Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1352 You can’t be so powerful

Although there were no guardrails, the competing fighters all wore protective gear.

The most basic protection must be provided, of course it is just head and crotch protection, nothing else is needed.

Man Xingguo curled his lips, looked at the four people on the stage, snorted and said:

"I don't know that Chen Xin'an, but I know he is not a god!

It took more than twenty days to improve the strength of the entire Montenegro tiger?

This kind of thing, even thinking about it, I think is impossible! "

Pei Yuande also nodded and said: "Then the new instructor is so powerful? I really don't believe it!

If he really has the ability to transform decay into magic, let your Hu soldiers from the Black Mountain Tiger defeat Chuan Yunlong's Fang Cun Shi! "

"What do you mean?" Zhang Ji'an and Gu Jinchao were both angry. They glared at Pei Yuande and cursed:

"Who do you think is corrupt? Montenegro Tiger is so unwelcome to you? Looks down on us, right?"

"Even without Instructor Chen's special training, the Montenegro Tiger's past performance is no worse than your Snow Mountain Leopard, right? Who are you looking down on!"

Pei Yuande blushed and explained: "Let me use a metaphor, why are you so impatient? How can I look down on you Montenegro tigers..."

Hao Dongliang on the side waved his hand and said: "Stop talking, let's start!"

On the ring, four people formed a group of two and started to fight, and the scene exploded instantly!

Mou Wenfeng and Gong Jun were in a head-to-head confrontation!

The fists and feet greeted the opponent unceremoniously.

Everyone wants to solve the battle in the shortest time and advance to the finals!

However, the two are equally powerful, and they may not be able to defeat each other even in a short time.

Therefore, the fight was relatively stalemate. It mainly depends on who has stronger willpower in the second half and who can stand at the end.

Compared with these two people, the team of Fang Cunshi and Hu Bing is recognized by everyone as the fastest to resolve the battle.

Because the strength of the two of them is not on the same level!

If Bian Hu were to fight, this competition would be very interesting.

Although Fang Cunshi is slightly better, it is not that easy to defeat Bian Hu.

But now it is Hu Bing, a man with an inch of stone, who is defeated.

Moreover, Hu Bing three years ago was so beaten that he didn't even make it to the top eight!

So is there anything else to watch in this competition?

It's just a situation of one-sided abuse.

The longer time goes by, the more severely Hu Bing will be tortured, and the worse his fate will be!


A heavy punch hit Hu Bing's chest.

Hu Bing's face turned pale and he took two steps back. His blood was boiling and his chest was so tight that he could hardly breathe.

However, he still held his head and quickly dodged aside.

At this time, if Fang Cunshi takes advantage of the victory and pursues him, he may not be able to last three seconds!

In the surrounding stands, the people wearing Yunlong laughed loudly.

Hu Bing then realized that Fang Cunshi did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but just stood there and looked at him with disdain.

Han Lei stood on the sidelines, clapped his hands vigorously, and shouted to Hu Bing: "Pay attention and put down your baggage.

Think about what instructor Chen told you?

What is the most important thing in fighting? "

Hu Bing clenched his fists and silently told himself: Don't let your opponent leave your sight.

Don’t pass up the chance to find an opening!

This is what Chen Xinan taught everyone.

In one month at Montenegro Tiger, Chen Xin'an, as a fighting and combat instructor, didn't even teach anyone a single punch or style.

The former external instructor, as soon as he came to the Montenegrin Tigers, he wanted to show off his unique skills and let everyone marvel at his awesomeness.

Chen Xin'an is completely different.

He seemed to teach everything, but he also seemed to teach nothing.

Every day, everyone is asked to do basic training, or some precautions during fighting.

No one knows whether it is useful or not, but for Hu Bing, these are the only things that can come to mind right now.

Fang Cunshi curled his lips, looked at Hu Bing with disdain and said: "That's it? You just rely on this reaction to fight with me?

Hu Bing, I gave you a chance to admit defeat, but you didn't seize it.

Then what you have to face is not only being injured by me in the ring, but also defeat, and the humiliation of the winner and loser!

You brought this upon yourself! "

Hu Bing silently recited what Chen Xin'an said, gritted his teeth and said to Fang Cunshi: "Stop talking nonsense, come again!"

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Fang Cunshi snorted coldly, rushed towards Hu Bing, and shouted: "As you wish!"


With a backhand, he grabbed Hu Bing's left wrist, moved his body closer, and slammed his right elbow into the opponent's chest.

After Hu Bing was attacked, he would grab Hu Bing's arm and kick him!

Three years ago, he used this move to break Hu Bing's arm!

But this time, when he grabbed the opponent's wrist, he suddenly felt a strong force coming from between his fingers. He couldn't control the opponent's wrist at all!

What made him even more unbelievable was that the other party actually grabbed his wrist!

The five fingers were clasped so tightly that he couldn't break free, like a pair of steel pliers!

How could this guy have such terrible finger strength?

You must know that Chuan Yunlong hired a master from the Chinese Eagle Claw Sect and went to the base to specially train in grappling techniques!

His ability to capture a square inch of stone is recognized as the strongest in the entire Chuan Yunlong!

Without any time to think, Fang Cunshi immediately broke the move, raised his right leg and kicked Hu Bing directly!

This move would not have been performed so quickly. Without the elbow strike in the middle, the power would be greatly reduced!

But I can’t control that much now, so the most important thing is to break the situation first!

But at this moment, Hu Bing raised his right hand on one side of his body!

This guy wants to block his kick with his hand?

You are joking?

But when the other party's fingers pinched his ankle, Fang Cunshi finally understood.

Where is this guy blocking with his armrest? It's basically using your hands to capture it!

He simply didn't take his kick seriously!

Then just wait until your hand becomes useless!

Fang Cunshi showed no mercy or restraint, and kicked out with great force!


Hu Bing's right hand was like lightning, clasping the opponent's ankle, and his five fingers were like hooks, grabbing the foot tightly!

At the same time, it was like a tide surged up in his body, and strength instantly poured into his body. With a loud shout, he raised his right foot and kicked Fang Cunshi in the stomach!

Fang Cunshi's eyes were straightened and he stared at Hu Bing. He couldn't believe that this guy had done it!

He actually grabbed his ankle with his hand.

His left hand and right leg were both grabbed by the opponent. Fang Cunshi desperately tried to break free. As soon as he struggled, the opponent kicked him over. He didn't even have a chance to hide, and was kicked out!


Fang Cunshi fell two meters away. His body rolled on the ground like a ball three times before he stopped. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He screamed: "My arms! My legs!"

Hu Bing swallowed and said with an embarrassed look: "Your shoes!"

In his right hand, he still held the shoe on Fang Cunshi's right foot.

The kick that came down just now still smells like salted fish...

The entire training ground was silent for a moment.

Even the two special forces members who were still fighting to decide the outcome in the ring next to them stopped, turned around, and looked at this side in horror!

Team doctor Tang Qianqian, who had been waiting nearby, ran up to check Fang Cunshi's injury.

Then he said to everyone: "The joint of my left arm is dislocated and my right ankle is fractured. I can no longer compete!"

This means that Hu Bing has won!

After a short period of silence, a wave of cheers erupted from the training ground!

The special forces members of the Montenegrin Tiger all jumped up with excitement!

Several special operators wanted to carry Fang Cunshi to the team doctor's office on a stretcher. Fang Cunshi stared at Hu Bing and said with a shocked face:

"You can't be so powerful, how could you become like this?"

Hu Bing smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Of course I'm not great!

The really amazing one is our instructor Chen.

It is he who makes us stronger! "


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