Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1339 This battle is a bit big!

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that these three people plus Zhou Laizi were all poachers in Moshan!

They are farmers in Hutou Village at the foot of Moshan Mountain, north of Xuecheng.

Occasionally I go up the mountain, cross the restricted area, and go poaching in the mountains to make some money.

It's just that this time I was unlucky. Not long after I went up the mountain, I met a blind bear.

And he was a big guy, which scared the four of them.

These three dishonest people faced the disaster and left Zhou Laizi alone and ran away.

Zhou Laizi was unable to escape Xiong Xiazi's pursuit because of his weak legs and feet.

The poachers were treated as prey and mauled to death by blind bears.

This can be considered retribution.

The three of them wanted to go down the mountain but were unwilling to do so. Moreover, they were from the same village as Zhou Laizi, so they wanted to see people dead and corpses.

Otherwise, if someone else's family members ask, what would they say if four people went up the mountain together and three came down the mountain?

The three of them groped around in the woods for a long time, and happened to meet Chen Xin'an.

Originally, I had the mentality of being a thief and trying to take advantage of Chen Xin'an.

I never expected that I would meet a real ruthless person!

This is the living King of Hell who can calmly barbecue while carrying twenty or thirty lives!

Killing the three of them would be the same as crushing three ants?

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to explain.

He said to the three of them: "Pack my bag for me! Then I will take you to dig up the bodies of your fellow villagers!"

All three of them cried and waved their hands.

This was for fear that Chen Xin'an would bury them too!

Chen Xin'an scolded with a straight face: "After all, he is your fellow countryman!

Since we came out together, we will go back together whether we are alive or dead!

You took the body back to the village for burial, and you gave the family an explanation!

If you don't even do this, are you still human? What's the use of living! "

Now the three of them didn't dare to refuse, and honestly put up Chen Xin'an's backpack.

Put the knives in, then tremblingly pick up the head and put it into the backpack.

Chen Xin'an quickly adjusted her backpack, carried it behind her, put her fingers in her mouth, whistled, and shouted: "Second pole, lead the way!"

There was a rustle above everyone's heads, and a monkey jumped quickly.

After seeing Zhou Laizi's body, the three of them really believed that he was not beaten to death by the living King of Hell, but was bitten to death by the blind bear.

And the three of them also began to believe that the blind bear might have been beaten away by the Living King of Hell!

A fierce man who can kill twenty or thirty people must have the strength to compete with Blind Bear!

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to the little thoughts of these guys, and asked them to cut branches nearby, make a stretcher, and take turns carrying the body.

Along the way, the three of them behaved honestly, completely losing the arrogance and arrogance they had when they first met.

In the evening, it was already dark in the woods, but everyone saw countless lights and fires lighting up in the woods ahead.

The four of them were a little shocked. They didn't expect so many people to appear in the woods.

When I got closer, I saw the clothes on those people clearly. They were all police uniforms and green clothes!

Changshun, Fugui, and Lao Jia looked at each other and suddenly threw the stretcher away.

Regardless of the lame man's body rolling to the ground, the three of them cried and rushed towards the group of people!

"I surrender! I plead guilty! I shouldn't be poaching! Police uncle, please arrest me!"

"I want to be convicted and meritorious service! I want to be a tainted witness! There is a murderer here! He killed more than 20 people!"

"Help! I don't want to die! I don't want to be silenced at the foot of the mountain! Police uncle, please arrest me!"

Looking at this scene, Chen Xin'an's mouth twitched, and his face was speechless.

You have all been very good along the way. Why do you change your attitude so quickly?

Damn it, all of them are talented actors!

Therefore, everyone is a born actor and can act!

"Don't move! Put down the gun!" A group of police officers rushed over and pointed their guns at Chen Xin'an.

Erzhanzi did not run away this time, but squatted on Chen Xin'an's shoulder, showing his sharp teeth to everyone, and letting out a fierce slurping sound from his mouth.

Chen Xin'an threw all the soil guns in his hand on the ground, smiled at the second pole and said: "Okay, it's okay, don't be like this, raise your hands!"

Lao Jia scolded him: "You should raise your hands! Uncle policeman, he is a murderer! Handcuff him quickly! Otherwise he will run away!"

"Shut up!" A policeman yelled, glaring at him and scolding: "Be more honest! Hold your head and squat down! We don't need you to teach us how to do things!"

Lao Jia held his head obediently and muttered: "You have to catch him!

We won’t run away, so don’t let him run away!

Don’t you believe what we say?

Then just look at the bag behind him!

There's a head in his bag!

There are also many knives.

A knife means a life..."

Upon hearing this, the faces of several policemen changed drastically. They all aimed their guns at Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"Put your hands up! Don't move! Hold your head with your hands! Slow down, let me see your movements..."

"Wait a minute!" A police officer stepped forward, waved to his colleagues next to him, took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked: "Sir, what is your surname?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "My surname is Chen, Chen Xin'an!"

"You are..." Hearing the name, the police officer's face was filled with excitement. He stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes, then kicked the police officer next to him in the leg and cursed: "Put away your guns! "

Turning his head, the policeman said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen... wait a moment!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and ran away!

Everyone looked at each other, and the police officer who was kicked was even more confused. He said to his companions: "What's wrong with Captain Yao?"

The companion spread his hands and looked confused.

You ask me, then who should I ask?

Soon, heavy footsteps were heard, and a group of people came over.

And you can see it from a distance, all of them are a group of green clothes!

Changshun, Fugui, and Lao Jia's eyes widened and their faces turned pale with fright.

Changshun looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Good guy, we have mobilized the troops to catch you!

But that’s right, you’re a murderer, and ordinary police can’t deal with you! "

A large number of green clothes rushed over and surrounded Chen Xin'an.

Before the leaders arrived, they asked excitedly:

"is it him?"

"Look at the figure. The key face is too dirty, I can't recognize it!"

"That's right, he's the boss! I can recognize him even if he turned into ashes... Oh, you damn Bian Hu, why did you kick me!"

"Can you speak? If you can't speak, just shut up! Frustrated!"

A group of people had arrived, and the big man in green clothes at the head shouted in surprise: "Boss, you really came out! Great, the boss is still alive! The boss is out!"

Chen Xin'an scolded him with a dark face: "What do you mean, Dai Wugang? Do you think I should die in there?"

The tendons on Dai Wugang's neck bulged, and he shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I have absolutely no intention of doing this! I wish that boss wouldn't even lose any of his hair and live a long life!"

"Get the hell out of here!" Chen Xin'an cursed angrily.

The three people in Changshun were all frightened!

Why do these green-suited men respect this murderous maniac so much?

But what shocked them even more was what came next!

Several people strode over.

One of them stood in front of Chen Xin'an, saluted, and said loudly:

"Report! Yan Hesong, the second artillery regiment of the Guanbei Army Division, leads the direct mobile group to pick up Instructor Chen from the mountain!"

Next to him, two middle-aged men in police uniforms also saluted Chen Xin'an and said:

"Lu Zhengwu from the Guanbei Public Security Bureau and Meng Ziqiang from the Xuecheng Public Security Bureau led 500 police officers from Xuecheng to welcome Instructor Chen down the mountain!"

A middle-aged man with his head on his back saluted Chen Xin'an and said: "Qiu Liangbai, a reserve member of the Guanbei Armed Forces Department, led the third reserve regiment to welcome Instructor Chen down the mountain!


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