Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1334 I will defeat you at your peak

I have seen many ghost legends about tigers, wolves, spirits, and various beasts turning into humans. This is the first time I have seen this scene of a man transforming into a beast!

At this time, Tugreev was a living beast!

His face was dark red and he was breathing heavily.

His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes and emitted a faint red light, making people afraid to look into them.

Er Zhi, who originally wanted to squat on Chen Xin'an's shoulder, squeaked in fright, turned around and jumped up the tree, not daring to come down.

Chen Xin'an frowned, pointed at Tugrev, and said to him: "You..."

Before he could finish his words, Tugreev screamed wildly and rushed over with a wolf-leg knife in his hand!

So fast! wild!

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened, and she subconsciously stretched out her hands to protect her chest.

Just before the opponent's wolf-leg knife was about to pierce his body, he clapped his hands and slammed his hands aside.

But then his body was knocked away as if it was hit by a rhinoceros running at high speed!

With a bang, it hit a tree three meters away!

The tree as thick as his thigh was broken by the waist, and Chen Xin'an fell heavily to the ground.

Before he could get up, Tugreev rushed over again, holding the knife in both hands, falling forward, and stabbed him hard in the body!

Chen Xin'an didn't even have a chance to breathe, and rolled several times one after another.

This knife was inserted into the ground, almost without a handle!

Chen Xin'an turned around again, rolled back, struck with his right hand, and slashed Tugreev's right arm with the tiger-tooth knife in his hand!

Tugrev tilted his body and dodged his arms to the side.

This knife didn't hit the joint, it just hit the big arm muscle!

As Tugrev howled, Chen Xin'an drew the knife with one hand, but he didn't even pull it out!

The blade has been clamped by Tugreev's strong muscles and cannot move!

Chen Xin'an wanted to draw the sword with both hands, but Tugreev rushed over and hit Chen Xin'an's chest with his shoulder, knocking him out again!

Really not human!

Chen Xin'an rolled twice on the ground and stood up. When she touched her chest with her hand, at least two bones were broken!

Bear wolf!

Sure enough, this nickname was not wasted.

Now even if there is a big black blind man weighing 500 kilograms standing here, it can beat the beast Tugreev to the point where his mother will not even recognize him!

Tugrev gasped and pulled out the tiger-tooth knife from his arm.

There was a bone-deep wound left on his arm, but he didn't even look at it, as if he didn't feel it.

He just looked at the tiger-tooth knife over and over, weighed it twice with his hands, and curled his lips as it seemed too light.

Suddenly he raised his arm and threw a flying knife at Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an just stood up from the ground and ducked to the side almost subconsciously.

With a bang, the tiger-toothed knife was inserted into the big tree behind him!

Moreover, the entire blade of the blade was inserted, leaving only the handle outside.

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, endured the pain, and said: "You still know that you are coming back? Thank you!"

He reached out to cover the handle of the knife and pulled it out. There was a sharp pain in the broken bone in his chest, but the knife didn't move at all!

This is so... embarrassing!

A sarcastic sneer appeared on Tugreev's face, he yelled at Chen Xin'an and rushed over again!

Chen Xin'an suppressed the injury on her chest, leaned against the tree, did a Tai Chi starting pose, and said:

"Tai Chi is born from the infinite, the machine of movement and stillness, the mother of yin and yang..."

Chinese Kung Fu Tai Chi?

A sneer appeared on Tugrev's face, I will give you a chance to defeat all the evils!

No matter what kind of punch you use, as long as you are knocked down by me, there is only one outcome, and that is to be knocked away!

The bones are broken!

He howled and rushed towards Chen Xin'an, slamming into his chest!

In my ears, I heard Chen Xin'an shouting loudly: "When encountering hardness, you become soft, and when encountering softness, you become strong. Mutual growth and mutual restraint, everything is natural. I will dodge!"

As Chen Xin'an suddenly moved his body to the side, Tugreev couldn't hold back, and with a bang, his head hit the big tree behind him!

The waist-thick tree was directly broken!

Tugreev was knocked back two steps by the force of the earthquake, and sat down on the ground, with blood pouring down from the top of his head!

The injection made him almost feel no pain.

But this moment just now made Tugreev so uncomfortable that he almost fainted!

At this moment, he was holding his head and felt like the world was spinning. When he wanted to stand up, his hands and feet felt like they were not his own. They were completely uncoordinated. He fell over twice before he could sit safely.

Chen Xin'an put her hands on her chest, made a downward movement, exhaled slowly and said:

“Call it done!

The quintessence of the country is really great! "

Do you want to be shameless?

What did you hit?

What kind of skill do you have?

I bumped into this myself, okay?

You just put on a show, and then despicably and shamelessly tried to cover me up, but you didn't do anything else!

Tugrev gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an, as if he wanted to chew him into pieces.

He stood up with his hands on the ground, shook his head that was still filled with stars, and roared at Chen Xin'an!

"Do you know what it is called, bad breath?" Chen Xin'an gave him a look of disgust.

He turned around and stepped on the broken tree on the ground with his feet, grabbed the handle of the tiger-tooth knife with both hands, and pulled out the tiger-tooth knife with a cry!

Tugrev slapped his head hard with his left hand, letting the pain replace the dizziness. Then he rolled his eyes and looked at Chen Xin'an, exuding strong murderous aura from all over his body!

Chen Xin'an touched the blade of a knife. There was no chip or curled edge, so she felt relieved. She looked at Tugreev coldly and said:

“Do you feel invincible after taking this kind of drug that increases your physical strength in a short period of time?

If I guess correctly, these needles are effective, right?

What will you become once this time passes?

I don’t have to do anything. I just need to wait a little longer and watch the effects of your medicine slowly wear off. Do you think it’s fun? "

Tugrev's expression changed.

Chen Xin'an's words directly pointed out the issue that worried him the most!

Yes, this special medicine is indeed very powerful, but it only lasts for up to thirty minutes.

Once this time passes, he can only enter the exhaustion period after the excitement.

Not to mention an opponent like Chen Xin'an, even a primary school student could easily knock him down without any strength!

He wanted to pick up the wolf leg knife from the ground and looked at Chen Xin'an with fierce eyes.

He wants to fight quickly and must not let his opponent delay!

But I heard Chen Xin'an continue: "You don't have to be so nervous. Although I know that is the easiest way to solve your problem, I won't do it.

This medicine can adjust you to the best state and make your strength reach its peak, right?

Okay, then I will defeat you at your peak.

Let me let you understand a truth, even if you are injected with drugs, you are not my opponent! "

Tugreev let out an angry roar.

Chen Xin'an's words made him feel extremely insulted!

This latest hormone drug from the Eagle Flag Country can turn an ordinary soldier into an invincible soldier!

What's more, who is he?

He was already the King of Soldiers twenty years ago.

After entering Blackstone Company, which country's military king has he not killed?

If he is injecting this kind of medicine, it will not be as simple as adding more power to a tiger.

Even if he were to deal with a reinforced company by himself, he could kill them all.

A mere Chinese guy actually said that with his own strength, he could beat someone who had been injected with drugs. It was simply a fantasy!

Not even picking up the wolf's leg knife, Tugrev let out an angry roar and suddenly rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an didn't dodge, he just raised his arms and was knocked out again by him!


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