Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1389 Those who do it will have something to eat tonight

Chen Xin'an made a hypothesis.

The second pole is a lost experimental product of Decela Biological Company.

It contains the latest research and development results of Dekra Company.

For some reason, this kind of results cannot be leaked, especially to China.

That's why Dekra Company tried every means to bring the second pole back, but it never succeeded.

As a last resort, they simply became murderous.

Since it is too alive to be taken away, let Erzhanzi turn into a corpse!

In this way, there is no need to worry about others knowing the secret of Erzhanzi.

But they didn't expect that Chen Xin'an's background was so deep that they didn't dare to act recklessly.

Ever since, they thought of a clever idea.

That is to use the characteristics of the second pole to turn it into a weakness to kill it.

Erpole is their experimental subject, so they know exactly what characteristics he has.

Perhaps this powerful mating ability is precisely because of their research results that the two poles have become like this!

So they naturally know how to use this to kill it.

So they poisoned the female monkeys and made them travel thousands of miles to find the second pole.

Use the identity of your old friend to lower the vigilance of the second pole, and then kill it!

They also know that the second pole is very smart, and it is not easy to kill it without someone's help.

Therefore, this poison not only affects primates, but also controls other wild animals.

It just makes primates smarter and other beasts more ferocious.

They thought that this would be enough for Erzhizi to die in a group of wild beasts.

But they didn't expect that the second pole was smarter than they thought.

Even if those monkeys have improved their intelligence, they still can't stand it in front of it!

Beasts are beasts, and it is their nature to surrender in front of others who are stronger than themselves.

Actually it's not surprising.

The poisons used by these monkeys should be related to the drugs in Erpole's body, and are even sometimes prepared based on his drugs.

The most powerful and authentic medicines are all in the body of Erpole.

What do these monkeys catalyzed by imitations mean in front of the second pole?

What makes Chen Xinan angry is that these people really do not achieve their goals and use any means!

No matter whether you can kill it or not, once this poison spreads, it will cause serious damage to the entire Moshan ecology!

The group of wild boars just lost control and disowned each other, and they would kill whoever they caught.

They are like overlords in Moshan. When they encounter other beasts, a fight is inevitable.

In this way, those poisons will spread to other beasts.

Soon, the desert mountains were filled with ferocious beasts, fighting day and night, causing countless casualties.

Once the original balanced environment is broken, the impact will be difficult to estimate!

But how to prevent this situation?

Chen Xin'an had a premonition that this matter was unusual, so he asked the old man to send someone into the forest to check.

Unexpectedly, the old man didn't take it seriously and refused.

That's why he insisted on taking the training class to the field for training, with the purpose of finding out this situation.

But now, all this is just my own conjecture. More observations are needed about the specific situation.

Patting Er Pianzi's shoulder, Chen Xin'an said to him: "I know you were reluctant before.

Are you serious now?

Find your old lovers and we'll kill them all! "

Regardless of whether the poison on them is injected, or it is a unique infectious disease of primates.

Since it is transmitted from them, these sources of infection must be eliminated.

The second pole was a little reluctant and barked a few times.

After looking at Chen Xin'an, he climbed up the big tree next to him and quickly disappeared.

In fact, everyone has deviated from the original route, and now they can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

But no one is panicking. The instructor is here anyway, so there is no need to worry about getting lost in the forest.

Chen Xin'an ordered everyone: "Rest where you are. Clean this place and bury the two dead monkeys!"

Lei Ming said to Shao Yang and Pu Xincheng, who were the least injured: "You dig a hole under that big tree and bury the dead monkey in it!"

why me?

Shao Yang made a grimace and wanted to refuse, but he also knew that this was a military unit, and he could only complete the orders given, and he had no right to refuse!

Taking the engineering shovel, Pu Xincheng and Pu Xincheng walked to the bottom of the big tree and quickly dug a pit.

The two of them walked to a dead monkey and looked at the bloody and tragic scene. They were too frightened to look directly at it.

Chao Tongguang on the side smiled and said: "I said, are you two afraid?

Isn't this too timid?

It's not like they're dead people, they're just two dead monkeys. Why did they scare you two like this?

Hahaha, with this little courage, he looks like his younger brother at first glance, and he has never seen any blood! "

Pu Xincheng snorted and said unconvinced: "Who is scared?

We just feel a little sick!

Instructor, do you want to dig the hole deeper?

Even the two wild boars were buried? "

Chao Tongguang curled his lips and said, "Are you stupid?

Bury the pig, what shall we eat?

Instructor, am I right? "

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded and said, "Well, that's right!

Since you are so smart, reward you by disemboweling the wild boar and cleaning its internal organs.

I’ll leave you a big pork leg later! "

"Ah?!" Chao Tongguang was dumbfounded.

Shao Yang and Pu Xincheng turned their heads at the same time, looked at him teasingly and asked, "What's wrong? Are you afraid?"

"Chao Tongguang, you don't even dare to kill a pig, do you? What's more, it's still a dead pig!"

Chao Tongguang scratched his neck, coughed twice and said, "Who, who doesn't dare anymore? Just wait!"

He took his engineering shovel and carefully walked towards a dead pig.

This thing is better than a tiger-tooth knife to deal with wild boars.

The shovel head is sharp and the handle is long, making it easy to use.

Chao Tongguang swallowed after looking at the wild boar with its intestines already leaking out.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw everyone looking at him with suppressed laughter. He forcibly emboldened himself, and then he stabbed the wild boar in the belly with a shovel!

"Ouch!" A scream came from the mouth of the wild boar lying on it.

The wild boar that was originally thought to be dead actually got up, staggered towards Chao Tongguang with its intestines in tow!

At this moment, Chao Tongguang felt that every hair on his head stood upright, and he shouted: "My mother!"

Then turn around and run!

He didn't even take two steps before he tripped under his feet. With a thud, he fell heavily to the ground!

He raised his head and shouted in fear to everyone: "Save me..."

Before he finished speaking, the wild boar had already caught up with him.

But one end of the intestines still stayed in place, causing it to drag the intestines for nearly ten meters.

Suddenly a foot stepped on Chao Tongguang. The wild boar stumbled and reached its limit. It fell heavily and fell on top of him!

What the hell...

Chao Tongguang was so frightened that he cried!

It felt like a mountain was pressing down on my back, and I couldn't even breathe.

The key is that he can clearly feel that this wild boar is not dead yet!

It was still wheezing and panting, as if it could take a bite on the back of his head at any time!

"Instructor! Squad leader! Squad deputy! Come and save me quickly! This pig is not dead yet! It scared me to death!"

Chao Tongguang lay on the ground and shouted feebly, his voice trembling as if he had swallowed a live sheep.

Shao Yang and Pu Xincheng, who were the closest ones, ran over first and knocked the wild boar over with their engineering shovels.

Chao Tongguang got up with gratitude and said to the two of them: "Thank you two eldest brothers for saving your life..."

At this moment, I was called brother, brother, brother, and I didn’t dare to mock others for being timid.

Chen Xin'an walked to him with a smile and said, "Are you okay? Just be okay!

Go ahead, peel the skin off the pig and clean the internal organs. I’ll grill it later! "

"Ah?" Chao Tongguang was startled, pointing to the panting wild boar next to him and said, "It's not dead yet!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, nodded and said, "I know! What do you mean? Do you want to release the animals? Stop being verbose and deal with it quickly. We are waiting for the barbecue!"

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and said, "Don't be idle, come over and do it together!

Bleeding, skinning, deboning and cleaning, those who do it will have food to eat tonight! "


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