Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1379 Don’t waste food

The whistle sounded again, and all the princes collapsed!

Are you going to let others sleep like this?

It's been going on all night, and people are going crazy!

However, I still subconsciously started to get dressed, glanced at the window, and suddenly woke up.

This is no longer an emergency gathering, this is a morning exercise!

Chen Xin'an was already fully dressed, clapped her hands and shouted: "Move quickly! The last five will be fined five kilometers!"

Everyone was panicked.

Now everyone can barely lift their arms. If no matter how tired our legs are, we can't walk, then won't we have to crawl upstairs in the future?

The key point is that my arms can't exert enough strength, so even if I climb, I can't climb up!

For a moment, everyone wished they had eight arms.

I quickly put on my clothes, put on my shoes, tied my belt, and ran downstairs!

In the morning, no one could pass the five-kilometer test.

Instructor Chen doesn't pursue speed. Anyway, no matter how slow it is, as long as it's running.

If anyone dares to walk, he or she lies down on the ground and stops running.

The cane whips of the two squad leaders came in handy!

There are also some who are so cruel that even if they are whipped with a cane whip, they will not get up.

It doesn't matter, Instructor Chen has plenty of ideas.

Just take out a needle and prick it on your body, and the feeling will be ten times more painful than being whipped with a cane.

I am afraid that no matter how strong-willed the person is, they will not be able to survive two minutes under Instructor Chen’s needle torture!

I worked hard all night last night, did three to four hundred push-ups, and got another beating.

Plus I ran another five kilometers early in the morning.

A group of princes who had never endured hardship felt as if they had stepped on clouds when they went to the dining hall. They were top-heavy and their legs were soft.

Fortunately, my voice was not hoarse yet, and I became more courageous. I finally dared to sing in front of everyone.

They themselves also know that if they dare to act coquettishly, they may be hungry again today!

When everyone entered the cafeteria, Zhang Jian stood in front of Chen Xin'an and whispered:

"Boss, is it too much?

These princes have never suffered like this before.

It came so hard all of a sudden, aren't you afraid of something happening? "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "I'm not as delicate as you think!

Otherwise, I don’t know how high their potential is!

When you first joined the army, it was much harder than them, right? "

Zhang Jian said with a straight face: "Of course we are different! We are all used to hardship, but they are..."

"It's all the same!" Chen Xin'an grinned and said to them: "People are forced out!

You know this truth better than I do!

I just want to see where the limits of these guys are! "

After hearing what he said, Zhang Jian stopped talking.

He was just worried that these princes were not children from ordinary families.

If Chen Xin'an treats them as ordinary people, he may get into trouble for himself.

But then I thought about it, when did Chen Xin'an become a person who was afraid of trouble?

This guy doesn't care who you are, if you fall into his hands, you won't have a good life!

Some training plans needed to be discussed with Zhang Jian, so instead of eating in the training class, he went to the instructor group to discuss with everyone while eating.

Now he is not only responsible for these princes, but also focuses on the special forces members.

Every day's training subjects are arranged by the entire instructor team, because these training methods are unique to Chen Xin'an.

The most advanced special operations teams in the world do not have such a training outline.

Chen Xin'an used wild methods, but in training, they were very effective and practical.

This is what Chen Xin'an has experienced since childhood on Qingniu Mountain.

They have all been tested on him and have been proven.

Chen Xin'an doesn't hide his secrets either. As long as it is helpful to improve everyone's strength, he will arrange it.

Of course, some of them were too cruel, so he didn’t let everyone use them.

Because everyone's tolerance is different, and he has a foundation in ancient martial arts, while others do not.

Therefore, if he can survive some training methods and use them on others, it will cost lives!

"Instructor!" Fang Kai came over and said to Chen Xin'an in a deep voice.

Chen Xin'an was already full and said to Zhang Ji'an: "In the morning, I will take people to the Tianlu to climb the rock with bare hands.

Han Lei, go find the bloody dandelion and lure out the mountain leeches. "

The faces of the instructors all changed.

Zhu Shanluo scratched his head and asked Chen Xin'an in a low voice: "Boss, how long will it take to pass?"

Chen Xin'an said with a ferocious smile: "With a load of thirty-five kilograms, we will reach the top of the cliff in forty minutes.

If you can't reach this passing mark, you will need two hours of tactical training in the cocklebur bushes on the top of the cliff! "

Everyone was stunned, but they all responded honestly: "Yes!"

Chen Xin'an stood up, turned around and said to Fang Kai, "What's wrong?"

Fang Kai took him to the dining room table of the training class, pointed at the table full of leftovers and said, "Look!"

In order to ensure the physical strength of the special operations team members, breakfast is also fried rice or steamed buns.

Although these princes were very hungry, their bodies were a bit overloaded due to poor spirits, resulting in a poor appetite.

So everyone had quite a bit left over.

Chen Xin'an said to Fang Kai: "Ask everyone in the training class to come and gather!"

"Yes!" Fang Kai ran out.

Soon there was the sound of thunderous formation, and then all twenty training team members were brought back to the dining table.

Chen Xin'an has already brought a ceramic basin from the kitchen.

He poured all the leftovers from the dinner plate on the table into the big porcelain basin.

The training team members looked at him inexplicably.

Instructor Chen, what are you doing?

Let everyone clean up?

In fact, there are students on duty who stay to clean up every meal, but it’s not the turn of the training class yet.

A porcelain basin used for kneading dough was quickly filled with leftovers.

Chen Xin'an put a spoon in it and stirred it, then scooped up a full spoonful, poured it into his mouth, and ate it one bite at a time!

"Ouch!" A group of princes suddenly felt sick.

I don’t know how many people’s saliva was mixed in here. It was all stuff that should be poured into the swill bucket, but the instructor actually ate it!

Chen Xin'an placed the porcelain basin on the dining table, signaled Lei Ming and Fang Kai to come forward and take a whole spoonful, and said to everyone:

“I don’t care how much you wasted in the past.

But when you come here, whoever dares to waste food, I will force you to finish it!

I haven’t mentioned it before, so this time, the two monitors and I will accompany you to eat.

From now on, if you waste a grain of rice with every meal, I will collect the leftovers and watch you finish them! "

Lei Ming and Fang Kai each finished a spoonful, and then said to everyone: "Starting from the beginning of the row to the end of the row, this bowl must be eaten cleanly!"

"I won't eat!" Looking at the pot of food mixed with everyone's leftovers, Xia Hongfeng covered her mouth and shook her head vigorously and said:

“I don’t even eat leftovers, how can I eat this!

So disgusting! I can smell the stink!

I'd rather do a hundred push-ups! "

"It's not up to you to choose!" Chen Xin'an ducked to Xia Hongfeng's side.

There was a silver needle in his right hand, and it pierced Xia Hongfeng's neck.

Another needle hit his cheek.

Xia Hongfeng couldn't move her body and her mouth was wide open.

Chen Xin'an said to Lei Ming and Fang Kai: "Feed him! Two spoons! Help him swallow it!"

Lei Ming picked up the spoon and slowly scooped up a spoonful.

Fang Kai pulled Xia Hongfeng's shoulders, causing him to fall on his back, using his body to hold him up.

Then he asked Lei Ming to pour the spoonful of leftover food into Xia Hongfeng's mouth.

Then support his chin with your hand and help him chew and swallow.

After two spoonfuls of feeding, Chen Xin'an took off the silver needle.

Xia Hongfeng covered her mouth and kept retching, but she couldn't spit it out anymore!

When other people saw this outcome, how could they dare to resist!

Everyone lined up obediently, scooped up a spoonful, and poured it into their mouths!


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