Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1374 A gathering of heroes with everything

After hearing Yin Xiangming's words, Shao Yang finally plucked up the courage.

Although he was still crying and his body was still shaking violently with fear, he still slowly crawled over.

Just when he was about to get close to Pu Xincheng, the blind bear below hit the tree trunk again!

This time it was not just an earthquake-like shaking, but the three of them heard a sound that made their hair stand on end!


There was a crisp sound not far away, as if something had cracked.

And a creaking sound kept reaching the three people's ears, as if the tree was grinding its teeth.

Before the three of them could react, they suddenly felt empty!

As the three of them shouted in unison, the branch they were holding onto broke!

The three of them fell straight from the tree and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, in this old forest, there is no soil underfoot, either exposed tree roots or fallen branches and leaves.

Although the three people fell awkwardly, they were not injured.

But before they could stand up, a black shadow mixed with the smell of beasts came over their heads and enveloped them all!

It's doomed now!

Not to mention that they were physically and mentally exhausted and had no strength at the moment.

Even at the peak of their physical strength, they couldn't beat a blind bear weighing three to four hundred pounds!

"Ouch!" Blind Bear shouted excitedly, and the smelly mucus from his mouth sprayed onto the faces of the three of them.

It seems that tonight’s efforts were not in vain, and now we can enjoy a buffet comfortably!

The teeth of Yin Xiangming and the three of them chattered. They were so scared that they hugged each other and huddled together. They didn't even have the strength to escape.

I didn't expect to really die in this jungle. If I had known there would be such an end, I wouldn't have run away from that base!

In the darkness, they saw the blind bear's red eyes, getting closer and closer to them, and they all let out a desperate scream!

At this moment, a heart-shaking roar suddenly came from not far away!

Is this...a lion's roar?

The blind bear who was about to feast suddenly stopped, stood upright, and let out a roar!

Yin Xiangming and the other two were almost scared to death!

Could it be any worse?

Even if he was eaten by a blind bear, a lion actually came!

If you have the guts, come back and it will be even more fierce!

As if responding to Yin Xiangming's thoughts, at this moment, another tiger roar came from not far away!

Listen to the sound, it's very close!

Yin Xiangming subconsciously stretched out his hand, slapped his face with a slap, and gave himself a slap in the face!

Crow's mouth!

Whatever you say!

Tiger, lion and big black bear, these three beast overlords are all alive!

The three of me are simply not enough for the three of them. I guarantee that not even a bone will be left after eating!

At this moment, another wolf howl came from overhead!

Yin Xiangming and the other two were all dumbfounded!

Then I remembered that the lion didn't hear clearly. It seemed that the tiger just heard it from the direction above his head?

How come tigers and lions appear in the desert forest at the same time?

Coupled with the current wolf, could it be that the Desert Mountain Jungle is a wildlife park?

This is a gathering of heroes and everything is available!

Do you really treat the three of them as a feast?

It's just that the blind bear didn't seem to take the three of them seriously. He circled under the big tree angrily, standing upright from time to time and letting out an angry roar!

It has already felt the provocation from other beasts!

This is its territory, and it does not allow any wild beasts to intrude!

There was a crashing sound above the head, as if something had arrived.

What I heard just now was the howl of a wolf. Could it be that it was also a flying wolf?

It was obvious that Blind Bear also sensed the approach of a powerful enemy. His eyes glowed with scarlet light, he opened his mouth and let out a roar, then slammed into the tree trunk!


The big tree shook violently, and a bright light suddenly shone down from above!

Yin Xiangming and the others quickly covered their eyes with their arms, their faces full of horror.

What's this?


A black shadow fell from the sky, grabbing the branches with both hands, flying down like a swing, and hit the blind bear heavily!

At the same time, a monkey squatted on a branch not far from the heads of the three people, grinning at them and making faces.

This monkey looks a bit familiar!

Yin Xiangming remembered that it seemed like this monkey had been following them in the forest today!

And the dark figure that collided with Blind Bear turned out to be a person!

He grabbed the branch and flew down, kicked Blind Bear, and then landed firmly on the ground.

He pulled out a tiger-toothed knife from his waist, stood in front of Yin Xiangming and the others, and said in a deep voice, "Follow the two poles!"

"Instructor Chen!"

At this moment, Yin Xiangming and the other three shouted at the same time, with tears streaming down their faces!

They never expected that they would die here. Unexpectedly, Instructor Chen did not give up on them and actually came here!

They all also understood that wherever there were tigers and lions, they were all imitated by Instructor Chen.

Now that Instructor Chen is here, the large army should be nearby, right?

But the three of them watched for a long time, but no one else was seen.

Could it be that Instructor Chen came here on his own?

Then you might as well not come!

One more person is just one more dish for this blind bear!

No matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to stand up in front of this ferocious beast. It will tear you apart without mercy!

Erganzi didn't want to leave Chen Xinan, and didn't take the three guys away.

Instead, he jumped onto Chen Xinan's shoulder and squeaked at the blind bear.

Yin Xiangming sighed. Is this monkey a pet of Instructor Chen?

This is too ignorant of life and death. Even if you are included, you are no match for the blind bear!

If you provoke this big guy, it can even tear lions and tigers to pieces!

But to his surprise, the blind bear didn't pounce on him as he imagined.

After seeing Chen Xinan and the monkey, it kept doing strange movements.

It sat on its butt on the ground and crawled forward with only its two front paws, as if it couldn't stand up.

Chen Xinan grinned, looked at the blind bear and said, "It turned out to be you!"

He turned his head and whispered a few words to Erganzi on his shoulder.

Erganzi squeaked a few times and climbed up the big tree next to it.

Soon, it jumped down with a branch and handed the branch to Chen Xinan.

Chen Xinan inserted the tiger-tooth knife into the scabbard, held the wooden peg-like branch in his right hand, and gestured in front of the blind bear.

The blind bear whimpered in fear, put its butt on the ground, and crawled to the side with its claws.

After hiding behind the tree, it dared to stand up, stick out its butt, and ran away without looking back!

What's going on!

Yin Xiangming and the other two were blinded, watching this scene in disbelief.

Is this instructor Chen a man or a god?

He was alone, with a monkey at most.

He scared away a 300-400-jin blind bear with just a rotten branch?

Even Chen Xinan was speechless.

The blind bear must have had a psychological trauma from sitting on the wooden peg.

Judging from the way it walked, the last injury had not healed yet.

So he had learned his lesson. When he saw the man and the monkey, he knew that they were both ruthless and vicious people. He simply ran away with his tail between his legs!

Chen Xinan turned around, looked at the three people in front of him, frowned and said to Yin Xiangming: "What's wrong with your chest?"

Yin Xiangming lowered his head and looked at his chest oozing blood, and said in a trembling voice: "When I was pulling Ah Cheng just now, I hit the tree branch!"

Pu Xincheng then discovered the blood stains on Yin Xiangming's chest, and finally understood why he almost fell down just now and was held by Yin Xiangming's wrist.

"Brother Ming!" Pu Xincheng's eyes were red, and he looked at Yin Xiangming with guilt.

He just said that to others, but if Brother Ming hadn't been here, even if Instructor Chen came now, it would not change the fact that he was bitten to death by the blind bear.

Chen Xinan knew from what he said that the injury was not serious, so he nodded and said expressionlessly:

"Now I give you two choices.

One is to leave the lights to you and continue to go down the mountain.

The other is to follow me back to the base..."

Before he could finish, the three of them said impatiently: "We will follow you back to the base!"

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