Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1355 You can insult me, but you can’t insult the Montenegrin tiger.

Forget that Erpolezi is even more unruly than Luo Erpolezi.

At least Luo Erzhi has identified Luo Qianxue.

The others are at most enjoyable, but in fact they are not appreciated at all.

This perverted monkey is different, it doesn’t pick at all, as long as it’s a female.

Seeing it cradled in the arms of a group of nurses, with its beauty bubbling with virtue, Chen Xin'an really wanted to slap it and regretted bringing it here.

However, I don’t resist treatment this way.

Chen Xin'an asked Tang Qianqian to give it some anti-inflammatory medicine, re-bandage it, and also take care of his own injuries.

"Boss!" Cai Yinfo hurried over.

Chen Xin'an, who had just wrapped the bandage and put on clothes, turned around and took a look.

Cai Yinfo was furious and panted and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, those guys from the special forces are so bullying!

They actually thought that the incident about you jumping out of the helicopter was a lie! "

Chen Xin'an zipped up his clothes and said calmly, "What next?"

Cai Yinfo snorted and said: "They also said that you are not good at all. Our special team wants to set an example, so they deliberately praise you!"

Chen Xin'an still looked indifferent, glanced at him and said, "Is there more?"

Cai Yinfo looked at him, panicked, and whispered: "They even insulted me, boss, you are just crawling around. It's easy to deal with you..."

Chen Xin'an turned around, glanced at him and said, "Then you think I should go over and teach them a lesson.

I, Chen Xin'an, am so narrow-minded in your heart, Cai Yinfo? "

Cai Yinfo lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

But I was secretly complaining in my heart: Brother, you have never been too big-hearted towards us!

Anyone who accidentally offends you with words will suffer a terrible end!

Do you know that you are now the nightmare of the entire instructor team?

Now everyone doesn't even dare to sleep peacefully, for fear that you will organize an emergency gathering again!

How come you become so generous when facing outsiders?

Cai Yinfo now regrets agreeing to a fight on behalf of Chen Xin'an.

This man is not a little idiot, his mind works faster than him.

My own methods of provoking generals have no effect on others.

And once he feels that you are insulting his intelligence, you will end up in a terrible situation!

It seems that when we go back, we will inevitably be ridiculed by those guys from Manxingguo!

Cai Yinfo sighed and muttered: "I'm sorry, Instructor Chen, I shouldn't have told you this.

I just can’t get angry at those guys, and I envy our Montenegrin Tigers for winning so many individual championships.

It’s not the result of your training, but because the host country and the referees gave them face..."

"What?" Chen Xin'an paused, looked at him with a dark face and asked, "What did they say?"

Cai Yinfo said depressedly: "Our Montenegrin Tigers have won more than 20 individual championships, which is the result of your intense training this month, instructor.

But those guys actually said that we were able to achieve such results only by luck and because we took advantage of the host country.

I couldn’t be more angry…”

"Uncle! Who said that?" Chen Xin'an was angry. He tied his shoelaces in a few seconds and asked Cai Yinfo:

"Are they those guys who want to fight with me? OK, I will grant their wish!

It's okay to insult me, but not the Montenegrin tiger!

It’s not easy to be dealt with, I’m going to make it happen for you now! "

Seeing Chen Xin'an leave the room angrily, Cai Yinfo didn't react for a moment.

I thought there was no hope, but didn’t expect it to happen like this?

Just as he was about to go out, Tang Qianqian pushed the cart in, looked around, and asked Cai Yinfo, "Where is Instructor Chen?"

Cai Yinfo, who was anxious to rush to the playground to watch the fun, raised his finger and pointed at the door and said:

"We're going to the training ground! The instructors of other special operations teams look down on us, the Montenegrin Tigers, and instructor Chen is going to deal with them!"

"Nonsense!" Tang Qianqian kicked the car and the things fell to the ground with a crash!

Cai Yinfo was startled.

This team star rarely loses her temper, and offending her is no fun!

Tang Qianqian looked at Cai Info angrily and cursed: "Who asked him to go? Did you ask him to leave?"

"I..." Cai Yinfu wanted to defend, but Tang Qianqian pointed at his nose and cursed: "Do you know how serious his injury is?

He has three broken bones in his chest and cannot exercise vigorously.

There were at least seven or eight pieces of shrapnel on his body, as well as countless wooden thorns on his body!

The longest one is nearly ten centimeters!

The smallest one is thinner than eyelashes!

Just taking out these wood thorns will take two days!

There were fifteen stab wounds on his body, and at least nine of them needed stitching!

There were also countless bullet grazing and burns.

With such an injury, anyone would have been unable to sustain it.

Are you still asking him to fight now?

It would be better if you just kill him! "

Cai Yinfo was dumbfounded, swallowed his saliva, and murmured: "Oh my god, how could he...suffer so many injuries? Others are fine!"

"That's because we didn't do much at all. Normal actions were almost all done by him independently!"

A deep voice came from the door. It turned out to be Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang who had just returned with Chen Xin'an. They came to the team doctor's office to visit the wounded Fang Cunshi of their special team.

I happened to overhear this conversation while passing by this treatment room.

Zhu Shanluo's eyes were a little red, he looked at Tang Qianqian and Cai Yinfo and said: "Have you heard of the three wolf kings of the jungle wolf mercenary group?

Instructor Chen took advantage of the other party's internal strife to rescue our hostages.

Then let our action team protect the hostages and retreat.

In order to contain the three wolf kings, he went to the rear alone.

He alone faced the pursuit of the three wolf kings and more than twenty jungle wolf mercenaries.

When we met him, all the mercenaries, including the three wolf kings, had been killed by him! "

"Oh my God!" At the door of another consulting room, Fang Cunshi held on to the door frame and was dumbfounded!

He swallowed and asked Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang: "Instructor, captain, is this true? This is no longer something humans can do! Instructor Chen, is he a god?"

Dai Wugang nodded vigorously, looked at him and asked, "I'm telling you, this Instructor Chen will never touch a gun against the enemy. Apart from grenades, what he relies on most is cold weapons!

Those mercenaries died under his tiger-toothed knives and steel needles, or even his fists and feet.

Do you think he is a god? "

Fang Cunshi was so shocked that he was speechless!

He is known as Chuanyunlong's most capable field player.

His defeat at the hands of Hu Bing does not mean that he is not as strong as his opponent.

Instead, Hu Bing's sudden surge in strength disrupted his position, and he was defeated without warning.

In fact, now that I think about it, Hu Bing's overall strength hasn't changed much.

But his finger strength improved too quickly, and the lower body was much more stable than before.

He was not used to this style of play, so he said so.

Once he understands the opponent's tactics, it is actually not difficult to deal with Hu Bing.

But now that I think about it, my own combat prowess is nothing compared to Instructor Chen!

"Go! Stop this competition!" Cai Yinfo was the first to react and immediately shouted to everyone:

"It's so unfair! The boss is so seriously injured, fighting him at this time will kill him!"

No one dared to delay, so they all rushed out!

On the training ground, the rhythm originally planned for the award ceremony was suspended.

Because the instructors of the major special forces teams want to challenge Chen Xin'an, the new instructor of the Black Mountain Tiger.

And this Montenegrin Tiger’s fighting and fighting instructor actually agreed!


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