Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1345 You are so ugly that you will be beaten

As a chief physician, who can bear it when others say to his face that he is not good at medical skills?

That is to say, Dr. Tu is gentle and quiet, and has a good temper.

Someone else would have jumped earlier!

However, Dr. Tu's good temper does not mean that he is not angry. He directly drove away the nurse in the operating room and came to help Chen Xin'an himself.

He wanted to take a closer look at how powerful this guy who dared to say in the military hospital had better medical skills than him was!

As soon as they took action, he was immediately convinced!

According to his method, half of the monkey's body had at least thirty pieces of iron sand.

It's very troublesome to clean it up.

And some of them are deeper, so you don’t need to dig them out.

Otherwise, there will be serious consequences, and you can only give up and let it grow in your body.

Generally, if too much iron sand is injected into the body when being hit by a gun, it will not be cleaned up. It is too dangerous and difficult to do.

But the person in front of him just asked him to hold two magnets.

As Chen Xin'an pressed his hands near the monkey's wound and continued to exert force, the iron sand hidden in the body seemed to come alive, jumping out on its own and attaching to the magnet.

An hour later, all the iron sand in Erzhanzi's body had been taken out and the medicine was applied.

Chen Xin'an picked up the two poles and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Chen!" Dr. Tu chased him to the door, his attitude much more respectful than before.

He glanced at the monkey who was sleeping soundly in Chen Xin'an's arms and said in a low voice:

"This monkey has a mark on its left arm, and it is indeed the one lost by Dekra Biological Company.

It's very important to Decla.

They will definitely take it back! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Doctor Tu, do me a favor!

You can just tell that Decla.

I have this monkey in my hand, just let them come to me for it! "

Doctor Tu glanced at Chen Xin'an and nodded when he saw that he didn't look like he was joking.

He told Chen Xin'an: "As early as eight years ago, Dekra started doing a biological research.

At that time, some famous doctors from across the country were hired to discuss the matter together.

I was also lucky enough to go to a conference.

The main focus is on drug treatment of Alzheimer's disease, using monkeys as experimental targets.

There were some deviations in the initial direction and some mistakes were made.

Later, it was strengthened, and I was one of the specially appointed experts responsible for correction.

So last year, Dekra's research results made a big breakthrough.

Now it has entered a very critical stage.

The recovery of this monkey is very important to the research results!

Because it carries so many people’s hard work and several years of hard work! "

Doctor Tu looked at Chen Xin'an and said urgently: "Mr. Chen, do you know how much good news it will bring to Alzheimer's patients around the world if this project is successfully completed?

This hope is carried by this monkey!

so I hope……"

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an immediately interrupted him and said: "I don't want you to hope, I just want to know how it hopes!

It told me that even if it died outside, it would still be willing to return to that Dekra's laboratory! "

Looking at the "dkl-9527" mark branded on Erzhanzi's arm, Chen Xin'an wondered when he had wiped off the brand.

This way you can take it anywhere with confidence.

But then I thought about it, it didn’t really matter whether I wiped it off or not.

Even if he wears the logo, doesn't it make sense for him to carry the two poles everywhere?

It doesn't exist!

If you say you don't want to pay it back, you won't pay it back. Who wants to rob it forcefully? Come here and give it a try?

Thinking of a question, Chen Xin'an asked Dr. Tu: "You just said that there were deviations and mistakes in the previous study? What happened?"

Doctor Tu's expression changed, he shook his head and said, "No, it's nothing..."

Nothing strange!

Judging from your virtue, you must be hiding something!

Chen Xin'an frowned and said: "Doctor Tu, you can't always be like this, frowning like a bitter melon face, as if you are bitter and resentful. You should smile more!"

Doctor Tu was stunned and didn't understand why Chen Xin'an told him this.

Due to his career and a little bit of appearance, he usually has a grimace on his face, as if he has been wronged a lot.

But this is beyond his control.

Why is this kid teasing him about his appearance?

The key point is that you are frowning now, and you still have the nerve to complain about me?

But the next second, he understood why the guy in front of him said such things to him!

It was unclear how he took out the silver needle. Before Doctor Tu could react, he had inserted two needles into the left rib.

Then Dr. Tu hugged his belly and laughed as if he had encountered a great event!


What are you doing?

Hahaha, give it to me quickly, hahaha, pull it out..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a smile, nodded and said, "Look, it looks very sunny like this.

Although it's still ugly, it doesn't look like he's beaten anymore, which is a big improvement! "

Your uncle!

You are so ugly that you deserve to be beaten!

Doctor Tu wanted to strangle Chen Xin'an to death, but now he was laughing so hard that he almost collapsed, and he didn't have any strength left in his body!

"I said! Hahaha, pull it out for me quickly hahaha... I've already done it..."

Chen Xin'an nodded with a smile and pulled out the silver needle for him.

She said to him pleasantly: "Look, after completely letting go of your mood, do you feel very comfortable now?"

I feel happy on your face!

Dr. Tu gasped for breath, looking at Chen Xinan with anger and fear in his eyes.

This bastard is so incompetent, he can do any dirty tricks, and he even tortured him to extract a confession!

But he had no choice but to surrender.

Even though he is also a civil servant dressed in green, there is nothing he can do in front of such a gangster in green.

But this gangster also has terrible kung fu and medical skills. Do you think it's irritating or not?

A gangster knows martial arts, and gods can't stop him.

Besides, he is not a god!

After finally breathing again, Dr. Tu covered his chest and said to Chen Xin'an: "Originally, this is a secret. We have promised not to leak it to the public..."

Seeing Chen Xin'an twisting the silver needle again, Doctor Tu trembled in fright and said quickly:

“But you are also considered a doctor and an insider, so telling you is not a violation.

In fact, five years ago, the project had an accident.

A researcher from Decela smuggled the semi-finished drug home and gave it to his father who suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

Unexpectedly, it caused a tragedy..."

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at him and asked, "What tragedy?"

Doctor Tu said with lingering fear: "The researcher's father went insane two hours after taking the medicine!

He also became extremely aggressive and his strength increased a lot.

He bit his wife and grandson to death!

He even got into a fight with the police who came to deal with it!

In the end, he was shot dead on the spot.

The researcher also committed suicide by jumping off the building! "

I'm going to be so cruel!

Chen Xin'an was also a little stunned. You really shouldn't take medicine randomly!

He shook his head and tutted: "Isn't this too tragic? How could this happen?"

Doctor Tu sighed and said with lingering fear: "I have watched the video.

The old man at that time was like a beast!

His eyes were red and he kept making screams, which was very scary.

But it is obvious that these drugs will not appear like this when tested on monkeys! "

Chen Xin'an suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Dr. Tu.

Like a beast?

In his mind, he suddenly remembered what Tugreev looked like after taking the injection!


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