Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1353: Falling down on your face

For all the special operations team members who came to the Black Mountain Tiger Competition, the name Instructor Chen in the past two days has almost made their ears grow calluses!

At first, everyone was disapproving and felt that the Montenegrin Tigers were a bit boastful.

Isn't he just a new instructor teaching fighting and fighting?

It makes you sound like an omnipotent and all-rounder!

But now that they hear this name again, no one dares to have such doubts.

The facts are right in front of us.

Hu Bing was a defeated general under Fang Cunshi, but now he could turn defeat into victory.

Using the moves that Fang Cunshi used to defeat him, he defeated the most powerful person in Chuan Yunlong!

Who would believe that this was not the result of Instructor Chen?

Fang Cunshi was sent to the team doctor, and Hu Bing advanced to the finals without injury.

Mou Wenfeng and Gong Jun fought hard, but in the end Mou Wenfeng, the Snow Mountain Leopard, was the more persistent. After both fell to the ground, he stood up first, which was regarded as the victory.

But in this state, there is no way to compete with Hu Bing for the championship. He was beaten by Hu Bing with three punches and two kicks, and he lay on the ground unable to get up!

Since then, the fighting and fighting competition has ended, and the Black Mountain Tiger and Hu Bing have become the new fighting kings of the Chinese special operations forces.

It also means that he has become the most capable person in the Chinese military.

This is a very valuable honor, worth at least a second-class personal merit!

At this point, the entire competition is over.

The Montenegrin Tiger Special Team became the biggest winner, winning nearly half of the individual championships in more than 60 events.

Next is the award ceremony.

Even though it may be regarded as an internal competition between the five special forces, there is no shortage of procedures to follow, and there are even reporters filming and interviewing.

However, these images will not be transmitted to the outside world. They are all the news teams of the major special operations teams, and the things captured are only circulated internally for reference.

The majestic military music sounds, and the award ceremony will begin soon.

Those cameras that looked like sprinters were also aimed at the podium.

But at this moment, there was a roar above their heads, and everyone raised their heads and looked to the sky.

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

The soldiers who performed the mission are back!

The apron is just west of the training ground.

The helicopter slowly circled in mid-air, then hovered.

"Master!" Lei Ming in the crowd looked excited, his eyes were wet, and he slowly stood up.

The comrades beside them also raised their heads, looked at the helicopter, and murmured: "Instructor Chen is back!"

"Instructor Chen is back!" More and more Black Mountain Tiger special operators stood up.

Seeing the captain and the political commissar getting up and walking over, everyone rushed over like a tide.

No one paid attention to the award ceremony. Everyone's attention was focused on the hovering helicopter.

Looking at the dark crowd below, Bian Hu looked excited, wiped his wet eyes and said:

"I have been with Montenegro Tiger for so long and have carried out so many missions, but I have never been greeted by so many people!"

Zhu Shanluo also looked flattered, and sighed and said: "The comrades of the Black Mountain Tiger are so enthusiastic! Boss, the hanging ladder has been put down, let's go down!"

Chen Xin'an looked ugly and covered her mouth with her hand to suppress the gushing gastric juice.

Next time I go back to Guanbei, if I see Fu Honglei, I will beat him up!

Damn it, if you go to the airport to board the helicopter, you can come back two hours early.

Unexpectedly, this bastard directly dragged everyone to the military area guest house.

In the restaurant, Yan Hesong and his gang, who had been waiting for a long time, had a feast, which was called a farewell banquet.

Chen Xin'an was not happy at that time.

I am returning to the Montenegro Tiger Base, and I am not going to the execution ground. Where can I get a farewell banquet?

But kindness is hard to reject, and there is no easy way to reason with those gangsters. Drinking them down is the simplest solution.

So, twenty people opened three boxes of the most powerful liquor in the army, plus two barrels of thirty kilograms of draft beer!

Guys like Yan Hesong and Fu Honglei all got down and drank in a very shameless way.

Wherever it went in, it came out again. Nothing was wasted. Everyone was vomiting.

Chen Xin'an and the members of these action teams did not embarrass their respective special forces teams and did not vomit.

But after several hours of bumpy ride in the helicopter, my stomach was really turbulent, and my expressions became uglier each time.

"Get down!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand, picked up his personal equipment, and held two poles.

This guy just owes it.

When others drink, it is also fresh. After two drinks, I just lay on the ground and couldn't get up!

The wind blowing all the way made everyone's drinking energy dissipate a lot.

After hearing Chen Xin'an's order, everyone packed up their equipment and went down the hanging ladder one by one.

Seeing the captain and political commissar walking towards him, Bian Hu was moved to tears.

He greeted him excitedly, saluted, and said: "Old man, political commissar, I'm back..."

"Yes!" Tang Peng nodded, shook hands with him, then let go, looked at him and stretched out his hand and said, "Where is Chen Xin'an? Didn't he come back with you?"


Bian Hu lowered his head and glanced at his hands, and said with some disappointment:

"The boss is still up there. He'll be down in a minute! Political Commissar!"

He also saluted Meng Jianjun.

Meng Jianjun didn't see it at all. He turned his head and said to the leaders beside him: "Old officer, Old He, I will introduce you to this precious boy sent by the old leader later! Heishanhu can have this honor today, but it is inseparable from this instructor Chen! He just returned from completing the mission successfully, and you just caught up. If it was a day later, you wouldn't be able to see him!" Bian Huli burst into tears. Political Commissar, I am still saluting here, are you just turning a blind eye? I also completed the mission successfully and returned! The same treatment was also given to the bear-headed eagle-eyes who came down later. Zhu Shanluo's gang was even worse. There was no one to take care of them! Now everyone in the action team finally understood. The scene of the airport reception was indeed large, but it had nothing to do with them! They all came for one person, and all the glory belonged to that one person! Everyone looked up at the sky, especially the special forces who came to the competition, their faces were full of curiosity. What does the legendary Chen Xin'an look like?

Could he really have three heads and six arms?

Someone suddenly shouted: "Instructor Chen!"

The companions who were looking forward to it also shouted: "Instructor Chen!"

Soon, more and more people joined in, and the whole playground was filled with a tsunami-like shout: "Instructor Chen! Instructor Chen! Instructor Chen!"

It finally came out after much anticipation.

A figure popped out of the helicopter, turned around and climbed down the ladder step by step.

Didn't he say that he could jump directly from a height of 40 meters?

Now it's at most 20 meters, so it's too conventional to come down like this, right?

Those special forces who had heard too much about the legend of Chen Xin'an showed a trace of disappointment on their faces.

But at this moment, the man on the ladder missed a step, and the whole person suddenly fell from mid-air upside down!

The moment he missed a step, Chen Xin'an sobered up!

Without time to make too many adjustments, he threw the two poles onto his backpack behind him, and slammed his face down to the ground! Bang! There was a loud noise, and dust flew! Thousands of people on the playground were silent. Man Xingguo glanced at Zhang Jian beside him, swallowed his saliva and said: "Instructor Zhang, your instructor Chen also landed on his face last time?" Zhang Jian licked his lips, shook his head and said: "No, this may be a new way of rappelling that Instructor Chen has figured out! But you can't deny that it is really pretentious, isn't it?"

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