitate, so she leaned against the tree next to her, twisted out two silver needles with her fingers, and stood on her chest!

The scary bloody hole made by the wolf's leg knife gradually stopped bleeding.

Chen Xin'an took off his backpack, unzipped it, grabbed a handful of grass, put it in his mouth and chewed it vigorously.

Tugrev didn't stop him, just stood aside and looked at him, and said with a mysterious look on his face:

"Ancient and mysterious ancient Chinese medical skills?

I finally saw it!

It's okay, don't worry, I won't take advantage of this moment to attack you.

Since I give you a fair fight, I will give you a chance to recover.

You can treat yourself with confidence! "

The second pole jumped down and hung upside down on the branch, chirping to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to it: "It's okay! Don't worry, you won't die, it's just a small injury!"

Tugreev clicked his tongue and said, "You can actually communicate with monkeys!

Mr. Ghost, I am really becoming more and more interested in you!

I really want to know how capable you are!

You can also ask this monkey to help you later, like you did with the white wolf.

I won't……"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him sideways and said, "Will you die if you don't brag?

Don't tell me that you seem to have a winning ticket.

It seems so generous!

Do you think I don’t know and you don’t dare to move at all now?

Did the grenade fragments get into the body?

If you dare to move, it may cut off the main artery and bleed you to death!

But for a moment, you were able to control your muscles to squeeze and push the fragments out of the wound.

It’s okay, just close your mouth and concentrate on squeezing slowly.

When the fragments were squeezed out, let’s fight again!

I am much more generous than you!

Our realm is the real thing, you know how to be fake and generous! "

Tugrev's face was gloomy and he stared at Chen Xin'an, as if he wanted to say something.

Chen Xin'an didn't listen to his nonsense and said coldly:

“Also, I’m not a veteran with at least ten years of combat experience!

It’s been less than a month since I joined the army!

You so-called bullshit wolf kings and mercenaries were destroyed by me, a real recruit!

Do not believe?

Do you want me to show you my soldier ID? "

"Impossible!" Tugreev's face showed an expression of disbelief.

He looked at Chen Xin'an without blinking. The impact of these words on him was even more severe than the explosion just now!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said, "What's impossible?

You mercenaries, do you really think that Chinese soldiers are weak and can be bullied like those from other countries?

The Chinese military has plenty of people like me!

If it weren't for there being too many people like me, how could China have become a forbidden land for mercenaries?

Let me tell you, there are only two types of soldiers in the world.

One is the Chinese soldiers, and the other is the soldiers of all other countries!

You should know it by looking at your actions this time.

Don’t you still know the ending of each one? "

Tugrev looked at Chen Xin'an blankly, dumbfounded and unable to say a word.

But his face became paler and paler.

Chen Xin'an seemed to have thought of something, and took out two flower basket-like things made of grass and branches from the backpack beside him, and showed them to Tugreev.

"I made this up with my own hands as a gift to you and this white wolf.

You don’t know what it’s for, do you?

Let me show you something and you will understand. "

He bent down, took out a round object from his backpack, and showed it to Tugrev.

It's a dark round ball wrapped in a flower basket-like braid.

Tugreev glanced twice, and his expression suddenly changed.

He recognized it, it was Greedy Wolf's head!

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "I want to take all three of your heads back.

In fact, it is best to pickle it with lime powder, so you don't have to worry about it rotting.

However, you can't find lime powder in this deep mountain and old forest.

Fortunately, the headgear made of these herbs and branches also has antiseptic properties.

Look how nice I am to you. I know you have a big head, so I knitted the biggest headgear for you! "


Tugrev spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at Chen Xin'an with a pale face, and gritted his teeth.

Chen Xin'an carefully put the head and hood in place, and said to Tugrev:

"Hey, have you squeezed it out?

Looking at your virtue, it seems that not only did you not squeeze out, but you even got deeper into it?

Do you want me to help you?

You know, I'm a doctor too!

I can help you take out the fragments and then kill you. Anyway, it will just keep you alive for a few more minutes.

Not in a hurry! "

A sneer appeared on Chen Xin'an's lips and she glanced at Tugreev.

Are you playing psychological tactics with me?

Are you worthy?

With trembling hands, Tugrev took out a yellow syringe from his arms, inserted it hard into his heart, and pushed out all the medicine inside!

He took a deep breath, the blood vessels on his face and neck bulged, and his face instantly turned black and purple!

Clenching his fists, Tugrev looked up to the sky and let out a beast-like howl.

Lowering his head and staring closely at Chen Xin'an, he said in a hoarse voice: "You can die now, Mr. Ghost!"


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