Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1396: Being your apprentice, I will die without regrets

The deadly poisonous miasma has permeated the entire old forest, and you can't see anything even three steps away.

More than 20 people were trudging through the poisonous miasma. Their backpacks had been thrown away, and their bodies were connected by backpack ropes, so that no one could be left behind.


Hua Youlin fell to the ground. He was foaming at the mouth and it was difficult to stand up again.

"Get up!" Chen Xin'an stood in front of him with Yin Xiangming on his back.

Hua Youlin used his remaining consciousness to shake his head slightly at Chen Xin'an and gasped:

"Instructor, I can't do it anymore!

I can’t hold you back any longer!

Otherwise everyone will die here!

Let's go, I'm so tired, I want to take a nap! "

Chen Xin'an said nothing, but took out the extra backpack rope and tied it to Hua Youlin.

Then he picked him up and leaned against Yin Xiangming.

“I said that I will bring you all back alive to the Montenegrin Tigers.

I do what I say! "

Barbed wire and artificial thorns have been erected at the gate of the Montenegrin Tiger Training Base.

Thousands of special operations team members, wearing gas masks and holding weapons, stood ready.

Near the wall lay a large number of dead beasts.

Since two o'clock in the morning, the base has been attacked by the beast tide.

At first, the base only fired warning shots to scare away these beasts.

But the beast tide behind was getting bigger and bigger, and the scale was getting more and more terrifying. The mountains and plains were full of roars of wild beasts, desperately trying to break in.

As a last resort, Tang Peng had no choice but to order shooting!

After killing a wave of wild beasts, the other wild beasts were frightened and no longer dared to break in.

But animals are afraid, but birds are not.

The camp is now full of birds, and the entire training ground is filled with darkness.

There is no way to conduct normal training now.

In the office, Tang Peng looked worriedly at the mist on the trees in the distance, and asked his daughter beside him: "Is anyone poisoned over there in the camp? Is anyone injured?"

Tang Qianqian shook her head and said: "The protection is timely, everything will be fine!"

Tang Peng breathed a sigh of relief and asked Lu Huan, "Has the rescue team gone out?"

Lu Huan shook his head and said, "I can't get out. There are all wild animals outside. I can't enter the forest at all!"


Tang Peng's face turned livid, he slapped the table and cursed: "Send a helicopter!

No matter how big the difficulty is, overcome it with me!

Nothing can happen in the training class!

No matter what the cost, you must find them for me! "

Meng Jianjun sighed and said to Tang Peng: "In this situation, I'm afraid that even if I find it, it will be a disaster!"

Tang Peng's face was gloomy and his lips trembled as he said: "You want to be seen alive, but you want to be seen dead! I will bear all the responsibilities!"

Then he gritted his teeth and cursed: "If that brat comes back, I will have to put him in confinement!

I told you to protect those princes, but that guy just didn't listen!

If you have to take them into the mountains and forests, it’s okay now, what the hell..."

He couldn't go on. The worst result was the last thing he wanted to see.

Meng Jianjun smiled bitterly and said to him: "Don't worry, if something happens, he won't be able to come back!

Don’t you understand that boy’s personality?

If something happens, he will definitely be the first to fall! "

Tang Peng's lips trembled and his face was extremely gloomy.

He grabbed the teacup and threw it to the ground, and cursed angrily: "Good people don't live long, but bad people live for a thousand years!

That kid has never been a short-lived master!

When he comes back, I have to deal with him!

How do you want me to explain to those leaders! "

Tang Qianqian slapped the coffee table with both hands, stood up and said to Tang Peng with red eyes:

"You still want to deal with him? Do you have the nerve to blame him?

Who forced him to do this?

It’s you and the political commissar!

He had already reported this to you before he left.

But it didn’t attract your attention!

As a last resort, he took the training class out to investigate.

Now that you see the situation here at the base, do you realize how confused you were at the beginning?

If someone had been sent to investigate earlier, maybe this matter wouldn't have become so serious!

They will not encounter such danger!

It's all your fault, but the blame falls on Instructor Chen. Are you old fools? "

Both Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun had expressions of shame and regret on their faces.

At this moment, the office landline phone rang. This was the internal line.

Lu Huan ran to answer the phone and said to Tang Peng, "The report is from Instructor Zhang."

Tang Peng walked over, took the phone and asked, "Zhang Jian, what's wrong?

Is the action team out?

What action group? Where did the action team come from?

The action team of Operation Zhanxue?

What the hell... Okay, I get it!

Let them go out, don't stop them, there's no way they can be stopped anyway! "

Tang Peng hung up the phone angrily and said to Meng Jianjun angrily: "Bian Hu, Chuan Yunlong's Zhu Shanluo and the group of people who rescued the hostages last time have left the camp!

This group of unorganized and undisciplined guys only has eyes for Chen Xin'an, not you, the political commissar of the Black Mountain Tiger! "

Meng Jianjun rolled his eyes with all his strength.

Do you want to be shameless? Use me as a shield?

Is it right to only recognize the instructor and not take you as the captain seriously?

Since you are scolding others for being unorganized and undisciplined, why didn't you stop me just now?

You want to save people but you also want to lose face. I don’t understand you yet?

Meng Jianjun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Why am I not such a person?

I'm afraid this matter is really not something he and Old Tang can afford.

One of those princes is missing, and his and Old Tang's lives will be ruined!

Even if they come back safely, the ecological environment of Moshan will undergo huge changes.

The Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces stationed here will be the first to be affected in all aspects!

If we had really considered what Chen Xin'an said, maybe the ending would really not be like this!

All that can be done now is to pray that Chen Xin'an and the children can return to the base safely!

"There are less than 300 meters left, everyone, hold on!" Chen Xin'an, carrying Hua Youlin and Yin Xiangming on his back, tightly holding the backpack rope tied to his body with his other hand, shouted to everyone in a deep voice.

The two poles on the shoulders have fallen asleep and no amount of needles can wake them up.

A bunch of human candied haws are tied to the rope of the backpack.

More than 20 people were already on the verge of coma. They were all foaming at the mouth and unconscious. They were pulled by Chen Xin'an and moved forward mechanically.

There are only three hundred meters to reach the Emerald Lake, and even at this moment, the cry of wild beasts is heard from there.

But everyone could no longer hold on.

Let alone three hundred meters, even thirty meters, or even three meters away, I can't hold on!

Lei Ming, who was closest to Chen Xin'an, forced himself to open his eyes.

Looking at the master who was so close, with sweat and blood on his face, still desperately pulling on the rope of his backpack, his eyes showed deep reluctance.

But he still hardened his heart and used all his strength to cut off the backpack rope on his body with the tiger-tooth knife in his hand.

Let's go, Master!

Don't let me become a burden to you.

Only in this way can you survive.

If I can be your Chen Xin'an's apprentice in this life, I will die with no regrets!

As if she understood the meaning in Lei Ming's eyes, Chen Xin'an took the broken rope end, glanced at him, and turned away resolutely!

Looking at the master's leaving figure, Lei Ming raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Master will not die, he can still live, it’s great!

Behind him, more than twenty members of the training class were all lying quietly on the ground.

Their faces were all blue and black, and they were deeply poisoned.

Some people still have some consciousness, but some people are already unconscious.

There was no pain on everyone's face.

Now, they can finally have a good sleep!


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