Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1375 Eye-opening emergency gathering

A group of princes are accustomed to a feasting nightlife. When have they ever slept at ten o'clock?

Now even though the lights-out signal has sounded and everyone is lying on the bed, no one can sleep.

In the darkness, some people even buried their heads in the quilt and cried secretly.

Although they appear to be arrogant and domineering on the outside, in fact they are just a group of children who have not grown up.

In the past, I was hardly at home every day, going crazy and playing everywhere, causing trouble everywhere.

But now, deep in the mountains and isolated from the world, they all feel homesick without exception.

Hua Youlin, who was only two months away from turning seventeen, was the youngest among the group.

He curled up in the quilt and cried silently.

Everything here made him extremely uncomfortable.

The dinner was not to his taste and he did not eat much.

In order to make a tofu-like quilt, you must spread the quilt on the ground and press it with your elbows and knees.

Until the cotton in the quilt is compacted.

The quilt he had been pressed on all afternoon had worn the skin off his elbows and knees.

Now lying on this hard bed, he felt uncomfortable all over.

He missed his mother, the food cooked by the nanny, and his big, soft and comfortable bed.

He felt that if his mother could come to take him back now, even if she asked him not to go out for a month and stay with her at home, he would be willing!

He felt that there was no way he could fall asleep tonight.

Like the guys around here, they're all going to have a sleepless night.

But before twelve o'clock, he couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly, a rapid whistle sounded through the corridor, and someone shouted: "Emergency assembly!"

Instantly the whole building began to shake, and the sound of running came from the corridor.

The door was kicked open. Fang Kai took a rattan whip and whipped it left and right, shouting loudly:

"Are you deaf?

Can't you hear the emergency muster whistle?

Are you busy embroidering one by one?

Be quick!

The last one to leave the dormitory will do a hundred push-ups! "

The whole dormitory was in a mess.

"Where are my pants? Who is wearing my pants?"

"These are my clothes, what do you want me to wear if you take mine!"

"Where are my shoes? Why do I only have one?"

A group of people jumped out of bed and ran out of the door!

The corridor was quiet, Xia Hongfeng cursed while running: "Didn't you say emergency gathering?

Why are we the only ones running downstairs?

What about the veterans?

Everyone has more ink stains than us, and they even call us embroidery..."

When he rushed downstairs, everyone was stunned.

There were hundreds of people standing in the open space in front of the building.

It turned out that the veterans in the entire building had already lined up, and they stood there quietly, watching them run down from above!

It took five minutes for the entire training class to line up.

Looking at these twenty princes dressed in different styles, a group of special operations team members all had their faces contorted, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh out loud!

They were just training partners and had no additional training tasks at night, so after finishing the formation, they dispersed and went upstairs to continue sleeping.

There were only seventeen training team members left in the open space in front of the building.

Lei Ming walked in front of them holding a vine whip.

“The emergency assembly took five minutes, you are really capable!

Many people grew up in military compounds, so they are no strangers to emergency gatherings, right?

Look at what you look like now, I believe you when you say you grew up in the mountains!

I told you, when sleeping, clothes must be placed beside you in order.

Once there is an emergency gathering, get dressed as quickly as possible and rush downstairs.

What is this standard?

In other words, no matter whether it is winter or summer, you should not put on clothes for more than twenty seconds.

Coming down from the second floor and gathering downstairs to line up, it shouldn’t take more than ten seconds!

A class must line up neatly and cannot exceed five seconds!

A total of thirty-five seconds passed. How long did it take you? "

Thirty-five seconds?

Why didn't you say anything and just fly!

All the princes looked ugly. This is too exaggerated. It’s not at the speed that people can achieve, okay?

Fang Kai grinned and said, "Tsk, tsk, Zhang Jinlin, I didn't expect you to be a superman!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Zhang Jinlin who looked flattered.

"No matter where it is, I am prepared in advance.

So you do a little better than other brothers!

A little bit better, but can’t be said to be superman…”

"Are you an idiot? Do you think I'm complimenting you?" Fang Kai pointed the vine whip in his hand and scolded him:

"What have you prepared in advance?

Just wear the underwear outside your pants? "

Only then did everyone see that Zhang Jinlin's lower body trousers were inside out, with the inner layer turned outside.

What's even more amazing is that he even wears his underpants outside his pants!


A bunch of people around started laughing.

Zhang Jinlin blushed and explained awkwardly:

"Report to the deputy monitor!

I'm used to sleeping naked!

I originally wanted to put my pants and shorts on so I could put them on faster.

But when I took it off, I turned the belt of my pants inside out, and even in the dark, I forgot to turn them over.

When I put it on, I just slipped it on..."

Fang Kai scolded: "Shut up! One hundred push-ups, don't go upstairs to sleep until you finish!"

Zhang Jinlin had a grimace and wanted to beg for mercy, but Fang Kai swung his vine whip and frightened him so much that he immediately fell to the ground.

Fang Kai walked up to Xia Hongfeng, shook his head and sighed: "Talent! What a talent!"

He looked Xia Hongfeng up and down and said, "I'm just wondering, how do you wear your top as pants? Can you lift it up?"

Xia Hongfeng said with an aggrieved face: "Report to the deputy monitor!

Someone ran away with my pants on and I couldn’t find them, so..."

"So you wear someone else's top as pants?" Fang Kai shouted to everyone with a dark face: "Who is wearing two pairs of pants?"

"Report to the deputy squad leader, me!" Long Sheng lowered his head and raised his hand.

His lower body is wearing a pair of training pants, and his upper body... is still a pair of training pants!

His arms were tucked into his trouser legs, and his crotch was just under his neck.

Long Sheng said with a shy look: "I didn't mean it. I couldn't get the drill out, so I realized I was wearing pants. It was too late to change..."

Fang Kai gave a thumbs up gesture to Xia Hongfeng and Long Sheng!

"You two are so cruel!

I have never seen anyone wear a top as pants in my whole life.

I’ve never seen anyone put pants over their head as a top.

You two finally opened my eyes!

One hundred push-ups each!

Start immediately! "

Fang Kai stood in front of Chao Tongguang and didn't say anything, just stared at him.

Chao Tongguang lay down angrily and did push-ups on the spot.

Fang Kai said with a straight face: "This guy has two left-footed shoes, so he must have two right-footed shoes. Do a hundred push-ups by yourself!"

Hua Youlin lay on the ground obediently, and did not forget to curse at Chao Tongguang: "Why are you wearing my shoes!"

Chao Tongguang scolded with a depressed look on his face: "I didn't even turn on the light. How can I know whose shoes are in the dark?"

Fang Kai walked around and everyone around him fell down one by one.

He cursed at everyone: "The first emergency gathering, the whole army was wiped out!

No one is qualified!

No matter the attire or the speed of gathering, everything is a mess!

Everyone is required to do a hundred push-ups. Don’t go upstairs if you can’t finish! "

Chao Tongguang put his hands on the ground, lowered his voice, and cursed through gritted teeth:

“Damn it, I finally fell asleep, but they woke me up!

Now let me do push-ups here again!

They will definitely continue to make trouble tonight, I won't wait for you anymore!

Mr. Hua, after we get up there, we have to run. Can you leave? "

Hua Youlin lay on the ground, hesitant.

He was homesick and naturally wanted to leave here.

Just as he was about to agree, the car lights behind him came on.

A Dragon Flag stopped next to the team, and several people jumped out of the car.

It was Yin Xiangming and the other three who said they were leaving but didn't!


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