Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1370 Just do what he says

This was the condition on which he agreed to this matter.

Not to mention Zhang Lao, a group of parents didn't dare to say anything, and they all agreed.

Don't look at how powerful each one of them is.

But in education, there are indeed many shortcomings.

Those second-generation ancestors who act recklessly do not actually have many parents who support them in their behavior.

I just don’t have much time to discipline.

If anyone can help them put their children on the right path.

No matter how much money they spend, no matter how high the price is, they are willing to do it.

Chen Xin'an pushed Fang Kai and scolded him: "Go and clean up the conference room. Remember, what I want is a high-pressure faucet!"

Fang Kai trembled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Yes, boss, I will prepare now!"

Driving the car and parked at the equipment yard, Dai Wugang, who was sweating profusely, came over and said with a smile:

"How's it going, boss? Aren't those second-generation ancestors difficult to deal with?

According to me, you shouldn't take this job!

How comfortable is it to be with us exclusively? How worry-free? "

Chen Xin'an grinned, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You're living quite comfortably, right?

Come on, let me find you something to do!

Look, this is two-finger-supported swallow-style balance.

Each of you, give me thirty minutes! "

After Chen Xin'an finished arranging the training tasks, she drove away gracefully.

There was a cry in the equipment field.

Bian Hu scolded Dai Wugang: "What did you say you were talking about in front of the boss?

Don’t you still know his temper?

Isn't it life-threatening to balance in the swallow position with two fingers? "

Dai Wugang rolled his eyes fiercely: "You blame me for being such a mouthful? Can't you see that this is the boss teaching you all to give up and not dare to be the monitor of the prince's class?"

Gong Jun said with a grimace: "I realize that we are all being trained by the boss to become professional athletes now!"

"But!" Mou Wenfeng said with shining eyes: "It's very effective, isn't it?"

Indeed, Chen Xin'an's training on fingering and lower body may seem ordinary, but it can subtly enhance and change everyone's strength.

We are all considered training experts, how could we not feel it!

In the new training building, Lei Ming said to the princes in front of him: "The first room to the left at the top of the stairs after going up to the second floor is your dormitory.

Your clothes and personal belongings have been placed on your bed.

Organized in three minutes.

Need to use the bathroom as soon as possible.

Here, play the trumpet for thirty seconds and the tuba for three minutes.

Remember, no matter what you do, you have to run back and forth.

Listen to the whistle and gather in the conference room on the second floor.

Wear only military shorts and don’t bring any other extra clothes or items!

Disband! "

A group of princes turned and went upstairs with gloomy faces.

This building is not just for these princes. In fact, except for the first room on the left on the second floor, the rest is where the special operations team members live.

It's just that during this time, everyone is on the training ground.

A group of princes were really afraid of the vine whip in Lei Ming's hand.

This does not mean that they have surrendered.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

Let's all hold back for the time being and find an opportunity to teach them a lesson!

As soon as they entered the dormitory, everyone was stunned.

There are two rows of large bunks, with a thin mattress on top and a white sheet covering them.

The sheets were laid out flat, and even the four corners were folded at right angles, as if they had been measured with a ruler.

Underneath the mattress was the bare bed board.

At the end of the bed, there was a packed backpack and neatly folded new green clothes.

The sizes are obtained in advance and received according to the size.

There is no such thing as whether it is suitable or not.

"Is this where people live?

How can I sleep on just a bed?

It's killing me! "

"I never sleep in the same room or bed with a man!"

"There's no air conditioning, how the hell can I sleep?"

"Don't choose, it would be great to have a place to sleep!" There was a man standing by the window, looking out with a lonely expression, covered in sweat.

"Zhang Jinlin? Why are you here?" Li Nianbei looked at that guy in shock.

Zhang Jinlin said with red eyes: "I came one day earlier than you, and I brought your beds and quilts all by myself!"

Xia Hongfeng smiled and said: "Damn, you are quite capable..."

"Shut up, shut up!" Zhang Jinlin's eyes were red, his lips were trembling, and he said to everyone:

“I’m so damn tired and sleepy right now!

You all don’t know how I got here last night!

Let me tell you, never provoke that Chen Xin'an!

He is not a human, he is an animal! "

Everyone looked at him strangely.

How many times had this grandson been raped by that guy named Chen last night before he became like this?

That man named Chen is actually a pervert?

Interested in men?

Thinking of the guy named Lei Ming just now, he asked everyone to put on military pants and go to the conference room...

Everyone’s expressions changed!

It is said that people in this kind of place are a little psychopathic.

After all, I haven't seen a woman all year round, but when I saw a sow, I felt pretty and pretty.

It seems that this person named Chen is a big pervert!

I would rather die than obey!

As if thinking of something, Zhang Jinlin hurriedly ran to his bed, began to take off his clothes, and said to everyone:

"Hurry up and put on military pants, or you'll be in trouble later!"

The person next to him sneered and scolded: "Zhang Jinlin, if you want to do something mean, go do it yourself. I won't wear it. What can he do to me?"

Zhang Jinlin turned around and glanced at him, and said with a cold sneer: "A bitch? If you Chao Tongguang has the guts, you will never give in! Let's see how long you can last!"

Chao Tongguang's face was gloomy, and he snorted and said: "Don't forget, I have also practiced!

Do you really think I am a soft persimmon?

Just let them decide?

If you make me anxious, even if I can't beat them, I will bite off a piece of their flesh! "

"Yes!" Several people around him nodded and said, "When have we ever been afraid of others?

If you really piss me off, I'll kill them!

It's just a few lives, but in our eyes, it's nothing! "

"Damn it! Everything we had on us was taken away when we came here. We don't have anything in our hands, even a knife!"

"No need! Isn't it easy to kill them?

Come, everyone, come over and let’s discuss it!

Let’s find an opportunity to join forces..."

"A bunch of idiots!" Zhang Jinlin was too lazy to pay attention to Chao Tongguang and the others.

Still want to attack Chen Xin'an?

You don’t know how terrifying that pervert is!

Just a few of you little fish and shrimps are not enough to fill my teeth!

Long Sheng saw Zhang Jinlin put on military pants in front of everyone, regardless of other people's opinions, and asked strangely: "Do you know why he asked us to wear it like this?"

Zhang Jinlin shook his head and said, "I don't know. But just do what he says and don't fight with him, otherwise you will be the one who suffers!"

Without saying a word, Long Sheng also started to take off his clothes.

Hua Youlin on the side asked him: "Long Sheng, why did you stop me just now?"

Long Sheng's face was gloomy and he whispered to him: "You know that my cousin has gone abroad, right?"

Hua Youlin nodded and said with a smile: "This kid violated Grandpa Long's taboo, so he was punished. Even your father was implicated!"

Long Sheng shook his head, looked at Hua Youlin and said, "It's not that I violated my grandfather's taboo, but that I offended someone!"

"Offended someone?" Hua Youlin looked confused. What is the status of the Long family? Who needs to hide abroad if he offends someone?

Suddenly, his expression changed and he looked at the other person in disbelief.

Long Sheng nodded and said word by word: "Yes, I offended Chen Xin'an! It was this guy who made my brother be demoted abroad!"

Hua Youlin was stunned.

Chen Xin'an, who are you?

At this moment, a rapid whistle sounded in the corridor: "Assemble in the conference room!"


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