Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1358 They are the ones with merit

As if sensing something unusual around her, Tang Qianqian shut up and turned her head to look around.

Why do they all look like this?

She had just come all the way to the training ground to stop the competition.

But in the end, she was still a step too slow, and Chen Xinan had already started fighting with the other party.

When she heard that the top instructors of the four special forces had joined forces to deal with Chen Xinan, Tang Qianqian was furious!

She knew that it would be difficult to stop these men once they started.

But for Chen Xinan's health, and even for his life, she had to stop them!

So she didn't care about anything and rushed directly to the podium.

After she finished speaking, she realized that the atmosphere here was a bit weird!

Tang Peng looked at his precious daughter in front of him with a helpless look on his face. He didn't have time to pay attention to her recklessness. He just frowned and asked: "You mean, Chen Xin'an was injured?"

Tang Qianqian snorted and said: "He dealt with the three wolf kings and more than 20 jungle wolf mercenaries alone, and wiped out all the invading enemies!

It's good enough to be able to come back alive, how could he not be injured?"

"What did you say?" The leaders of the four special forces sitting next to him all stood up and looked at Tang Qianqian in disbelief.

A burly middle-aged man looked at Tang Qianqian with burning eyes and said:

"Doctor Tang, I know that the three wolf kings have died in Moshan, but I don't know the specific details.

You mean they were all killed by Chen Xin'an alone?

Do you have evidence?"

"Deputy Captain Gao!" Zhu Shanluo came over, holding a backpack, which was the one Chen Xin'an carried back.

He unzipped the backpack, and then dumped the contents on the table!

Three heads wrapped in flower baskets and dozens of bloody wolf-leg knives were piled in front of everyone!

Thousands of people in the entire training ground all looked over and watched this scene.

The microphone was still on, and everyone's voices were clearly heard by everyone.

Zhu Shanluo did not hide anything and told the leaders the details of the mission in detail, then sighed and said:

"Although we are members of the action team, we are just here to make a cameo appearance in this mission!

The boss did everything by himself.

The boss took all the risks by himself!

So, the boss took all the damage for us by himself!

We dare not and cannot grab this credit!

Because it belongs to the boss alone!"

"Bullshit!" A stern shout came from the stands, Chen Xinan rubbed his nose and walked towards the podium.

Tang Qianqian was stunned, and shouted to Chen Xinan in surprise: "Instructor Chen, you are okay?"

Chen Xinan's face darkened, and he glanced at her and said: "What do you mean? You hope that I will be in trouble!"

"No..." Tang Qianqian wanted to explain, but it seemed that she missed something. She looked at Chen Xinan in disbelief, widened her eyes and said:

"No way? You defeated all those instructors...?"

Looking at the competition venue again, all the instructors fell to the ground, and only Chen Xinan could stand and walk over!

Isn't this too outrageous?

Chen Xinan, who was seriously injured, actually defeated the top instructors of the four special forces?

How did he do it?

Tang Qianqian excitedly shouted to Chen Xinan: "Instructor Chen, I knew you were okay!

Even if those instructors joined forces, they are not your opponents. They are too useless!"

Zhu Shanluo and Cai Yinfu rolled their eyes.

Now they are being wise after the event again. I don't know who was so anxious that he was about to cry just now!

Chen Xinan frowned and said to her: "You are wrong! It's not that those instructors are useless, but they have never regarded me as an enemy.

They kept some strength between their moves, and felt that it was unfair for so many people to fight one person.

So they didn't use all their strength in their killing moves, so I defeated them one by one.

If the five of them really joined forces, then I would definitely be the one lying on the ground now!"

This sentence not only made the five people lying on the ground grateful, but also won the favor of the leaders on the stage.

At this time, someone shouted first on the stage, which immediately caused thousands of people to stand up and shouted to Chen Xinan:

"Instructor Chen! God of War! God of War Chen!"

Chen Xinan stumbled and cursed at everyone in anger: "What are you shouting!"

God of War?

I have only worn this green suit for a month, and you gave me such a big title. Do you dare to say that this person is not mocking me?

Old generals like Lu Wenhu and Tang Peng have fought for decades, but they haven't got such a title. Do you think it is appropriate to use it on me?

However, his voice was completely suppressed by the shouts of thousands of people in the audience.

Everyone looked at him with fanatical eyes, as if they were looking at their idol.

When everyone's voices slowly subsided, Deputy Captain Gao said to Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun excitedly:

"Old Tang, Old Meng, we just discussed and want to collectively recommend Chen Instructor!"

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun looked at each other and smiled.

Although Chen Xin'an has only been in Heishanhu for a month, what he has done is enough to meet the conditions for recommending merit!

Even this merit is not small.

But if the big guys of several special forces recommend him together, then this kid can be regarded as a step to heaven!

The meritorious service that was finally approved was unexpected!

Before they could express their stance, Chen Xin'an had already packed his backpack, waved his hand and said to everyone:

"No need to ask me for credit, I don't need it.

Don't listen to the nonsense of Lao Zhu and others.

Operation Zhanxue cannot be completed by me alone.

Without everyone's cooperation, things would not have turned out so well.

When it comes to credit, everyone should have it.

Including those captured comrades.

If it were not to save their comrades and save the people, they would not sacrifice themselves as prisoners.

But even though their lives were at the mercy of the enemy, none of them betrayed or surrendered.

They endured torture at the hands of their enemies and suffered mental and physical destruction.

But he has never forgotten that he is the person who wears the cloud dragon.

If you want to take credit, they are the biggest.

If we want to commend them, we should also give them awards! "

"Instructor Chen!" In the stands, thousands of special operations team members looked at Chen Xin'an without blinking, listening to his words quietly, their eyes became moist.

Those who can come to Montenegro Tiger to participate in this competition are the elites of various special operations forces.

They don't admire anyone easily.

Perhaps a soldier from a certain special operations team would admire a certain master in his own unit.

But before today, the people who the members of different special forces teams admired together had never appeared before.

But now, this person already exists, it is instructor Chen Xin'an Chen!

Maybe just now, what everyone admired was just his super fighting strength.

Even though he was seriously injured, he still defeated the top instructors of the four major special forces teams together with the alliance.

But now, everyone is once again impressed by this man's great character.

Don't be arrogant when you take credit, don't be arrogant when you rely on your talents.

Such a charming personality makes him worthy of being a common idol for everyone!

But for Chen Xin'an, what he said just now was definitely not for show, let alone pretentious.

What military merit do you want?

My brother is just a passerby in the army. After doing this work, he still goes home and hugs his wife and children. This is his lifelong pursuit!

If you want to use military merit to tie me down, there is no way!

Besides, I'm extremely rich now.

I have plenty of money, but what kind of military exploits can attract me?

It's not that I'm a noble person, it's that my brothers don't like it at all and don't take it seriously!


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