Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1346 Fire alarm in the middle of the night

Could it be that the needle used by Tugreev had anything to do with Dekra's research?

Chen Xin'an took out the cloth bag from her arms, opened it, took out the syringe, and handed it to Dr. Tu.

"Do me a favor.

There is still some drug residue in it, please help me test it and see what ingredients it contains.

I want the results tonight, okay? "

Doctor Tu frowned and said, "I still have a lot of things to do..."

When he saw Chen Xin'an taking out three silver needles, Doctor Tu immediately patted his chest and said to him:

"Two hours, at most two hours, I will get you the inspection report!"

Chen Xin'an said to him with a smile: "Doctor Tu is really a helpful living Lei Feng!

I won't wait here any longer.

After Dr. Tu completes the test, please send the report directly to my email!

I'll leave you a number. "

There is a computer in the hotel room and you can access the Internet. Chen Xin'an knew this when he checked in on the first day.

Doctor Tu rolled his eyes, turned around and walked away with the needle in hand.

Chen Xin'an also walked out of the operating room holding the two poles, waved to everyone waiting outside, and went home.

There are two rooms in total, so there is not enough rest for so many people.

Chen Xin'an doesn't care about money and plans to open more stores.

But when everyone heard that they were not on the same floor, they didn't want it.

When they returned to the room, they arranged the beds to the side. Everyone made the beds on the floor, and it turned out to be quite suitable.

After all, living in the open air is a common occurrence for them.

The current conditions, including air conditioning and carpets, are already quite good!

Chen Xin'an sat next to the computer and opened her mailbox.

I wanted to find someone to play a few games of chess, but I felt sleepy after sitting there for a while.

He put his legs on the table, lay down on the chair and closed his eyes.

Not knowing how long he had slept, Chen Xinan opened his eyes.

I glanced at my computer, which had its screen turned on, and saw that there were two more unread emails in my mailbox.

They were all sent by Dr. Tu, one is a video file and the other is a pdf document.

Chen Xin'an opened the video first, and it was Dr. Tu who was filming.

What he was holding in his hand was the syringe that Chen Xin'an gave him, and he looked a little excited.

"Mr. Chen, how did you get this?

I can tell you responsibly that this is the Qizhi No. 3 developed by Dekra a few years ago!

That's the kind of medicine that researcher brought home!

But it's not exactly the same, there are some changes.

Note, this is a change, not an improvement!

Because the medicines here have dealt with more ingredients that can cause side effects!

The consequence of this is that a person's bestiality can be maximized!

Even a kitten can become as ferocious as a tiger.

Such drugs are not allowed to be developed.

Because it violates ethics and destroys humanity!

I have sent you the ingredient list, please take a look.

I must report this medicine to my superiors immediately, and it must be taken seriously!

Now that you have received the finished product, it means production is already underway.

This is contraband and is prohibited by the International Pharmaceutical Federation!

Let’s not talk about it for now, I want to notify the leader and Dekra Company immediately.

This has caused serious infringement! "

The video ended, and Chen Xin'an also frowned.

He immediately opened the webpage and searched for information about Decela Biological Company.

After all, it is a well-known company in Guanbei, and there is a lot of information online.

This is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huaxia Guanbei Preston Bioengineering Group.

It is one of the largest medical drug R\u0026D and manufacturing bases in China.

Located in the western suburbs of Syracuse, it is at most half an hour away from the racecourse.

There seems to be nothing wrong with the data.

Chen Xin'an was thinking about closing the web page, but with a swipe of her hand, she clicked on the icon link of Preston Bioengineering Group.

When he opened it, Chen Xin'an frowned.

Pusiton Bioengineering Group is a joint venture jointly founded by Huaxia Puxin Technology and the Star Flag State McKeston Biological Research Institute.

Although Dekra is wholly owned by Preston China, a large number of its experts are from the Star Flag Country!

Who can guarantee whether there is something fishy in this?

I am still too good at this aspect. If I let Du Yunyan check it, I will get more information!

But now that he knows this, Chen Xin'an can be sure that the needle used by Tugreev is definitely related to Dekra Company!

It is difficult to determine whether someone has stolen the formula and caused serious infringement.

Maybe Dekra produced it himself!

If this is the case, then the original intention of this research project conducted by Dekra is very doubtful.

Maybe his research goal is just for this kind of drug!

There may be more advanced ingredients in the second pole than the Tuglev medicine.

If that's the case, they will do whatever it takes to find the second one!

And Doctor Tu!

When he reported this to Dekra, didn't that mean he tipped off the place where the thief shouted to catch the thief?

However, he was not allowed to make phone calls during the mission, so the entire operation team did not have mobile phones.

Doctor Tu sent him the video an hour ago, and if he stopped it now, it would be over.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an shrugged his nose, then stood up and pushed open the window!

Thick smoke billowed outside the window, and flames could be seen dimly burning below. It was unclear which floor was on fire!

"Get up, there's a fire!" Chen Xin'an picked up the two poles on the bed and shouted to everyone!

Everyone woke up instantly and immediately noticed something unusual.

Bian Hu flew up and kicked the wall, roaring angrily: "Get up quickly, there's a fire! Eagle Eye, go press the alarm!"

"Yes!" Xiang Sifan responded and ran out. Soon there was the sound of broken glass in the corridor, and the piercing siren sounded throughout the whole building in the dark night!

Everyone in Zhu Shanluo in the other room woke up when Bian Hu kicked the wall and started to move immediately.

By the time Chen Xin'an rushed out, everyone was already dressed and had their backpacks on their backs, and followed him.

After all, they are special forces members, and their speed in dealing with emergencies is unmatched by ordinary people.

Everyone wrapped their mouths and noses with a wet towel and followed Chen Xin'an down the stairs.

In the blink of an eye, the stairwell was filled with people and blocked!

Half of them are foreigners!

These were triathletes or tourists coming to watch the races.

The game ended yesterday afternoon, but there were still some people lingering and did not leave immediately.

The stairwell was crowded and the noise was deafening.

Several tall foreign men pushed over arrogantly and pushed everyone around them away.

A relatively thin man was pushed by a foreign man and almost fell off the stair railing!

When Bian Hu pulled him down, his face turned pale with fright.

Those foreigners were cursing and pushing people around them as they walked!

"Get out of here! You damn pigs! Don't stand in front of us. If you want to leave, just leave quickly!"

"I really hate this place! I will never come to China again! I have to be scared even when I sleep, I don't feel safe at all!"

"I've been to so many countries, and it's never been as bad as in China! I hate the people here, I hate this place! I'm fed up with everything here!"

They ran rampant and acted as if no one was around, causing everyone to yell and curse, but they ignored them.

Not far from Chen Xinan, there was a young couple.

Maybe they were woken up from their sleep. Both of them were wearing thin clothes and ran out of the room.

Especially that girl, who was wearing a loose shirt on her upper body and a pair of slender legs exposed on her lower body, which looked very sultry.

Just when those foreigners came over, Chen Xin'an saw with her own eyes that a foreigner put his hand under the girl's shirt!

The girl let out a scream of terror!


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