Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1348 There will be work to do later

It's not like people like Chen Xin'an deliberately clicked here to show off.

There are too many people, and it is impossible for them to rush over like these foreigners regardless.

Moreover, if the situation is unknown, it is difficult for them to take action rashly.

Fortunately, he stood up in time and finally did not cause the young couple to suffer a greater loss.

After hearing Chen Xin'an's words, the Chinese people in the crowd cheered loudly.

Several men who had just been beaten by the foreigners took this opportunity to rush forward and kicked the arrogant foreigners, and soon beat them into pig heads.

The foreigners caught in the crowd were all silent, and no one dared to provoke them again.

Coincidentally, the originally blocked corridor was now open, and everyone hurried downstairs.

Bian Hu stood in front of Simmons and roughly pulled off his coat.

Simmons lay on the ground with tears in his eyes, and he dared not speak in anger.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the other party only took off his shirt and didn't take off his pants.

Bian Hu put the blouse he grabbed on the girl's body, then helped her boyfriend up and said softly: "Follow me!"

The girl nodded gratefully, put on the dress, and followed Bian Hu.

The fire started in the restaurant on the third floor. Because it was discovered in time and it was not far from the Chengxi Fire Station, the fire was controlled when it reached the fifth floor and did not cause a major disaster.

All the guests gathered in the square downstairs. Chen Xin'an looked at the time, it was two thirty in the morning!

The guest rooms started on the sixth floor, so the fire actually had little impact on the housekeeping department, it just caused panic.

The hotel also promised on the spot to waive room charges for all guests today and provide three meals for tomorrow.

If a guest is frightened and wants to go to the hospital for examination or transfer to another hotel, Qingcao Hotel will be responsible for reimbursing all expenses.

However, most guests still choose to return to their rooms. After all, the crisis has been reached and there is no chance of another danger.

At this time, it is not easy to change hotels, and I am too lazy to bother.

After the fire trucks left, the person in charge of the hotel told everyone that guests who chose to stay should not sleep until they returned to their rooms. The hotel would send someone to register the damage and discuss compensation.

Chen Xin'an was about to lead everyone upstairs to the room when the girl suddenly ran over and bowed to him!

"Thank you for saving me! Can you leave me your contact information? I will repay you!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her: "We don't need you to repay us.

We are all Chinese, and we cannot let foreigners bully us in our own territory.

Anyone who sees it will do this! "

The girl saw that Chen Xin'an was not pretending to be polite, but really didn't want to tell her her contact information. She was a little disappointed and said to him:

"In this case, I will bow to you again!"

She bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an and everyone again, stood up and said to Chen Xin'an:

“Sir, is this your pet you are holding?

It seems to be running a fever!

You should take it to a specialized pet hospital for a checkup.

Ordinary hospital treatment may not be effective for it! "

Chen Xin'an hugged the second pole, of course she knew it was having a fever.

I originally wanted to go up and do acupuncture on it, but I didn't expect that the girl could see it right away.

He frowned and asked the girl, "How do you know?"

The girl smiled and said: "Because I am a pet doctor!

I just saw the condition of the little monkey in your arms, and I knew it was sick!

I want to accompany my boyfriend to the hospital for a check-up, so I can’t talk to you any more!

I didn’t bring my business card, but I’ll give you a phone number!

My name is Nie Yashi, and my phone number is..."

After separating from Nie Yashi, Chen Xin'an walked back to the hotel holding the two poles.

The moment he entered the door, he stopped and turned his head to look.

Back at the door of the room, Chen Xin'an said to Zhu Shanluo's gang: "Be more alert, there may be work to do later!"

Zhu Shanluo and the others said nothing, just nodded and walked closer to the room.

After closing the door, Bian Hu made a gesture to everyone, and everyone quickly dispersed.

Hawkeye and Shields came to the bedside, stood on both sides, quietly opened the curtains, and took a look outside.

Dudun and Cunlei lined up the five people's backpacks, took out the ammunition inside, and checked the magazines.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Try not to use your gun, it's too noisy! They probably don't dare to use it!"

Bian Hu made a gesture, and everyone took off their guns, put away the ammunition, and placed them all under the bed.

After a while, Hawkeye standing by the bed said: "Boss, here we come! There are a lot of people!"

Through the gap in the curtains, Chen Xin'an saw many vans coming under the hotel.

When I turned from the intersection, I had already turned off all the lights in the car and parked quietly on the roadside outside the hotel.

Chen Xin'an lowered his voice and said to everyone: "We will work later, you can pester these people.

If they won't kill you, don't use firearms. "

Bian Hu asked him: "Boss, why are you going?"

Chen Xin'an gently patted the two poles in her arms and said to him: "I have to go to the hospital and ask Nie Yashi to do something for me!"

The lights in the room have been turned off, and everyone is hiding in the darkness.

Soon the air conditioner indicator light on the wall went out, and the man at the door pressed the switch, and there was a power outage.

The power must have been cut off.

After a while, there was a slight movement outside the door, followed by the door lock.


The door was opened, and several dark figures walked in, slowly groping towards the bed.

At this moment, a scream of "Ah" suddenly came from the door!

Everyone who came in was shocked!

One guy even dropped the thing in his hand!

The two poles in Chen Xin'an's arms squeaked in fright, making Chen Xin'an so angry that she wanted to give that guy a big kick!

Bian Hu punched the person in front of him in the stomach and cursed at the person at the door: "You're such a bastard, you scared me to death!"

The others also cursed for a while, but they didn't delay the movements of their hands. They went up and gave a violent K!

Zhuantou chuckled and said, "I see everyone is so nervous. Let's make some noise to ease the scary atmosphere!"

The group of people who sneaked in almost cried.

It wasn't that scary at first, but your fucking voice scared people out of their wits!

When he realized what he was doing, there was no one left standing around him, they were all beaten to the ground!

There were still people in the corridor. When they heard the movement in the room, the faces of the people outside changed drastically, and they desperately wanted to rush in.

Unexpectedly, the people inside rushed out without any trace of ink!

Moreover, people came out of the two rooms at the same time, like tigers descending the mountain, howling with excitement and rushing into the crowd!

Chen Xin'an held Erzhuzi in her arms, wrapped it in clothes, and rushed out of the room.

A dark figure rushed over, but before the person arrived, a black stick was stretched out from his hand, trying to stuff it into Chen Xin'an's stomach!

Chen Xin'an saw blue lightning coming from the top of the stick, and his body suddenly twisted to the side.

With his right hand, he made a reverse grip and grabbed the opponent's neck.

With a strong arm, he grabbed the opponent and smashed him to the ground!


The guy fell heavily to the ground.

Chen Xin'an asked coldly: "Who are you?"

The guy sneered coldly and cursed in a disdainful tone: "Kill me if you dare!

If I frown, it's you...

Ouch, I feel numb! "

With a sizzling sound, Chen Xin'an snatched the stick from the kid's hand, pushed it directly into his arms, and pressed the current!

The guy who was very brave just now rolled his eyes and said:

“We are security guards at Decela Biotech.

You stole our monkey, the company will not let you go! "


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