Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1340 He is just a monkey trick

Chen Xin'an didn't even think about it. It was just a mountain, and there was such a big battle in Xuecheng!

No wonder the locals are so nervous, because this matter is really big!

As long as it involves raw stones, it is considered an important event in China.

What's more, the three wolf kings plus thirty or forty jungle wolf mercenaries poured into China. This was a vicious event that made the entire Chinese military prepare for it!

Although Chuan Yunlong and Black Mountain Tiger are both suppressing the impact, they have also taken countermeasures.

However, the mission of total annihilation has been issued from above, so Xuecheng naturally has to dispatch a large number of troops into the mountains.

In fact, it was just to annihilate the enemy, and there was no thought of welcoming Chen Xin'an out of the mountain.

Except for Zhu Shanluo and Bian Hu, no one believed that the man who stayed to deal with the three wolf kings alone could make it down the mountain alive!

But now, they saw this hero who had created a miracle!

Lin Lang came over and took Chen Xin'an's backpack and asked him: "Boss, the base will send a helicopter to pick us up at seven o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and handed the backpack into his hand.

Erzhanzi bared his teeth and bared his claws at Lin Lang, preventing him from getting closer.

Everyone laughed and was a little surprised. I wonder how Chen Xin'an tamed a monkey in just two or three days?

"Second pole, don't do this!" Chen Xin'an turned around and scolded: "They are all your brothers, so be polite from now on!"

A group of special operators have dark faces. Boss, why are you swearing?

However, Er Pangzi also listened to Chen Xin'an and stopped grinning at everyone. He squatted on Chen Xin'an's shoulder and looked around with random eyes.

Lin Lang took Chen Xin'an's backpack and said, "Why is it so heavy! Boss, what's inside is..."

Chen Xin'an nodded, and everyone's expressions changed.

Zhu Shanluo walked over quickly, opened the backpack in Lin Lang's hand, and took a look inside, his face was full of shock!

"Boss, you are so awesome! From now on, I, Zhu Shanluo, will be your super fan! From now on, I will hang out with you, and I am willing to sleep with you!"

"Get out!" Chen Xin'an cursed with a disgusted look on his face.

Everyone burst into laughter.

It’s just over an hour away from Yamashita Park.

In the evening, Chen Xin'an finally went down the mountain.

Bian Hu pointed to the big stone monument and said to Chen Xin'an: "The brother who helped us at the hotel has been waiting for you all day. Boss, would you like to go over and say hello?"

It's from the Guan family.

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked everyone to wait a moment. He took a soil gun and turned around to leave.

A police officer wanted to intercept him, but the two leaders, Lu Zhengwu and Meng Ziqiang, gave him a dry cough, glared at him, and quickly pretended not to notice, standing motionless beside him.

Two people stood under the big stone monument.

A young man who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old said to the man next to him impatiently:

“Brother, my phone is dead, why don’t you leave?

I have a qualifying match tonight, why don't you bring me to the foot of the mountain to enjoy the cold wind!

Who are you going to pick up?

How big of a deal do you need to come here in person?

He even pulled me up so that I couldn’t even leave!

Brother, let’s talk about it first, I’ll wait for another ten minutes.

If I still can’t see anyone, I’ll leave immediately! "

The man standing next to him is Guan Lei.

When he heard what the young man said, he kicked him without saying a word!

He pointed at him and cursed: "Guan Gu, I left my words here!

If you dare to leave, I will break your legs!

It's a shameless thing. If others want this opportunity, I won't give it to them.

If it weren't for the fact that you are my biological brother, I would never bother to care about you! "

Guangu didn't dare to resist after being kicked. He covered his butt and muttered: "I will go back and tell our father that you call me Laozi..."

Guan Lei raised his foot to kick him over again, when a man came over and said with a smile: "Brother Lei, are you waiting for me?"

Chen Xin'an walked over with a smile, carrying the earthen gun.

"My uncle has finally come down the mountain!" Guan Lei threw away his cigarette butt and stepped forward to greet him, saying to Chen Xin'an:

"Seventh brother gave me a death order. I must take my uncle down the mountain and take him home directly! My uncle, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Erzhanzi had jumped off Chen Xin'an, picked up the cigarette butts that Guan Lei had dropped on the ground, and put it into his mouth.

"Spit it out! If you dare to slap me, I will beat you, believe it or not?" Chen Xin'an pointed at the two poles and cursed angrily.

It's very much like a father who catches his son who is still in junior high school smoking secretly.

Er Zhanzi bared his teeth and cursed at Chen Xin'an, but he still threw away the cigarette butt and returned it to Chen Xin'an's shoulder angrily.

Chen Xin'an handed the gun in his hand to Guan Lei and said, "Brother Lei, take a look at this gun, then take it back and give it to Brother Seven!"

See the gun? Guan Lei looked puzzled and took the gun.

"Pfft!" Guan Gu laughed out loud, pointed at Chen Xin'an and said to Guan Lei:

"Brother, have you been squatting here all day just waiting for this monkey trick?"

Guangu looked at Chen Xin'an.

The beard on his face was sloppy, his hair was messy, and his clothes were ragged and tattered, and even the original color could not be seen.

There was an indescribable stench all over his body, and he was as good as a homeless man on the street.

He said to Guan Lei with disdain: "Is such a person worthy of your coming here in person?

Are you still taking up a whole day of my time?

Just giving you a broken gun will allow you to introduce him to Brother Qi?

Are you too fooled? "

"Shut up! Apologize to me!" Guan Lei was furious and kicked Guan Gu in the leg!

Guan Gu staggered, stared at Guan Lei and shouted aggrievedly: "Brother, are you really hitting me?

I've been waiting here with you all day for this monkey trick, and you treat me like this? "

Guan Lei was so angry that he vomited blood and wanted to beat him again. Chen Xin'an waved to him with a smile and said:

"Brother Lei! Go back and tell Brother Qi that you really can't go there.

I have to meet someone later and I have to go back early tomorrow morning.

Next time, I owe you the drink.

Take this gun back to Brother Qi and tell him that it is something made by Guan Xinran's private workshop.

Guan Xinran is dead, but this workshop must still be there. You touched it!

I said hello to the Guanbei Public Security Department and the Xuecheng City Bureau. You will deal with them directly when the time comes! "

Guan Lei looked excited, put the gun behind his back, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, uncle, I will tell Brother Seven about this matter, and it will be done!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Guan Lei: "If anything happens in the past two months, just contact Luo Xiaoman in Kyoto.

If anyone wants money, they will give it to you.

Help me tell Brother Qi that Xuecheng is just a small place.

You can relax your appetite, and I'm here to help you if you need any help. "

"Yes!" Guan Lei clasped his fists respectfully and bowed to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Guan Gu next to him, nodded with a smile and said: "The same virtue as my apprentice before!

You should be sent to the army to practice hard! "

Bian Hu ran over, saluted Chen Xin'an and said, "Instructor, you can go!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned and left.

Guangu said with a look of disdain: "Why are you so arrogant! Just a monkey trick, what's the big deal!

You act like you are so capable, and you ask Brother Seven to find you?

Even if I find you, can you..."

He suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked in front of him in disbelief.

Chen Xinan boarded a military dragon flag not far away.

Police cars drove the road ahead, followed by more than a dozen military vehicles with white plates.

Behind them are dozens of ordinary cars.

But all the ones hanging were lucky license plates from Guanbei or Xuecheng!

These are all provincial or municipal government cars!

Even if the leaders of Guanbei University go on tour, there will be no such battle, right?


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