Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1356: Don’t fight when you can do it

The two sides stood on the field where the previous fighting match took place, with five people on one side and only one person on the other.

Man Xingguo looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Instructor Chen, we won't bully you either.

There are five people in total, you can pick an opponent at random.

If you defeat any one of them, you have defeated us all.

How about that, fair? "

The special teams members in the stands nodded.

This is the kind of mind that a top special operations team instructor should have.

The strength of the five people is not much different. As long as it is not a matter of life and death, it will take a lot of effort and cost to decide the winner.

So any one of them can represent the actual combat level of the five people.

Chen Xin'an looked at the five of them sideways and asked lazily: "Who just said that our Montenegrin Tigers' results took advantage of the host country?"

Huo Guangqi took a step forward, looked at Chen Xin'an calmly and said, "I said that!

As long as you defeat me, then I will apologize to you Montenegro Tigers in front of everyone! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, that's considered a dare.

In this case, I won’t choose, you all can join together! "

All the instructors were stunned.

No, why am I confused?

You don't want to pick any more. You want to fight against the five of us by yourself?

Then isn’t it redundant that you just asked this question?

There was also an uproar in the stands!

"Wow, that Instructor Chen is too arrogant, isn't he? He wants to challenge the main instructors of the four major special forces teams? Are you tired of life?"

“I don’t know about other instructors, but our Snow Mountain Leopard instructor Pei is the most famous Bajiquan master in China!

I have seen with my own eyes that he knocked over our infantry tanks with such an iron mountain support!

Instructor Chen's small body can withstand Instructor Pei's collision?

Was it directly knocked away? "

"Instructor Hao from our Sky Patrol Eagle is also amazing! He is the grandson of the famous Wing Chun master Ye Chun, and is also a close disciple of Mrs. Ye. He can punch fifteen times in one second, so you can't even see the shadow of his fist!"

"How can our Instructor Zhou and Instructor Huo from Getanlang be so different?

Instructor Zhou is the overall champion of three national practical martial arts competitions!

Instructor Huo is the winner of the international Sanda 75kg gold belt and a five-time unrestricted mixed martial arts lightweight champion.

Ordinary people simply cannot bear his punches and kicks! "

The members of the four major special forces looked at the Montenegrin Tigers with gloating expressions on their faces.

You were quite happy just now, right?

There are quite a few championship-winning events, so everyone is smiling from ear to ear?

Even your instructors are starting to get carried away, right?

You actually want to challenge the top instructors of all special operations teams by yourself?

You are seeking death!

You simply can't imagine how powerful these people are and how terrifying they will be once they join forces!

Even the members of the Black Mountain Tiger Special Team were secretly anxious.

Instructor Chen, don’t worry about oral pleasure!

Once you lose, the ending will definitely be miserable!

"Leizi! Brother An, this is..." Fang Kai, who had returned from the Military General Hospital and was participating in training normally, had nervous palms sweating and poked the brother next to him with his arm.

Lei Ming looked calm, looked at Chen Xin'an on the training ground with burning eyes, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry about my master, no matter what kind of enemy he faces, he never loses!"

Man Xingguo picked his ears, looked at Chen Xin'an with a ferocious smile and asked:

"Instructor Chen, did I hear you correctly? You want us to join forces?

are you joking?

Do you know what kind of situation you will face once we join forces?


Chen Xin'an waved to him and grinned: "I'll tell you something!"

"Huh?" Man Xingguo was stunned for a moment, then leaned over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Chen Xin'an walked up to his ear and whispered: "When you can do it, don't do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his foot and kicked Man Xingguo down to the ground!

Everyone was in an uproar.

I didn’t expect that Instructor Chen was so tough!

A person wants to challenge the top instructors of the four major special forces teams, but he also takes the initiative to provoke and take the lead!

And after kicking Man Xingguo down, he rushed towards others!

As soon as he came up, he hit this and that, provoking all the opponents over and over again!

Now, even if those instructors don't want to join forces, they have to join forces!

At such an old age, this is the first time we have seen someone seeking death like this!

Okay, since you want to be beaten so much, we won't be polite.

Even if I give you, this arrogant guy, a small lesson!

With a roar, Man Xingguo got up from the ground, rushed in front of Chen Xin'an, and hit the opponent's chin with a palm!

Then he hooked his right foot and kicked Chen Xin'an between the legs!

A special operations team member of Chuan Yunlong in the stands exclaimed: "Poison dragon comes out of the cave! Poison dragon has sixteen hands!"

Everyone next to him took a breath.

Instructor Man is so cruel!

Use this move as soon as you start!

All the special forces members know that the Sixteenth Hand of the Poison Dragon was created by Man Xingguo, the instructor of Chuanyunlong, on the basis of the Eighteen Hands of the Black Dragon.

Compared with the Black Dragon's Eighteen Moves, the Poison Dragon's Sixteen Moves are more cunning and ruthless, and can be said to be deadly with every move!

Under normal circumstances, even if the team members compete with each other, they cannot use the Poison Dragon Sixteen Hands.

Because I am afraid that I will not be able to control my strength, which will lead to serious consequences.

Instructor Man used this move, which shows how angry he was at Chen Xin'an's sudden move to kick him down!

Fortunately, he was stronger than the average team member and knew his moves well. He just wanted to teach Chen Xin'an a lesson and did not kill him.

But the next second, his fist was grasped by Chen Xin'an's left hand, and his hook was caught between the opponent's legs!

As Chen Xin'an turned around, Man Xingguo felt severe pain in his right leg, as if it was about to break, and he screamed and fell to the side.

This fall, he fell into Zhou Yanghua's arms!

Zhou Yanghua originally wanted to attack Chen Xin'an in the middle with his long fist and let him deal with him wholeheartedly.

The comrade Huo Guangqi next to him could take the opportunity to step forward and stand close to him, and kill Chen Xin'an with three punches and two kicks.

Unexpectedly, before he could rush to Chen Xin'an, there was someone blocking his way.

No matter whether you turn your hips or not, lean in and stick directly into his arms.

At the same time, Chen Xin'an loosened his legs, and Zhou Yanghua subconsciously held Man Xingguo in his arms like a princess.

The two elders looked at each other, both a little confused.

Why are you hugging me?

What are you doing in my arms?

The two of them instantly got goosebumps. Just as they were about to separate, Chen Xin'an kicked Man Xingguo, knocking them both to the ground!

"Ah!" Man Xingguo was lying on the ground unable to stand up. He wiped his face with his hands and kept cursing: "You are so damn disgusting!"

Zhou Yanghua blushed as red as an eggplant, spat on the ground, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and roared until his voice broke!

"You're crazy! If you don't stand in such a wide place, why don't you stand in front of me! An old face that hasn't been washed in eight hundred years, and a mouthful of mud!"

The Montenegrin Tiger special forces members in the stands laughed and were happy.

The members of Chuanyunlong and Getanlang covered their faces one by one.

Shame on you!

Two big men, hugging the princess and kissing each other on the face, it's really eye-catching...

Huo Guangqi could see clearly from the side and knew that it was Chen Xin'an who was responsible.

With an angry shout, he turned around in the air and whipped his legs, swiping at Chen Xin'an!

Let us, Getanlang, be embarrassed. Even if I kick your bones and break your bones, you deserve it!

But before his legs touched each other, he saw Chen Xin'an suddenly bending down!

At the same time, the opponent's right leg swung from bottom to top like a ghost, hitting the side of his body hard!

Huo Guangqi, whose feet were not touching the ground, was kicked two meters away and almost couldn't stand up!


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