Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1372 I will die in front of you

As the sun set, three staggering figures flashed across the jungle. They were Yin Xiangming and his three men who had left the Black Mountain Tiger Base.

There was a sudden sound above the head, as if something flashed past.

The three of them were so frightened that they trembled. Their bodies were extremely tired, but they didn't know where the strength came from. They helped each other and took a few steps forward.

Unexpectedly, he stepped on the air and the three of them rolled down from the height together!

This hit the three of them so hard that they couldn't stand up for a while!

Everything around was dark and foggy.

Even though it was not yet night, there was no light in the woods.

Just now, the three of them were hiding under a big tree, preparing to sleep for a night before continuing their walk.

But something swished and swaggered past the three of them!

The three of them were so scared that they quickly stood up and ran!

Now the three of them were all bruised, sleepy and hungry, lying on the ground unable to stand up.

There was a whimpering sound in the darkness.

Yin Xiangming was distraught, lying on the ground and cursing: "Why are you crying in mourning! Your father is not dead yet!"

Shao Yang cried and cursed: "My legs are bleeding! I can't get out, I'm going to die here!"

Pu Xincheng licked his chapped and peeling lips and said, "I just want to drink a glass of ice water and eat a piece of pizza! I have no energy at all now!"

Yin Xiangming scolded: "Stop saying that! It's like saying that there are no injuries on the body and no one is thirsty or hungry!"

Pu Xincheng cursed angrily: "Didn't you say that everything is available here, including game and fruits?"

Yin Xiangming cursed angrily: "How the hell do I know there is nothing in this forest.

Apart from being a tree, there is no fruit!

There is game, but what should we hunt with it?

Even if you chase me, you can't catch up with me!

Besides, even if I catch up and catch you, how will you eat it?

Eat it raw?

We don’t even have a lighter, we can’t even make a fire!

Don't think about what is there and what is not, think about how we will spend tonight!

If we lie here any longer and let the beasts smell us, we will become wild animals! "

Shao Yang cried and cursed: "If I had known this was the case, I would have stayed at that base!

Although the man named Chen is not a good guy, at least he won't die inexplicably in the woods!

Why the hell was I so stupid to insist on following you!

It’s okay now, I’m trapped here!

Maybe I'll feed the wolves tonight and die without even leaving a whole body! "

Pu Xincheng said to Yin Xiangming: "Brother Ming, how about we go back to that place? We will find a way to contact our families in the future and ask them to pick us up!"

Yin Xiangming cursed angrily: "You think I haven't thought about it? But now we are lost!"

It seems like I'm spinning in circles when I walk around!

I saw this rock above my head in the afternoon, and now I see it again!

We can't get out, and we can't go back! "

Upon hearing this, Shao Yang was completely desperate and burst into tears!

Yin Xiangming cursed angrily: "You're howling! Let's get some sleep and we can see the road tomorrow morning before we go!"

Shao Yang cried and cursed: "How can you survive until tomorrow morning!

The man surnamed Chen once said that there are wild animals on Mount Moshan!

We simply won't survive tonight! "

"Fuck you!" Yin Xiangming scolded: "As long as I'm here, you don't have to be afraid of anything..."

Before he could finish speaking, Pu Xincheng cursed at the side: "You are useless!"

Yin Xiangming's eyes widened, he looked at Pu Xincheng in disbelief and said, "What the hell did you say?"

These two boys have played with him since childhood and have always been his little fans.

I have never dared to be so rude to him.

Pu Xincheng cursed angrily: "If I didn't believe in you so much, how could we have come to this point?

You said you would take us down the mountain and take us home.

But now? Let alone going down the mountain, you can't even find your way back!

I can see it, you are a waste!

What could you do without your parents and those around you?

You can't do anything!

Self-righteous, childish and stupid!

I will be killed by you! "

In the dimness, Yin Xiangming's complexion, which alternated between blue and white, could not be seen.

He gritted his teeth, punched Pu Xincheng on the chin, and cursed at him: "Who gave you the courage to say that to me?"

Pu Xincheng, who usually obeyed his orders, turned around and grabbed his neck, scolding him:

“You’re almost dead, you think I’m still letting you!

Would you like to touch me again? "

In fact, all three of them were so hungry that their chests were pressed to their bellies, and they had no energy left to fight.

But at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the forest not far away!

It was like an old cow, breathing heavily.

And the distance is getting closer!

All three froze.

Yin Xiangming and Pu Xincheng, who wanted to fight together, subconsciously let go of their hands and looked around in horror.

Shao Yang's teeth chattered and he asked in a trembling voice: "What is this sound?"

Yin Xiangming got up and said to the two of them: "Don't pay attention to the noise. It's not safe here. Climb up the tree quickly!"

Without saying a word, Pu Xincheng stood up and climbed up a big tree nearby!

But he is so pampered, how can he climb a tree!

I hugged the tree trunk and rubbed against it for a few times. I felt that the skin on my arms and legs were worn out, and I couldn't even climb up!

Shao Yang was even more miserable. He was tired, hungry, frightened and scared. He couldn't even stand firmly and how could he climb a tree!

But that scary gasping sound was getting closer and closer, and all three of them felt a fear they had never experienced before, shrouding them!

Yin Xiangming was heartbroken, gritted his teeth, walked to the big tree next to him, squatted down, and said to the two of them: "Hurry up! Step on my shoulders!"

"Brother Ming!" Shao Yang and Pu Xincheng were both stunned, looking at him with red eyes.

Yin Xiangming turned pale and said to the two of them: "I'll take you out, but I don't have the ability to take you out!

But I won't watch you die here!

If I die, I will die before you! "

Shao Yang and Pu Xincheng burst into tears and screamed: "Brother Ming!"

Yin Xiangming scolded: "Stop being so verbose! Ah Cheng goes up first, and then pulls Yangyang up.

If I'm not dead by then, you two will pull me up too!

If the ink stains again, we will all die here! "

At the entrance of the cafeteria, the special operations team members looked at the heads of all the monks in the Prince Class, and they all burst into laughter!

Everyone in the prince's class lowered their heads, and in their hearts they greeted all the eighteen generations of Chen Xin'an's ancestors, both men and women!

What about the board size you agreed on?

What the hell is this board size?

Just like what a dog has chewed, all of them are bald, okay?

They are quite bald, with patches here and there, as if everyone has psoriasis on their heads!

Loud military songs were heard all around.

But the Prince's class was completely silent.

Although I learned two songs, no one started singing at the moment.

After the thunder started, there was silence below.

Who are they?

Singing in front of so many people?

I feel ashamed just thinking about it!

Given their status, even the most famous singers would obediently come to them and sing a song for them as long as they say hello.

Now they are actually allowed to sing in front of others?

Totally impossible!

Everyone around them entered the cafeteria one by one, and in the end only people from the Prince's class were left outside.

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "If you don't sing, don't eat!

Sing for me one by one, whoever sings will get in!

If you don’t dare to sing, then you will stand here until training tomorrow morning. "


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