Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1371 Try touching one of my hairs

A group of people stood lazily in the conference room, looking at the three people in front of them with vigilance.

The entire conference room was empty, except for a chair in the middle and a cardboard box placed on the chair. No one knew what was in the box.

Others, nothing.

Fang Kai covered his face with his hands, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

If everyone was wearing a pair of big pants, the scene would be passable.

But now, twenty people are dressed up in different styles, wearing everything. Standing together is really...

Lei Ming looked at everyone and shouted in a deep voice: "I just told you to put on military shorts.

Except for these five people who followed the instructions, the remaining fifteen of you are deaf? "

Xia Hongfeng snorted coldly and said, "You just want to change it?

Is it okay that I'm standing here in shorts?

Isn’t this a fool?

You don’t even tell me why you want to change, so why should I listen to you? "

He shook the red hair on his head and said: "No one can give me orders, who are you..."

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to listen to what he had to say, and said to everyone: "Okay, it's up to you if you want to change it or not! Starting from the front of the row, come over and sit down one by one!"

Xia Hongfeng is the leader. He is the tallest among these princes, even a little taller than Chen Xin'an.

Xia Hongfeng frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an picked up the box on the chair and said calmly: "Get a haircut!

The uniform hair style here is flat!

All of your hairstyles are substandard and must be cut off! "

Everyone was stunned for a moment and yelled at Chen Xin'an!

"Are you crazy? I just spent more than 3,000 yuan on my hair yesterday, and you want me to shave it off?"

"What I hate the most in my life is my short hair! You dare to shave it off with me, who am I to worry about?"

"Do you know how difficult it is to adjust the oil for my baking?

It took me five visits to get the effect!

What on earth do you mean to get rid of it for me?

Would you like to move a hair on my head? "

Everyone was cursing, and everyone had an angry look on their face.

For them, the shape of their hair is an aspect of their personality.

Anyone who dares to touch their hair will be at odds with them!

Chen Xin'an didn't talk nonsense to them, turned around and said to Fang Kai: "Bring the things in!"

Fang Kai stood at attention and said, "Yes!" He turned around and walked outside the door.

take things?

I don’t want to get a haircut, nothing you can use is useless!

Fang Kai quickly walked in with a water pipe, dragging a long pipe behind him.

At Chen Xin'an's signal, he closed the door and stood at the door together with Lei Ming.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the chair and asked everyone, "Does anyone take the initiative to sit over and get a haircut?"

"What the hell are you dreaming about!" Xia Hongfeng cursed at Chen Xin'an.

Even Zhang Jinlin was disobedient this time. After all, their hairstyles were carefully done, even more so than those of women.

Then a powerful current rushed over them, as if a cow had hit each of them head-on!

The momentum of the high-pressure water cannon is not something that ordinary people can bear.

It's like a knife, cutting on the body is extremely painful!

Everyone screamed loudly and tried to dodge the impact of the water gun, but as soon as they reached the door, they were kicked back by Lei Ming and Fang Kai!

The entire conference room was filled with howls and cries, like hell on earth!

A group of princes finally understood why Chen Xin'an asked them to wear shorts, and now they were all wet with semen!

"My Hermès! This outfit costs more than 30,000 yuan, and it can't be exposed to water!"

"Hair! My hair! I just styled it! It's done now!"

"I can't see, I'm blind! That bastard sprayed my eyes out, I'm not done with him!"

Everyone cursed loudly, but Chen Xin'an remained unmoved and kept spraying them with a water gun!

After a few minutes, everyone fell silent.

They were all huddled in the corner of the conference room, soaked to the skin.

At this moment, no one had the energy to curse. They were all exhausted and couldn't move.

Chen Xin'an then turned off the water gun and strode over.

Everyone was already afraid of this devil-like guy, their eyes were filled with fear, but they had nowhere to hide.

Chen Xin'an walked up to Xia Hongfeng and grabbed his arm.

He dragged him on the ground, walked to the chair, and pressed him on the chair.

Take out the scissors and razor from the box. You don't need a comb. First, use the scissors to cut off the hair, and then use the razor to shave it off.

Xia Hongfeng could no longer struggle. She looked at the pile of red hair on the ground and cried loudly!

This hair is shaved quickly!

It only takes less than two minutes to get started.

But there was a lot of crying in the conference room, just like a large memorial service.

An hour later, everyone had their heads shaved.

The colorful bits of hair on the ground were mixed with the water flow, and were shoveled into the bucket, and later dumped into the toilet.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone with satisfaction: "This is a little more pleasing to the eye!

Lei Ming, give them a wash together, and then put on their training clothes!

This afternoon you and Fang Kai will teach them to clean up their house and learn to sing.

Playing songs with the veterans while eating, if you can't sing, you won't have anything to eat! "

"Yes!" Lei Ming and Fang Kai responded and saluted Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an walked out holding the box containing scissors and razors.

As soon as he returned to the training ground, Zhang Jian came over and whispered to him:

"Boss, you really don't need me to send someone to follow the three newcomers who are leaving?

They are all a group of princes. If something happens, it will be a big trouble for the Black Mountain Tiger! "

Now Chen Xin'an is the chief instructor of the entire army. Even though Zhang Ji'an is the instructor leader of the Montenegrin Tigers, in front of this chief instructor of the entire army, the difference is more than just a grade!

So it was natural for the boss to yell.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "No need! I know it well!"

Zhang Jian was silent. The boss was doing his job and there was no need for him to talk too much.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Let everyone gather under the stage!"

"Yes!" Zhang Jian saluted, picked up the whistle on his chest, and blew the assembly whistle hard.

Thousands of people quickly gathered, and the training ground was filled with the sound of numbers one, two, three and four.

Chen Xin'an stood on the high platform and picked up the microphone. After everyone had gathered and stood quietly below, he said to everyone:

"I will teach you a set of boxing now, you can practice it if you have nothing to do!

Remember, there is no time or routine.

You can practice at any time, and you don’t have to play from beginning to end.

Just do whatever action comes to mind!

The longer you practice, the greater the benefits will be to you! "

Thousands of special operators listened quietly. Although they did not speak, everyone had an expression of surprise on their faces.

The boss is finally going to teach them their real ancient martial arts skills!

Just doing these basic trainings has already made everyone feel that their strength has greatly increased.

Then if you practice a set of powerful and domineering ancient martial arts, wouldn't you become invincible?

But when Chen Xinan started to demonstrate, everyone was dumbfounded!

This...is also called ancient martial arts?

It seems to be imitating the movements of wild beasts!

Even calling it Jiu Jitsu would be more appropriate.

Instructor Zhao Dingshan, who had just been discharged from the hospital and returned to Montenegro Tiger, curled his lips and said to Sun Wei beside him:

“I thought it was some kind of amazing ancient martial arts, but I didn’t expect it was just a set of fitness moves!

Do we need this kind of thing?

Do we still have few fitness methods? "

After Chen Xin'an finished the demonstration, she said to everyone: "I know you are very disappointed, seeing that this is just a set of aerobics.

But whether you want to learn it or not.

You can practice this set of aerobics as you want.

Be sure to practice as soon as possible! "


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