Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1347 A bunch of foreign trash dare to run wild in China

"What are you doing!"

The guy next to him was anxious, pulled the girl behind him, and pushed the foreigner.

But he was a head shorter than the foreigner, and he couldn't compare with him.

This push didn't push him, but he took a step back.

The foreigner curled his lips and said indifferently: "With so many people, it's inevitable to touch each other!"

The guy looked at the people around him, and then looked at the tall and strong foreigners in front of him.

In the end, he chose to swallow his anger and said nothing more.

He just turned around and hugged his girlfriend in his arms.

The faces of several foreigners showed disdainful expressions, and their eyes were full of frivolity when they looked at the girl.

"Hi! Beautiful Chinese girl, can we be friends? You are very beautiful, and you are my type."

The foreigner who just stretched out his hands smiled and talked to the girl with a playful face.

Then he stretched out his hand and put it under his nose to smell it, and said with an intoxicated face:

"And you smell good. Unlike the girl I paid for just now, she smells of perfume all over her body!"

The companions beside him all laughed.

"Burke, how good is it? Did it make you impulsive again?"

"Hahaha, Simmons, if you want to know, just touch it yourself!"

"She looks so sexy, maybe she is with the women we called tonight!"

"Burke, ask her how much it costs to accompany us once? Although I hate China, I have to admit that Chinese women are still very good!"

Several people laughed, and there were also many foreigners in the crowd, and they all laughed along.

The girl bit her lips, with a face full of shame and anger, and cursed at the foreigners: "Shut up! Your mother is a prostitute!"

"She's angry!" Burke laughed, stretched out his hairy hand and touched the girl's thigh, saying:

"I like girls with personality!

Beautiful lady, it's better if you don't want money!

Why don't you come and follow me.

The skinny guy next to you is not suitable for you at all.

Only a tall and strong man like me can satisfy you!"

The girl screamed and dodged his hand.

But there was only this little space around, and she couldn't even walk, so where could she hide!

Seeing that he was about to touch her again, the boy hurriedly hugged the girl and turned around, using his body to block Burke's hairy claws!

He even stretched out his hand, slapped Burke's hand away, and cursed him: "What are you doing! Are you being a hooligan in public? Get out of here, or I will be rude to you!" Burke sneered and said: "What are you talking about? How am I being a hooligan? It's just that there are so many people here, we can't move! If you have the ability, let everyone make way for us to pass!" The foreigner named Simmons winked at his companions, and everyone squeezed through, laughing and saying: "There are really so many people, can you all stop squeezing? I can't even walk now!" Several big men pushed the people next to them away with their bodies and surrounded the couple. No matter how the young man protected his girlfriend, his physical condition was too different from those foreign big men. He couldn't stop these foreign big men from reaching out their hands to touch his girlfriend. Squeak! With the doctor's cracking sound, the girl's shirt was torn, and several buttons fell off, revealing her spring scenery. The girl screamed in fear and cried loudly. The young man was anxious and yelled at the big men around him: "You bastards!"

He clenched his fists and wanted to fight with the gang.

But he was alone and weak, and before he could cause any harm to the other party, he was hit in the face with two punches.

The nostrils and mouth were instantly soaked with blood, and the man was hit so hard that his eyes were straight and he was unconscious.

Hearing the girl's crying, the people around him couldn't bear it, and yelled at the foreigners:

"You are too presumptuous, aren't you?

You are being a hooligan in public, right?

This is China, not your country!

Stop it!"

"Let go of the girl quickly, or we will call the police!"

"A bunch of foreign bastards dare to be presumptuous in China! Let's go together and teach them a lesson!"

Burke and his gang turned their heads and looked at the indignant Chinese people, sneered and yelled: "Damn Chinese people, come and hit me if you have the guts!"

The foreigners in the crowd not only did not stop the scene, but also made a fuss.

He even pushed the Chinese who had just spoken to Burke and his men!

With a fierce laugh, Burke and his men raised their fists at the Chinese who appeared in front of them.

With a burst of ghostly howls, the Chinese who spoke for justice were all knocked unconscious!

The rest of the people were silent, and they dared not to point fingers at these people anymore!

Burke and his men laughed, turned their heads and looked at the trembling girl, and said lustfully:

"Don't be afraid, beautiful Chinese girl, we won't be so rude to beautiful women!"

Simmons smiled and said, "I found that her figure is really good, but this shirt is too much of a hindrance, let's help her take it off!"

The girl burst into tears in fear.

The young man's face was covered in blood, and his consciousness was a little confused.

But he still stood up and protected the girl behind him.

He clenched his fists, punched Burke, and cursed: "Bastard!"

Burke curled his lips and concentrated the young man's fist.

There was a click, and the young man's right hand seemed to be broken, making a crisp sound.

He screamed loudly.

Burke laughed.


The young man spat blood onto Burke's face!

Burke was furious, got into a boxing stance, and hit the young man in the face with a heavy punch!

If this punch was real, the boy's nose bone or jaw bone would definitely be broken!

But at this moment, the young man was pushed aside.

A fist appeared out of thin air. It didn't look as big as Burke's fist, but it was like a hammer and hit Burke's fist hard!


With a crisp sound, three phalanges of Burke's index finger, middle finger, and ring finger were broken!

The bone stubble pierces the skin on the back of the hand and is exposed, which makes the scalp numb!

Not only that, the joints of his elbows and shoulders were also clearly deformed. With one punch, the entire arm was instantly scrapped!

Burke let out a scream like a wild bull, stared at the Chinese man in front of him, who was half a head shorter than him, and yelled: "Fake! Damn Chinese, I'm going to kill you..."

Chen Xin'an held the two poles in one hand, glanced at Burke sideways, and then kicked him sideways, sending him flying straight away!


The body weighing more than 200 kilograms hit the crowd below, knocking down several people along the way.

Chen Xin'an didn't look guilty at all, because those people were the same foreigners who just started booing!

Simmons and several companions looked at Chen Xin'an in horror. They didn't expect this man to be so powerful. He beat Burke so hard that he was unable to fight back!

They were also angry, yelling and cursing at Chen Xin'an, rolling up their sleeves and about to rush forward.

But before they could get close, a group of Chinese people appeared next to them.

He surrounded them in the middle and beat them up without saying a word!

They wanted to resist, but there were almost ten people on the other side.

And he was obviously not an ordinary person. His punches were very powerful and his shots were very hard. All the hits were against the joints!

Even if it was one-on-one, they obviously couldn't beat him, not to mention that he was fighting in a group!

In less than two minutes, all these foreigners were defeated.

There wasn't much blood on the body, but everyone had at least seven or eight broken bones!

Chen Xin'an looked at them expressionlessly, then looked at the foreigners mixed in the crowd, and spat and cursed:

"How dare a bunch of foreign trash run rampant in China?

Don't you like it here yet?

Who gave you the courage to think that China likes your garbage to pollute this place?

Get out of here tomorrow!

Don’t come to China in the future.

Otherwise, I will beat him to death next time I see him! "


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