Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1344 My medical skills are better than yours

When she saw the second pole, Chen Xin'an was really furious!

It was injured and half of its body was covered in blood.

His left shoulder blade was almost broken, his eyes were horrified, and he threw himself into Chen Xin'an's arms and trembled!

The doctor in a white coat named Tu came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Sir, I want to see that monkey..."

Seeing the white coat, Erzhanzi screamed in fear and wanted to jump out of Chen Xin'an's arms and run away!

Chen Xin'an hugged it and cursed at the white coat: "Get away! Don't come closer!"

Now he knows why the second pole is injured!

Because it is afraid of people in white coats!

So it was afraid of the needle and didn't dare to go upstairs. It would escape from the hospital and get injured!

Doctor Tu stood still, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Sir, let me tell you something first.

Just last month, we, Kanbei Dekra Biological Research Co., Ltd., issued a notification.

Its subordinate biological laboratory lost an experimental monkey.

This monkey has the latest biological research drugs, which is very important.

Dekra wants to see monkeys when they are alive, and corpses when they die.

Because this is related to very important research results.

So no matter what unit or individual, after discovering this monkey, they must send it back to Dekra!

Sir, I need to confirm whether the monkey in your arms is the one Dekra lost..."

Chen Xin'an patted Er Pole's back with her hand and said to him expressionlessly: "Get out!"

He turned around, holding the two poles in his arms and preparing to leave.

It doesn't matter where the second pole comes from!

Since you are following him, Chen Xin'an, you must cover it and protect it.

No one can take it away unless it agrees to do so!

"This gentleman..." Dr. Tu wanted to persuade Chen Xin'an, but Fu Honglei quickly came over and said to him:

"Doctor Tu, stop talking! If Mr. Chen doesn't agree with you touching that monkey, stop annoying him. Even if the dean comes, it won't help!"

Doctor Tu looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise, wondering who this young man was.

He actually has such great power that Dean Su can't do anything to him?

The lights in front were flashing, and many people were running over.

A security guard shouted excitedly: "It's the village chief who brought someone here!"

Sure enough, within five minutes, a group of villagers ran over with hoes and shovels, shouting: "Who fired the gun? What happened?"

The security squad leader shouted in a tearful tone: "Uncle Laixi, I am Wangzi! We were beaten by others, but you have to make the decision for us!"

The villagers rushed over and became angry when they saw the security guards lying on the ground!

The village chief had a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and asked, "Who did it?"

The security squad leader pointed at Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang and shouted: "That's them!

Uncle Laixi, I even told you that I was from Hutou Village, but they still took action!

He also said that those who were beaten were our people from Hutou Village! "

This guy is actually doing this!

Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang all had sneers on their faces, looking at the forty or fifty villagers around them without any nervousness at all.

Anyway, they are not wearing green clothes. As long as these people dare to mess around, they will do it without hesitation!

"Don't move!" Fu Honglei rushed over and shouted to the village chief: "Are you the village chief? Tell your people to stop messing around. These people are not easy to mess with!"

Uncle Laixi snorted coldly, glanced at Fu Honglei and said, "They are not easy to mess with, just the people from my Hutou Village?

I don't care how irritating they are, as long as they dare to offend us in Hutou Village, don't blame us for being rude! "

Fu Honglei stood in front of the village chief, looked at him and said, "If I told you that they, like me, are all in uniform, would you still dare to take action?"

"Hey!" the village chief curled his lips and said with disdain: "Even if they are wearing dragon robes, they can't bully the people of Hutou Village!

If you don't give me an explanation today, no one can leave here! "

Fu Honglei looked at the village chief with a gloomy face and said, "It seems that our military region usually spoils you by letting you go!

You want to explain, right?

I give you! "

He took out his cell phone and prepared to call the military commander.

At this moment, there was a sudden bang from the direction of the village in front.

It was like something exploded and the earth shook!

Then the traffic lights flashed green, and the village was in a panic, as if something big had happened.

The village chief's expression changed and he shouted to the people around him: "What's going on? Go back and see for yourself what happened!"

Someone ran towards the village and stopped after just a few steps.

A teenage boy ran over panting and shouted to the village chief:

"Grandpa, it's not good!

The Cunxi factory was bombed by a group of people from the city!

Uncle Guanhua and Uncle Jinqiao were stabbed!

The police are here. Go back and take a look! "

"Ah!" the village chief yelled, and he didn't care about anything here and hurried back.

The factory in the west of the village gives the village nearly 10 million a year, and he, the village chief alone, can get 3 to 4 million!

He knew that the factory would be mechanically processed to the outside world, but in fact it only made guns and some gunpowder bombs.

But these days, whoever gives the money is the master.

As long as you pay the rent and share the dividends, is it none of my business if you build an aircraft carrier?

Even if the superiors investigate, the village will provide cover for the attack.

Therefore, the village chief knows very well that if something happens to this factory, he cannot escape the responsibility!

"Uncle Laixi!" The security squad leader was a little confused and shouted quickly: "You don't care about us anymore?"

The village chief was sixty years old and he was still walking as fast as he could. He didn't even look back and ran towards the village in a hurry!

A group of security guards all had pale faces.

If he fell into the hands of these people, would he still have a way to survive?

Unexpectedly, they ignored them at all!

Doctor Tu said to Chen Xin'an: "Sir, even if you don't let me check the origin of this monkey, you should let me see its injuries, right? You can't watch it die in your arms, right?"

According to his idea, when bandaging the monkey later, he would just check if there were any marks from Decela Biological Company on its body, and he would know if it was the monkey that ran away!

Chen Xin'an hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, go back to the hospital right away!"

Holding the two poles in his arms, he turned and walked towards the hospital.

Everyone in Zhu Shanluo followed closely from behind, without even looking at the security guards.

After walking a few steps, Chen Xin'an turned around and glanced in the direction of Hutou Village, where the flames were blazing.

It seems that Seventh Brother moved very quickly. He has already found the production base of the local gun, and worked together with the police to destroy it.

The current situation shows that they have the overall situation under control, and Chen Xin'an will not interfere.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was taking him back to the hospital, Erzhanzi's face was full of fear, and he struggled loudly in Chen Xin'an's arms, squeaking and screaming.

Chen Xin'an patted it on the back and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll go in with you!

Don't worry, I guarantee no one will dare to hurt you! "

After some earnest assurance from Chen Xin'an, Erzhanzi finally calmed down.

The uninjured paws tightly grasped Chen Xin'an's clothes, as if they were afraid that he would run away.

When they arrived at the military hospital, Dr. Tu said to Chen Xin'an: "In the Department of Surgery on the fifth floor, I have someone arrange the operating room.

Just wait outside for a while, an hour will be enough..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "The operating room on the fifth floor, right? Okay, I'll just go in and do the surgery on it. You can go and do your business!"

"No, I'm the doctor!" Doctor Tu pointed to his nose and said angrily to Chen Xin'an, "Are you trying to kill it by not letting me operate on it?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said, "I'm afraid you'll kill it!

I will do the surgery, no one else needs to do it!

Don’t worry, my medical skills are just as good as yours! "


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