Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1397 Turning danger into safety

A bright light shone, stinging the eyes.

Lei Ming raised his arm and blocked it in front of him, opened his eyes and looked around.

It was so white that everything seemed spotless.

Is this paradise?

It seems to make people feel more peaceful.

Then a furry, slovenly bearded face almost stuck to his!

He was startled and shouted: "What the hell!"

Strange, how can there be ugly devils in heaven?

Is this hell?

Just listen to the devil's words: "Isn't that right, squad leader?

Isn’t it just that I haven’t shaved for a few days? It doesn’t affect my handsomeness!

On the contrary, it has more of a mature charm. How can you curse! "

This voice is so familiar...

Lei Ming's consciousness began to return, and he looked around more clearly.

Damn it, there is no such thing as heaven or hell, this is the ward of the team doctor’s office!

The guy lying in front of him is Zhang Jinlin!

Turning around, he saw that he was surrounded by comrades from the training team.

On the bed next to him is Fang Kai, and beyond that are Hua Youlin, Xia Hongfeng...

Lei Ming shook his head, raised his arms and said, "Am I not dead?"

Zhang Jinlin grinned and said: "It's so easy to die. We were all rescued!"

"Where is my master...the instructor?" Lei Ming asked, rubbing his eyebrows.

Zhang Jinlin pointed to the side: "That ward over there! The old man and the political commissar are also over there!"

Lei Ming got out of bed, feeling a little light-headed and dizzy.

But it was much better than the previous experience in the poisonous miasma.

Zhang Jinlin came over to help him and said, "Squad leader, you want to go to the other side, right? I'll help you!"

Lei Ming glanced at him.

This kid has long seen that he has good potential, and he was right.

In the entire training class, he and Li Nianbei were the two people who persisted until the end.

In the ward opposite, Bian Hu excitedly described the scene when he discovered the training class to the two bosses Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun:

“I didn’t even know that the chief instructor was already like that and still had such a strong will.

He went back and forth between the Emerald Lake and the Poisonous Miasma Area again and again, carrying everyone to the lake one by one!

How dare you confront so many beasts on your own!

I don’t know what method he used, but none of those beasts dared to take a step forward!

It's such a pity that you didn't hear the cry he made with your own ears!

I don’t know what kind of animal sound it is, but it sounds shocking!

I asked Lao Zhu and the others. In the situation at that time, it was impossible for any of us to save everyone's life!

The chief instructor is simply amazing! "

Zhu Shanluo on the side nodded and said with admiration: "He is truly a god!"

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

They had all prepared for the worst, but they didn't expect that the result would be such a surprise to them.

On the hospital bed next to her, Chen Xin'an was lying quietly like a hedgehog with hundreds of silver needles stuck all over his body.

Tang Peng asked Meng Jianjun, "Is there really no need to send him to the Military General Hospital?"

Meng Jianjun shook his head and said, "If he says no, then just listen to him!"

Tang Qianqian came over with a porcelain bowl and shouted to everyone: "Don't crowd in here!

Let Instructor Chen take a good rest and don't disturb him again!

Haven't you seen what he was like without his strength?

The cooking class has brought detoxifying mung bean soup. You can go and feed everyone the soup when you have nothing to do! "

There are not many tigers in the entire Montenegro who dare to talk to the captain and political commissar like this.

Tang Qianqian is one, and Director Xiao is also one.

Of course there is another one, who is currently lying on the bed like a hedgehog.

Everyone ran out in despair. Bian Hu stretched his neck and said, "Doctor Tang, can we drink? It's quite hot... I can go there myself!"

"Haha!" Tang Qianqian looked at him with a dead smile and said, "How about you sit here and wait, and I can help you put it in it?

What's the point of drinking like this? Didn't Wang Ke collect poisonous miasma gas there?

Get a bottle, let you smell it, and then you drink it to see the effect!

Or go outside and find two poisoned beasts to bite you a few times, and you will feel better after drinking!

What do you think? Captain Bian? "

Bian Hu's face turned pale, and he said with a dry smile: "These are the antidote for the chief instructor and the poisoned comrades who worked hard in the kitchen team!

An idle guy like me who stays at the base with nothing to do doesn’t deserve to drink it! "

Zhu Shanluo kicked him from behind: "You shouldn't even mention such a thing!

Stop being poor and feed those brothers some soup!

The chief instructor said that some of the people who were seriously poisoned would have to undergo medicinal steaming later.

Let's just greet each other here, these girls in the team doctor's office can't do this job! "

Xiao Yueying came over, took off her gloves and said to Meng Jianjun: "Lao Meng, according to Chen Xin'an's instructions, the juice of those wild vine roots has been squeezed, and mixed with herbs and water.

It's all put into big barrels now.

You can send helicopters out to spray medicine.

I have already notified the Guanbei side and will work in sync with us.

However, to achieve full coverage of the entire desert mountain, a large number of wild vine roots are needed.

You have to prepare in advance. "

Meng Jianjun nodded and said: "I have contacted Guanbei and they will prepare these.

In fact, their side is the hardest hit area, and it also spread from there.

The Ministry of Forestry and the Forest Police have already taken this matter seriously, so our Montenegrin tigers don’t have to worry about it in the future! "

Xiao Yueying had a straight face, snorted and said: "If Xiao Chen could have made you take it seriously when he told you for the first time, you wouldn't be in such trouble now!"

Just don't mention it, okay?

It’s all over!

Meng Jianjun's face turned red, and he glanced at Tang Peng, who was also embarrassed. I couldn't afford to hide from someone who couldn't afford to offend him.

The two of them escaped in perfect agreement!

Lei Ming stood at the door, looking at the master who was lying on the hospital bed with silver needles all over his body from a distance.

One look at the acupuncture technique and you can tell that these hundreds of silver needles were all inflicted by the master himself.

I really don't know how he did it.

But it's not surprising.

The master is God, no matter what incredible things he does, Lei Ming will not be surprised.

This is the closest Chen Xin'an has ever felt to death.

No matter how difficult an enemy he faced, he had never felt so desperate!

In the face of the infinite and huge power of nature, human power is really too small!

The short distance of three hundred meters gave Chen Xin'an an insurmountable sense of helplessness.

Fortunately, he didn't give up until the end.

I just thought that as long as I still have breath, I will never leave any of my brothers behind.

Sure enough, he did it!

He persisted until Bian Hu, Zhu Shanluo and others arrived, and then he lost his strength and fainted!

But after being rescued back to the base, he woke up again.

He forced himself to confess some things.

Then he injected himself and the second pole again, and then he completely passed out.

I slept all day and all night!

When he woke up, the poison had been removed from his body.

The body feels a bit empty after losing strength.

But vaguely, there seemed to be a ball of fire running through the meridians in the body.

Chen Xin'an tried to catch it several times, but failed, and finally let it go.

Love me however you want, my body doesn’t feel like it belongs to me anymore.

This time, the root of the disease may be left behind.

After all, for internal strength masters, the consequences of losing strength are really serious.

When I woke up, it was already night.

Chen Xin'an got up from the hospital bed and walked to the next door.

Disciples Lei Ming and Fang Kai are still sleeping.

The two of them were the most seriously injured.

However, the poison has been removed, and what is left is a skin injury, which is easier to treat.

It can be said that everyone in the training class suffered a loss this time, and everyone was injured.

Fortunately, the danger has been averted, and after a few days of rest, you can move freely.


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