Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1388 You can’t catch someone and kill him

He let go of the body in his arms, stood on the back of the wild boar, and shouted loudly to his other companions!

The wild boars stopped, and the monkeys standing on their backs stared at the two poles.

There was a look of fear in the red eyes.

At this time, every hair on Erpole's body from head to toe stood upright and was as bright red as fire.

The wild boar underneath him didn't know if he had any sequelae after the violent impact. He became a little dazed and stood motionless.

The second pole stood on its back and kept shouting to the surroundings, its voice was strong and majestic.

The wild boars stopped, and the monkeys on their backs first yelled at the second pole, but their voices were easily suppressed by the high-pitched shouts of the second pole!

So that their screams have no momentum at all.

In the end, not only did his screams lose momentum, but the murderous aura in his body was also completely gone.

Although his eyes were still red when he looked at the second pole, he was obviously afraid.

One monkey seemed a little unwilling and summoned up the courage to shout at the two poles.

The second pole jumped directly from the back of the wild boar and ran to it quickly.

Before it could react, it had already grabbed its head.

Without any explanation, he pressed it on the wild boar's back, lowered his head and bit its throat!

As the blood splattered, the hair on Erzhizi's body became even brighter red.

The crazy monkey couldn't even scream.

At first he could kick his limbs, but then his struggling movements slowly slowed down.

In the end, he became motionless and died of anger!

Erzhanzi released his mouth, grabbed the dead monkey's neck with one hand, and threw the body to the ground.

As it screamed, the monkeys who originally came to kill it screamed in terror and fled in all directions!

Without the command of the monkeys, the wild boars seemed a little at a loss.

Lei Ming stretched out his hands and raised them in the air, signaling to yell not to act rashly, and everyone hid behind the tree and didn't come out.

Slowly, the wild boars made a grunting sound, leaving two corpses behind, and turned away, quickly disappearing into the jungle.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground one by one, breathing heavily.

"Deputy!" Hua Youlin ran to Fang Kai, hugged him, and cried:

"I'm sorry, shift deputy, I caused you to get injured! How are you?"

Fang Kai had calmed down, moved his body, shook his head and comforted him, saying, "It's okay, don't worry, I'm not injured."

There were only bruises on the muscles and bones, but no broken bones. Fang Kai also felt lucky.

Chen Xin'an asked everyone to gather together and check everyone's body.

Fortunately, it was just an injury from the previous fight with the crazy monkey, and there were no new injuries, so I felt relieved.

"Second pole!" Chen Xin'an walked over and pulled the second pole standing next to the body of a dead monkey.

I never thought that this guy would turn around and scratch Chen Xin'an!

Moreover, its eyes were red, its entire face was soaked in blood, and its face was ferocious, with a fierce look on its face!

Chen Xin'an subconsciously ducked back to avoid its grasp.

Then he slapped it on the head!

"It's against you, right?

Do you even dare to do it to me?

Does being the Monkey King make you feel awesome?

Are you drifting?

Don’t know what your last name is? "

The second pole was slapped hard by Chen Xin'an, and he was stunned.

It took him a long time to react, and he suddenly became anxious. He turned around and bent down to face Chen Xin'an, sticking his butt out and raising his tail high.

Chao Tongguang ran over and hugged Chen Xin'an's arm, advising him: "Instructor, please calm down!

If it hadn't saved us all just now, maybe we would have been...

Huh? What sprayed on me? Why is it a little hot? "

He lowered his head and saw that Erzhi was launching a biochemical attack at him with his buttocks sticking out, and some thick liquid sprayed all over his thigh!

Good guy, that smell is simply amazing...

Chao Tongguang, who has always had a mysophobia, almost exploded on the spot!

That smell mixed with the rotten smell around it that never dissipates, makes people reach the pinnacle of life in an instant!

Chao Tongguang screamed, ran to the side of the tree and vomited.

Then unzip the belt and take off your pants!

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "You can take it off if you want, you can think about it yourself.

Are you running around naked in this place?

Not to mention anything else, those mosquitoes and locusts alone can drain all the blood from your body.

Are you sure you want to run naked? "

Chao Tongguang stopped untying his belt, and his face wrinkled into a big embarrassment.

With a grimace, he said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor, how can I still wear something like this?"

Lei Ming scolded him with a straight face: "Why can't you wear it?

As a soldier, don't let your clothes and pants get dirty.

Even if you are immersed in a smelly ditch, you will be lurking.

Without an order to act, you can only stay inside and not come out! "

Chao Tongguang helplessly gathered a handful of grass and fallen leaves beside him, suppressed his nausea and wiped the stains on his pants, pointed at the two poles and cursed:

"I came to save you with good intentions, but you did this to me! Just wait!"

Erzhanzi stared at a pair of innocent eyes, walked up to Chao Tongguang, and rubbed his legs with his body.

This guy just likes to be cute, and everyone, regardless of gender, does it!

Chao Tongguang, who was originally full of anger, dissipated a lot of his anger when he saw it like this.

He snorted and scolded it: "I know you didn't mean it, so I won't blame you! Who made you fall in love with me!

Apart from the instructor, you are the only one among so many people who is so close to me.

From now on we are buddies, I will protect you..."

Chen Xin'an slapped the second pole on the head and cursed: "You're a little too much, you know?

It’s okay to wear someone’s pants, but you still use their pants to wipe your butt!

You can't catch someone and kill him, you know?

I'm talking to you, stop pretending to be stupid here!

Don't run towards me. Have you wiped your butt?

Then come up here and come with me to see the two monkeys you bitten to death! "

Everyone burst out laughing, Chao Tongguang gritted his teeth in anger, stared at the two poles and cursed:

"You slutty monkey! I'm going to kill you and eat your monkey brains!"

Zhang Jinlin patted his shoulder sympathetically and said, "First of all, that is the instructor's pet.

Even if he is lying in front of you, you don't dare to kill him.

Secondly, even if you really have the guts, you can't kill him.

It’s not that I underestimate you, but your strength may not be comparable to that of a monkey! "

Chao Tongguang's face turned dark, and he wanted to scold him for looking down on you!

But suddenly he remembered the scene when Erzhangzi dealt with those monkeys just now.

He sadly discovered that what Zhang Jinlin, that bastard, said seemed to make some sense...

Chen Xin'an took the two poles to the monkeys' bodies and looked at their eyelids and mouths.

Then he looked at the second pole without blinking.

What is certain is that these monkeys were indeed poisoned, which caused them to go crazy.

But judging from their performance, it seems that this poison also enhances their intelligence!

Making them smarter than before and increasing their ferocity as beasts.

I also forgot about my feelings and stopped kissing me and me.

Instead, he regarded it as an enemy and wanted to kill it!

This kind of poison was found on those wolf kings during the Ten Thousand Wolf Tide.

And the medicine Tugreev used to transform himself into a beast was probably the same.

Even if they are different, the two are still closely related!

So, this poison was deliberately planted by Dekra Company on those female monkeys?

Now, things get a little complicated!


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