Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1362 You must abide by the rules here

Seeing that Zhu Shanluo seemed to have a faint cloud of smoke coming out of his body, Bian Hu not only mourned for him in his heart.

Brother, you are finished!

You dare to make a joke to the boss? Do you dare to pat the boss on the shoulder?

You don’t know how to write the word death, do you?

Chen Xinan grinned and said, "Don’t worry, I will never be stingy with what I can teach you, take your time!"

He thought of a question, widened his eyes and said, "What do you mean? Do you think I drove the car into the tree? Where is Erganzi?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and shook their heads.

Bian Hu pointed at the jeep and said, "We let Erganzi come to find you, and it went ahead.

It is faster than our car in the forest.

Then we heard the sound of the car hitting the tree, and when we drove over, we saw that your car was stuck and there was no one in the car.

We thought you drove the car, and you got off the car to find tools to pry the tree, and I wanted to help you push the car out!"

Got it.

Erganzi, this bastard, crashed the car, knew he was in trouble, and ran away with his harem beauties!

I left myself naked in the medicine pit!

You should at least give me a pair of pants, and I'll drive the car out!

Now I'm running naked in the woods, and I happened to meet Dr. Tang...

The past is too painful to recall!

Chen Xin'an raised his head and gritted his teeth and cursed at the tree: "Erganzi, don't let me catch you! I must eat your monkey brain and clean up the mess!"

Erganzi's howling came from the branches, and then he ran away quickly.

I knew that this bastard didn't dare to run far after getting into trouble, and he carefully hid aside to peek at the screen!

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was angry, it must run away!

It's also my fault for not thinking too much.

This idiot would never look for him normally, and he didn't want to move even in the gentle countryside.

If he hadn't led the way for Tang Qianqian and the others, he would definitely not come to the woods!

Among the entire Black Mountain Tiger, the only one who could find Chen Xin'an in the shortest time was Erganzi!

Through camouflage and ambush training, Chen Xinan was able to hide from everyone and lie in the swamp for several hours without being discovered.

Only Erganzi could find him accurately and even block the reed tube he used to breathe. Isn’t that amazing?

Chen Xinan glanced at Tang Qianqian. Before he could speak, both of them blushed. It was so embarrassing!

Scratching his head, Chen Xinan asked unhappily, "Why are you looking for me?"

Tang Qianqian cleared her throat, trying to make her expression more natural, and said to Chen Xinan:

"Boss, the old man and the political commissar are looking for you!

It seems that someone from the General Military Region has come and brought your medal!

We will hold a celebration party in the afternoon!

You are asked to go to the office now!"

Chen Xinan frowned. Medal? Celebration party?

He was not interested in these.

But he couldn't not go!

Chen Xinan said helplessly: "Okay, let's go now! Don't hit it hard, the paint will be rubbed off!" Chen Xinan walked to the front of the Longqi car and looked at the two trees that clamped the car body. Each tree was almost as thick as a thigh. "Stay away!" Chen Xinan called out to the three people, then turned around and stepped forward three times in succession, and suddenly kicked with a flying kick. With a click, the tree trunk broke! The three people next to him were stunned, and at the same time stretched their necks and swallowed their saliva. Chen Xinan got in the car, started it, and said to the three people: "Why are you stunned? Get in the car, we're going back!" The three people reacted and quickly got on the jeep. Tang Qianqian originally wanted to be Chen Xinan's Longqi, but the other party had already driven away, so she had to sit in the back seat of the jeep in disappointment. Zhu Shanluo wanted to sit next to her, but she scolded him a few times and sat obediently in the co-pilot seat. While driving, Bian Hu said to Zhu Shanluo: "Old Zhu, do you feel that the boss is more powerful?"

Zhu Shanluo scratched his neck as if looking for lice, nodded and said: "Indeed! The speed and strength of the kick just now were faster and heavier than before!

Before, I thought that I couldn't say that I could defeat the boss together with Lao Pei, but I could at least last half an hour.


Zhu Shanluo scratched his neck and back hard, and said angrily: "Maybe it won't even last ten minutes!

Strange, why am I so itchy?

Are you allergic to something?"

Tang Qianqian and Bian Hu looked at each other and subconsciously stayed away from Zhu Shanluo, as if they were afraid of being infected by him!

At the door of the office, a young man in casual clothes was holding a mobile phone, frowning and impatiently saying:

"What a crappy place! Even the signal is so unstable, we can't even chat! Hey, come here!"

The attendant Lu Huan, who had just walked out of the office, immediately ran over, stood at attention, and said to him: "Chief, do you have any instructions?"

The young man cursed with a cold face: "Don't shout so loudly, your ears are deafened!

I ask you, where is the best signal?

I want to make a call!

Or where is your computer room?

I'm going to surf the Internet!"

Lu Huan quickly stood at attention and said: "Sorry, Chief, we don't allow phone calls here. You can't surf the Internet casually in the computer room!"

The young man frowned and cursed him: "Don't use these broken rules to pressure me!

That's for you Black Mountain Tigers, it has nothing to do with me!

Do you know where I came from?"

"I know!" Lu Huan nodded and answered seriously: "General Military Region! You came here with Commander Zhang!"

The young man snorted and said: "It's good that you know! I am Commander Zhang's accompanying nurse and also his son!

So I know more about the bad rules in the army than you do!

Don't tell me these useless things, just tell me where I can get online!

I have to report my whereabouts to my girlfriend every day. She can't find me for such a long time, she must be angry again!

Take me there quickly, don't hurt me, understand?"

Lu Huan looked embarrassed, looked at the young man and said: "I'm sorry, Commander, we don't have a place to get online here.

No one can enter the computer room without the approval of the commander!"

"I said, why are you so stubborn as a soldier!" The young man was anxious, holding his mobile phone and said to him:

"I must contact my girlfriend at three o'clock every afternoon!

Did you listen Don't you understand what I said?

I told you not to use those stinky rules here on me!

You just take me there, the computer room won't stop me, and they dare not stop me!

You are a serviceman, how can you talk to me?

Why are you so long-winded?

I need you to teach me?

Take me there quickly! "

Lu Huan stood straight, unmoved by his teachings, just kept repeating:

"I'm sorry, chief, I can't violate the discipline, I can't take you there!"

"You fucking bastard!" The young man cursed angrily, pointing at Lu Huan's nose and cursing:

"Okay, you fucking have guts!

I won't go, I'll just call here.

There will always be a signal, what can you do to me?

Just a soldier, competing with me, Zhang Jinlin?

Are you worthy?

See if I can't kill you after the call! "

The young man held his mobile phone and kept walking around in the corridor, dialing the phone over and over again.

Suddenly, he stopped and shouted with surprise: "Okay, there is a signal!"

He quickly dialed a number.

Listening to the beeping sound coming from the other side, Zhang Jinlin pointed and yelled: "Just stand here, I will deal with you after I finish the call! Wait for me... Alas!"

Just then, his hand was empty and the phone was taken away!

The next second, it was thrown to the ground!

Then a foot stepped on it, turned back and forth a few times, and crushed the phone to pieces!

"That's the phone my girlfriend gave me!" Zhang Jinlin was completely dumbfounded, gnashing his teeth and looking at the culprit.

Chen Xinan looked at him expressionlessly and said: "No matter who you are, you must abide by our rules when you come here!"

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