Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1380 The second pole was poisoned

After struggling all night last night, a group of princes thought that the instructor would let them rest and catch up on their sleep today.

Facts have proved that they still thought too much!

Their nightmare has been going on since morning exercises!

Not to mention the leftovers, when I got back to the dormitory, I had to carry the quilt to the corridor, spread it on the floor, then kneel on it and press it hard with my arms and knees!

The skin was already bruised yesterday afternoon, and now it hurts even more when I touch it!

But compared to the morning training, these are nothing at all, right?

Morning exercises began at eight o'clock, starting with two hours of military posture training.

I originally thought I could just stand there and sleep easily.

I never expected that this thing would be more tiring than doing push-ups!

The squad leader and deputy monitor put pins on their collars and a playing card between each finger.

Between the legs, there is one piece each between the thighs, knees, and calves.

After standing for two hours, their bodies were soaked with sweat, and their legs were so stiff that they couldn't bend!

After a few minutes of light activity, the more brutal training began.

On the playground track, after twenty push-ups, there is a 100-meter all-out sprint, a 100-meter frog jump, a 100-meter duck step, and a 100-meter sprint.

After a lap, there were twenty people lying on the grass next to them, and no one in the entire training class could stand up.

But it's just a five-minute break, and it's just a grass kung fu training.

Fall forward! Fall back! Fall sideways! Pounce forward! Jump up and fall sideways! Jump up and fall down!

All movements are demonstrated by the squad leader and deputy squad leader, and then everyone follows suit!

The exercises were finished until 11:40, and they were taken directly to the cafeteria for dinner.

After eating, I went back to the dormitory to clean up, put on the quilt, rest for an hour, and then started doing exercises in the afternoon.

Continue to the training ground, add an hour of tactical training on the horizontal and parallel bars equipment, and another hour of leg press and pull-out.

It wasn't until 5:30 that I got to finish my work, and I was taken directly to the cafeteria again.

Although everyone was so tired that they could hardly stand, everyone looked happy because the day's torture was finally over!

So when singing, no one felt embarrassed, and they all roared out the songs with broken gong voices, which was on par with the veterans.

Entering the canteen, preparing meals, sitting at the table one by one, holding chopsticks and spoons, but unable to eat!

The arm was shaking, as if it had been hit by hundreds of volts of electricity. A spoonful of soup was full, but it couldn't be brought to his mouth.

I finally drank it, but it was trembling all over the spoon.

In the end, I simply threw away the spoon and chopsticks, buried my head in the dinner plate, and ate it with my mouth. I didn’t care whether there were vegetables or not, but just cooked the rice first!

I'm really going crazy with hunger!

The extreme physical exhaustion left them no time to consider whether the food tasted good or not.

As long as they can eat it, even if it is tree bark, they dare to chew it now!

And he licked the dinner plate clean, as if it had been washed!

After dinner, we went upstairs to rest and held a team meeting at seven o'clock to summarize the day's training.

Starting at 8:30, push-ups and weighted squats train for an hour!

At 9:30, the evening exercise ends and everyone goes to take a shower.

Turn off the lights and go to bed at ten o'clock. At ten thirty, Chen Xin'an took Lei Ming and Fang Kai to check the ward. All twenty princes, without exception, fell asleep.

After checking around, Lei Ming and Fang Kai both laughed when they came out of the dormitory.

Lei Ming nodded and said: "It's not bad, better than I imagined. I thought they would all fall down today, but I didn't expect that there would still be a few that could hold on."

Fang Kai took out a notebook, opened it and said, "Li Nianbei, Zhang Jinlin, Chao Tongguang, and Shao Yang, these should stand out in future training! They have great potential!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Don't worry, it's only been a day or two, you can't tell anything!

And in my case, there is no difference.

No matter how poor his physical fitness is, I can still turn him into a strong man! "

That's true!

Lei Ming and Fang Kai naturally believed in this.

Chen Xin'an has this ability to turn decay into magic.

Chen Xin'an said to the two of them: "The training will be as usual tomorrow, and the amount will be increased in three days!

You should also practice together.

And find time by yourself to complete the courses I give you alone.

Don't let your training get delayed because of the work in the training class.

You must be stronger than them and catch up with the veterans as soon as possible! "

"Yes!" Lei Ming and Fang Kai responded at attention.

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked them to go back and rest.

But he went downstairs and drove to the team doctor's office.

The familiar person went upstairs and met Wang Ke, who was on the night shift.

Seeing Chen Xin'an, Wang Ke quickly smiled and said: "Boss, Dr. Tang is in the treatment room. Don't worry, it's fine!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked her, "You didn't get any injections?"

"No!" Wang Ke shook his head and said, "I followed your instructions, washed my stomach, and drank the herbal medicine you prescribed."

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and quickly walked to the treatment room on the second floor.

During the afternoon training, the team doctor's office sent someone to deliver a message. It seemed that the second pole was ill and in poor spirits.

Chen Xin'an came over to take a look. This guy was poisoned!

I don’t know what I ate, I was vomiting and having diarrhea, and I was very depressed.

Chen Xin'an knew that it had a special constitution, so she asked the team doctor not to give it injections or take random medicines.

He had brought back a lot of herbs from the old forest, prepared an antidote, and asked the team doctor to boil it and drink it.

It looks like the effect is good now, the poison should have been removed.

Erganzi was lying on the bed, Tang Qianqian and nurse Sun Jiamei were checking his body next to him.

Seeing Chen Xinan, Erganzi squeaked and wanted to get up.

Chen Xinan walked to him and slapped him and scolded: "How many times have I told you?

Don't eat anything you want!

Do you think you are the same as them?

If you keep eating, I will throw you into the woods and let you die on your own, believe it or not?"

Erganzi stared at Chen Xinan with a pair of innocent big eyes, squeaked at Chen Xinan, and danced with joy.

Chen Xinan frowned, looked at him suspiciously and said: "Didn't eat? Then how could he get food poisoning?

Oh, I see, you went to hook up with a good girl again?"

"Pfft! Chen Xinan, what nonsense are you talking about!" Tang Qianqian and Sun Jiamei blushed and looked at Chen Xinan with shame and anger.

"Ahem!" Chen Xinan scratched his head with embarrassment and said to them, "Erganzi and I are talking, don't listen! Okay, I'm here, you two go!"

Tang Qianqian rolled her eyes at him and snorted, "Don't come here! Xiaogan'er is sick, I have to take care of him.

Also, don't fool us here.

You are the only one talking from beginning to end.

Although Xiaogan'er is very smart, it is a monkey after all and can't speak human language at all!"

Chen Xinan rolled his eyes at her and said disdainfully, "It can't speak human language, but it doesn't mean it can't speak and can't communicate with me.

It's just that you don't understand, it doesn't mean I don't understand!"

Tang Qianqian and Sun Jiamei both wanted to scold him for being arrogant, but they didn't have enough confidence and had nothing to say.

This is really a magical thing.

Obviously one is a human and the other is a monkey, but they can communicate completely without any obstacles when they are together!

No one can see how they can understand each other's meaning. When they communicate, they are like two brothers. Not only do they have a good chat, but they also cooperate tacitly.

It seems that with just one look or one action, he can tell what the other person is thinking!

In this regard, no one in the entire Black Mountain Tiger can surpass Chen Xinan.

So no one can replace the relationship between the two of them.

"Are you serious?" Chen Xinan suddenly turned his head and looked at Erganzi and asked:

"Is it really your old lover?

Chasing from that side?

Do you see that they are wrong?

Okay, take me to see!"


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