Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1363 Your parents don’t discipline you, I will help them discipline you

"Do you even know who I am?

Do you know how precious that phone is?

The signal in this place is so bad, I finally made a call, why the hell did you hang up on me?

How dare you crush my phone?

Are you looking for death?

Believe it or not, I can let you take off this green outfit right away?


Zhang Jinlin looked like he was crazy, pointing at Chen Xinan and yelling.

No one dared to treat him so roughly. People who knew him would only nod and bow to him!

After people who don't know him know his identity, they will stay away and dare not provoke him.

Even some leaders in the army did not dare to act arrogantly in front of him!

Because he is still the son of Chief Zhang!

Who dares to be rude to him?

But now, Zhang Jinlin found that he was in trouble!

The other party wears the instructor card, but does not take him seriously.

Not only did he take away his cell phone and crush it to pieces, but before he could vent his anger, he was slapped on the face with two big ear-scrapers, front and back!

Zhang Jinlin was stunned, with stars in his eyes and blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Tang Qianqian from behind recognized this person, her expression changed, and she said to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, this is the son of Commander Zhang of the General Military Region! Commander Zhang is the one who is here to award you the award!"

Zhang Jinlin also reacted and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "My father is Zhang Hongxuan, you dare to hit me? I will kill you!"

Chen Xin'an reached out and grabbed his neck, and pushed him against the wall with a bang.

Then the fingers added strength and lifted him up bit by bit!

"Even if your father is the King of Heaven, he must abide by our rules when he comes to Montenegro! Do you understand?"

The door of the office behind them was opened. When they saw the scene in the corridor, Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun were startled and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, what are you doing? Put Mr. Zhang down quickly!"

An old man in military uniform sitting on the sofa also stood up and looked outside with a gloomy face.

Chen Xin'an let go of her hand.

Zhang Jinlin rubbed his sore neck with his hands, coughed twice, and gasped for air.

He looked at Chen Xin'an with resentful eyes, walked up to Chen Xin'an with disdain, pushed him on the chest and cursed:

"What's wrong? Are you scared?

Wasn't it quite arrogant just now?

I thought you were such a bastard!

Aren't you also afraid that my father will deal with you?

Are you that Chen Xin'an?

My dad brought me here just to meet you?


Mr. Chen, I know you today!

Remember this, I..."


Chen Xin'an kicked him directly in the stomach, sending him flying up. His body hit the opposite wall hard, and then fell to the ground!

"Chen Xin'an!" Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun roared.

The old man in military uniform who was sitting on the sofa wanted to stand up, but finally held back.

But the arm on the armrest had exposed veins and a terrifyingly gloomy expression!

Chen Xin'an squinted at Zhang Jinlin on the ground and said, "It's the commander's order to let you go. I'm a soldier and I have to obey orders. Do you understand?

But if you continue to talk dirty to me here and find your own way to deal with it, I will beat you!

Do you know who I hate the most?

It’s a second-generation ancestor like you!

I feel that I was born into a good child and had good parents, so I think I am superior to others.

Enjoy privileges wherever you go and don't look down on anyone.

When I encounter such idiots, I will deal with them one by one!

If your parents don't discipline you, I'll help them discipline you!

Save scum like you from harming society! "

The kick was so severe that Zhang Jinlin couldn't get up. He covered his stomach with his hands and cried and howled in pain.

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun were really frightened when they heard Chen Xin'an's words!


How dare you say that!

He is also a second-generation ancestor, and he is also a scumbag.

Your biological father is sitting in front of you!

Isn't this just a slap in the face of my own father?

You idiot has no inhibitions, but I still want to do this for a few more years!

You really want us both to take off our armor and return home on the spot!

Zhang Jinlin clutched his stomach and collapsed on the ground, looking into the office and crying:

"Dad! Your son was almost beaten to death, and you just sat there and didn't care? I was bullied! No one takes you seriously!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Why are you shouting from so far away? Come on, I will take you in and shout!"

As soon as he bent down, he reached out and grabbed Zhang Jinlin's ears, pulled him to the door of the office, and shouted: "Report!"

Depend on!

We are standing in front of you, the door is not closed, how can you file a complaint?

Meng Jianjun had a dark face and shouted at Chen Xin'an: "What are you doing! Let me go!"

Chen Xin'an then let go of Zhang Jinlin's ears, stood at attention and replied, "Yes!"

Zhang Jinlin touched a handful of the blood flowing down his ears, and with tears streaming down his face, he shouted to the old man in military uniform on the sofa: "Dad, you just want to watch me being beaten to death, right?"

As if he was afraid that Chief Zhang would get angry at Chen Xin'an, Tang Peng scolded Chen Xin'an with a dark face:

"Chen Xin'an, you are simply lawless!

In front of the chief, you are yelling and beating the guests. Do you take the chief seriously?

Do you pay attention to the discipline of the army? "

Meng Jianjun also cursed angrily: "Chen Xin'an, I'm warning you! Don't think that just because you have made some achievements, you will become more and more successful, and you won't take anyone else seriously!"

Do you think it’s so great that you improved the training methods of the Montenegrin Tigers and increased the overall strength of the entire special operations team by at least three times?

Do you think it's so great that you led the rescue team deep into the deep pool in the hinterland of the desert mountain, drove away the tide of thousands of wolves, and rescued the new training team?

Do you think it's so great that you single-handedly rescued the four hostages captured by Chuan Yunlong without any sacrifice or serious casualties?

Do you think it's so great to single-handedly kill the three most notorious wolf kings in the border military community and annihilate more than 30 invading enemies from the jungle wolf mercenary group?

Do you think it's so great to help the Guanbei police to destroy a private gun factory that has been hidden for many years and maintain social stability?

Do you think……"

"That's enough!" Zhang Hongxuan snorted, stood up from the sofa, glared at Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun and cursed: "You two, stand aside!"

He was not a fool, so why didn't he know that these two guys were obviously trying to teach Chen Xin'an a lesson, but actually they were praising him for his achievements?

Is it necessary for you two to praise me in a roundabout way?

What am I here for?

Zhang Jinlin was dumbfounded!

I thought this guy was just an ordinary instructor, and I dared to attack him because of my courage.

Listening to it this way, this guy is a tough guy!

Not only did one person kill those three wolf kings, but he also wiped out all the mercenaries of those wolves?

Is this guy a murderer?

This kind of person is not easy to mess with!

Once he goes crazy and becomes murderous, it doesn't matter whose son he is, it's just a matter of wiping his neck with a knife!

Now when he looked at Chen Xin'an, the disdain in his eyes was gone, and there was more of a hint of fear!

Zhang Hongxuan glanced at Chen Xin'an and asked with a majestic expression: "Are you Chen Xin'an?"

Chen Xin'an originally didn't want to talk to him.

Later, Tang Qianqian pinched his waist with her hands.

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to stand at attention, salute and say: "Reporting to the chief, I am Chen Xin'an!"

Zhang Jinlin covered his ears with a proud sneer.

No matter how awesome you are, do you still have to salute my dad when you see him?

Well behaved and honest?

But his smile hurt the wound, and it hurt so much that he immediately cried and stared at Chen Xin'an hatefully.

Zhang Hongxuan looked at him and shouted: "Chen Xin'an, take three steps forward!"

Chen Xin'an straightened his body, took three steps forward in a standard military goose-step posture, and stood firm.


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