Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1341 The Emotionally Abnormal Idiot

This mighty motorcade walked for ten minutes before leaving completely.

Guan Gu stretched his neck, Gu Long swallowed his saliva, turned to Guan Lei and asked: "Brother, are these...all here to pick up that monkey trick?"

Guan Lei was so angry that he kicked him in the leg again, knocking him to the ground!

"Monkey trick?

Even Brother Qi doesn't dare to call him that, so who do you think you are?

Do you still rely on me to curry favor with Seventh Brother?

Do you know that if it weren't for this person just now, Brother Qi wouldn't be in this situation today?

He had been eaten alive by the Guan family!

Do you know why he gave us this country gun?

They want us to take down this gun-making workshop!

This gave the Guan family a good impression on the police.

It's like shutting down our family and finding a big backer like the police!

The police have also received hints from my uncle, and of course he will be on good terms with our Guan family.

With this relationship, not to mention Xuecheng, even the entire Guanbei, who do our Guan family fear?

If you can leave a good impression on my uncle, then you will be considered a loser and will accomplish nothing from now on.

But in the Guan family, no one dares to exclude you!

Do you know why Brother Seven sent me to work for my uncle?

So many people in the Guan family are trying their best to grab the opportunity to act with me?

Do you know how many people in the Guan family want me to let Seventh Brother lead him to stand in front of my uncle, even if I just know his name, I will be willing to look at him?

You bastard still look down on my uncle?

Who are you? Why are you?

I can easily crush you to death with just one finger! "

Guangu almost burst into tears.

Only then did he realize how stupid his actions just now were!

What a good opportunity I wasted!

Riding on the motorcycle next to him, Guan Lei said calmly to Guan Gu, who was sitting behind him:

"When autumn comes, I'll send you to join the army!"

Guangu said anxiously: "I won't go! Mom won't agree!"

"Mom, I will explain to her!" Guan Lei said coldly: "You go to the mobile company first, and then use your own ability to join the Black Mountain Tiger!

My uncle is right, guys like you should go to the army and receive training.

Otherwise, your whole life will be over! "

After declining everyone's invitation, Chen Xin'an returned to the Green Grass Hotel that she had booked before.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, I went to the Xuecheng Military Region Hospital.

The four rescued hostages all live here.

Originally, Chen Xin'an wanted to go there by herself, bringing at most two poles.

Unexpectedly, all the guys from the action team like Zhu Shanluo would follow him.

Fortunately, Fu Honglei drove a military Iveco and solved everyone's car problem.

And tonight, Fu Honglei is everyone's driver, driving specifically for everyone.

Fu Honglei said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor Chen, a brother named Guan Hai, sent me a new mobile phone..."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "I asked them to give it to me. I broke Platoon Leader Fu's cell phone. I'm really sorry!"

Fu Honglei said with a grimace: "There is nothing important in the phone, and I don't use it often. I only bring it with me when I go out to do errands.

As you know, you can't use this in the army.

So if it’s broken, it’s broken. When I use it, I’ll just buy another one.

But the one given by Instructor Chen is the latest model in the world.

I've asked around, and the bare metal costs more than 10,000!

This is too high-end, how can I afford it?

I took it over today and gave it back to Instructor Chen..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "You don't have to pay it back, the one I gave you is yours!

If you feel bad and take a break, just have a drink with Guan Hai. "

Fu Honglei nodded and said, "I understand, Instructor Chen!"

The car arrived at the military hospital. As soon as it arrived at the parking lot, a security guard blocked the entrance and refused to let in. He waved his hand to make the car move back.

"There's no room for it anymore, let's put it on the street!"

Xiang Sifan, who was in the passenger seat, pointed to a few empty parking spaces and asked, "Isn't there still that space?"

The security guard yelled at him: "There's no room! That's the parking area for vehicles inside the hospital. Do you think any car can park there? Just leave if you are told. If you keep talking, your tires will be punctured!"

"Why are you talking?" Xiang Sifan has such a bad temper. How can he be afraid that he, a small security guard, will get out of the car and deal with him when he opens the car door.

Fu Honglei waved to him, took out his ID and handed it over, saying to the security guard:

"It's only an hour at most, it won't take too long!"

The security guard glanced at Fu Honglei's military ID card, snorted angrily, stepped aside, and cursed with a straight face: "If you don't come out in an hour, don't blame me for puncturing your fetus!"

Fu Honglei nodded with a smile and drove in.

The security guard glanced at Xiang Sifan, the co-pilot, and cursed at him: "What the hell are you staring at! If you stare again, I'll dig out your eyeballs!"

"Your uncle!" Xiang Sifan wanted to get out of the car and stop the boy, but Chen Xin'an stopped behind and said, "Okay, why bother with a common man!"

Zhu Shanluo looked at Hong Lei with a puzzled expression and asked, "Lao Fu, what's going on? This is a military hospital, right? Why are these security guards so arrogant? It seems they don't even give the military face, right?"

Fu Honglei said helplessly: "When the courtyard was built, this area was a suburban village, and their land was expropriated.

Anyway, the trouble started when the land was acquired. Later, when the courtyard was built, two construction workers died, both locals.

The army felt very guilty towards the local area and made a lot of compensation.

Including the security at the hospital, all local people are responsible. "

Everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Dai Wugang asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Why doesn't he let us stop when there's clearly room here? Does he dare to deliberately provoke the green suit?"

Fu Honglei stopped the car, pointed at the gate and said: "There are parking spaces on the street, and they are also allowed to see them, but they are charged.

Of course they want more cars to park at toll places! "

Only then did everyone realize.

Xiang Sifan cursed angrily: "If you don't stop me, I will have to teach that boy a lesson!

It’s really unreasonable, the idea of ​​making money is all on us! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "Don't be ridiculous! Don't make things difficult for the military region!"

The two poles on the shoulders suddenly jumped up, running around in the carriage, squeaking and chattering, looking very anxious!

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you? Don't you come up with me?"

Er Zhuangzi looked at the white coats walking around in the clinic hall, grinned and exhaled, turned around and hid at the back of the car.

Chen Xin'an was helpless and said to it: "Then wait for me here! Platoon Commander Fu, did you bring any compressed biscuits?"

This kid just loves to eat that stuff! "

Fu Honglei pointed to the gate and said, "There should be a military supplies store over there. I'll go over and buy a few packs."

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an wanted to pay, but Fu Honglei refused.

Leaving two poles in the car, Chen Xin'an and Zhu Shanluo walked into the inpatient building.

Several security guards came over with alert expressions. One of them, wearing the duty armband, should be the squad leader.

He held the walkie-talkie in his hand and said: "I saw it, they came in!"

Then he came over and stopped Chen Xin'an with his hands and asked, "What do you do? Get out!"

Everyone had changed into casual sports clothes and no green clothes.

The military hospital is not just a green hospital, it is an open tertiary hospital.

Therefore, these security guards did not know the identities of Chen Xin'an and others.

"We want to find someone..." Chen Xin'an explained to the security guard.

But before he could finish, a security guard interrupted him impatiently and said:

“I don’t care what you came for, you can’t come in now!

It's past visiting hours, and there are so many of you cheering, it doesn't meet the visitation rules.

Go quickly, this is a hospital, not a nightclub! "


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