Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1357 Even if you win, he will still be defeated.

Everyone in the stands cried out in surprise.

Three instructors fell to the ground after just one encounter.

This instructor Chen is really too powerful, isn't he?

"Take it!" Hao Dongliang suddenly shouted and rushed to Chen Xin'an.

His fists left two afterimages in the air, and then he attacked the opponent's face fiercely!

This is a fast-fighting Japanese punch, and each punch contains inch power.

If the opponent is hit by one punch, he will be injured. If hundreds of punches are hit in the same place, even a robot will be beaten into a pile of scrap metal on the spot!

Chen Xin'an was hit by two punches at the beginning, but it didn't seem to hurt him.

He retreated five steps, and the opponent pressed forward step by step, but his fists were getting faster and faster!


Chen Xin'an stomped his right foot down, his feet stood still, and he didn't retreat!

His hands slapped left and right, as if he was using his hands to slap the opponent's punches.

But at this moment, Hao Dongliang's fast-fighting was really fast, with a speed of no less than ten punches per second, so that people could hardly see the afterimage.

A member of the Patrol Eagle special forces said excitedly and proudly: "Did you see it? This is the most terrifying fast punch of our instructor Hao! He can really throw more than ten punches in one second! It has broken the limit of human beings! No one can last more than a minute under his fast punches! Look, how fast is his punch? You can't see it with your naked eyes! No matter how powerful Instructor Chen of the Black Mountain Tiger is, he can't stand such a fast punch!" The Black Mountain Tiger special forces member not far away said expressionlessly: "Then did you see our instructor Chen's punch clearly?" The Patrol Eagle special forces member who spoke just now was stunned, and then he realized that Instructor Hao Dongliang's punches were indeed very fast. But the instructor Chen who fought against him was not slow either! The hands were also not even visible. But everyone can see one thing clearly. Except for the first two punches, every punch that Instructor Hao threw now, no matter how fast or how strong, failed to land on Instructor Chen! All the punches thrown by Instructor Hao were blocked by Instructor Chen! The members of the Patrol Eagle Special Forces were all stunned.

This was the first time they saw someone blocking Instructor Hao's fast punch with bare hands!

The Black Mountain Tiger member who had just spoken said faintly: "It's been more than a minute now, right?"

The faces of the Patrol Eagle members were hot.

They could see Instructor Hao's punches now.

This also meant that Instructor Hao had slowed down and consumed a lot of physical strength.

Fortunately, the opponent's speed also slowed down, and Instructor Chen was also very tired.

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an said to Hao Dongliang: "Your punches are fast, but not fast enough!

Your energy is not well coordinated, so it consumes too much.

I have experienced your punches, now let's see if you can block mine!"

Excuse me?

This Instructor Chen actually said that Instructor Hao's fast punches were slow?

And he also said that his punching method was wrong?

Did I hear it wrong?

Hao Dongliang's face was also livid, thinking that the guy in front of him was simply humiliating him nakedly!

Just as he was about to throw another wave of quick punches to make this guy shut up, he was hit in the chest several times!

He didn't even see the opponent's punches, and he didn't even have any reaction, but he was hit!

His body was instantly knocked flying, and a strong sense of suffocation enveloped him!

The scary thing is that during this process, Chen Xinan didn't stop at all!

As Hao Dongliang was knocked flying by the punches, Chen Xinan followed him like a shadow.

His body was always close to him, and his fists were as fast as lightning, which could not be seen by the naked eye, and they fell densely on Hao Dongliang's chest!


Hao Dongliang's body fell heavily to the ground, and Chen Xinan also took the opportunity to retract his fists and said to him: "I saved my strength, otherwise, you would be dead now!"

Hao Dongliang wanted to speak, but he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His eyes rolled over and he fainted!

Even if Chen Xinan had saved his strength, the remaining strength of hundreds of quick punches was not something he could bear.

Fortunately, the remaining force only tore the clothes on his chest and did not hurt his lungs!

"Instructor Chen, take it!" Pei Yuande, who had been standing aside and waiting for an opportunity to attack, finally moved.

He rushed up with a right bow step and a right punch, attacking Chen Xin'an's chest!

At the moment when Chen Xin'an dodged to block, Pei Yuande hugged Chen Xin'an's right arm with his right hand, then stepped forward and hit Chen Xin'an with his right elbow!

At the same time, his right foot stepped on Chen Xin'an's left toe to prevent Chen Xin'an from retreating or dodging to the side.

He wrapped his hands around Chen Xin'an's neck, making him lower his head, and then punched Chen Xin'an in the face with his right hand!

A member of the Snow Mountain Leopard team exclaimed: "Three Hands of the King of Hell! Instructor Pei's most proud killer move!"

"No!" The comrade next to him shook his head and said solemnly: "Instructor Pei's most proud killer move is not the Three Hands of the King of Hell! But few people can take this move!"

Originally, Chen Xin'an, who was punched, should have fallen to the ground at this moment.

But contrary to his wishes, he not only stood upright, but also looked like he was not injured at all!

Only Pei Yuande knew that his heart-warming push did not hit the opponent.

At that moment, Chen Xin'an in front of him seemed to have an empty chest!

Suddenly, at an angle that violated the human body structure, it was sucked back, leaving him alone!

He wanted to step on the opponent's toes, but the opponent's toes swung and knocked his right foot away!

After living for so many years, I have never seen someone who can even turn their toes into an attacking part!

As if he knew he was going to step over, he started knocking early, like a poisonous snake with its head raised, and shook his feet away with a flick to the side!

It caused him to lose his footing and almost fall.

So much so that the hug he took after he was freed was more like he was trying to find a point of support, and the last move he made to receive the fist was completely lacking in momentum, as if he was trying to touch someone's face!

His body failed to stand firm and was about to fall towards Chen Xin'an, but at this moment, a cold light flashed in Pei Yuande's eyes, and he took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, hitting Chen Xin'an's chest with his shoulder and back!

The Snow Mountain Leopards in the stands slapped their thighs and said excitedly: "This is Instructor Pei's most powerful killing move! Stick to the mountain!"

His companion nodded and sighed: "That Instructor Chen is miserable!

If he gets Instructor Pei's support, he will have to stay in bed for three months at the very best!

You might even lose your life!

I hope instructor Pei can control his strength well! "

At this moment, there was a muffled sound on the training ground, and a person was knocked out!

"Save Mr. Chen quickly..." a Snow Mountain Leopard team member shouted, but before he finished speaking, his eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief: "Isn't it? How could this happen!"

Only then did everyone see clearly that the one who was knocked away was not Instructor Chen, but Instructor Pei!

Chen Xin'an used the same move, using the mountain support to deal with Pei Yuande's mountain support.

The two of them bumped into each other, Chen Xin'an remained motionless, and Pei Yuande was knocked three meters away!

Pei Yuande fell to the ground and rolled three times before lying on his back.

He covered his right arm with his left hand and cried out in pain: "My arm... is broken!"

The entire training ground was silent, and everyone stared at this scene in disbelief.

At this moment, a slender figure rushed to the podium, snatched the microphone in front of Tang Peng, and shouted:

"Stop it!

Why are you like this, are you still shameless?

Instructor Chen has just returned from a mission and has not rested for a minute. You are going to fight him!

Do you know that he is seriously injured?

He is in urgent need of treatment and recuperation, and he can't do anything anymore!

Even if you defeat him like this, it will still be a weak victory! "


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