Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1399 If you don’t want to help, just go away

Hua Youlin’s mother?

The leader of the General Logistics Department?

It seems to be higher than the political commissar level.

The most important thing is that she is Hua Lao's daughter-in-law!

Meng Jianjun turned around, took Chen Xin'an's arm and walked into the office, saying with a smile on his face:

"Leader Situ, this is Youlin's instructor Chen Xin'an.

Our Moshan did not suffer ecological damage some time ago, but it is all thanks to Instructor Chen!

It was also during that time that Instructor Chen took You Lin and the others deep into the old forests of the desert mountains and obtained first-hand environmental information.

It was sent to the Forestry Bureau and the Forest Police Force, and a catastrophic ecological disaster in the Desert Mountains was avoided!


Suddenly there was a hand on Chen Xin'an's chest, stopping him at the door.

The swarthy man glanced at Chen Xin'an and said coldly:

"I told you, no one else should go in except Young Master Hua!

Political Commissar Meng, there are six minutes left!

When the time comes, I will demolish the building!

If you don't plan to hand over anyone, you can inform the people upstairs to evacuate now! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said to Meng Jianjun: "Demolish the building? Good guy, the office building of the Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces was demolished at your request?

Political Commissar, what does this guy do?

Also, is your office building illegally built? "

This building in the deep mountains and old forests is against the rules!

Meng Jianjun rolled his eyes and quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "This is the guard sent by the General Logistics Command to Leader Situ, his name is Wang Qiushi!

Mr. Wang Qiushi, this is the instructor of our Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces, and also the entire army..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Qiushi interrupted him expressionlessly and said: "I don't care who he is, and I don't want to know him.

I only obey the orders of my chief.

There are still five minutes left. When the time is up, I will demolish the building! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, glanced at Wang Qiushi and asked: "It turns out he is a guard, I thought he was the urban management!

It’s so interesting to see a Montenegrin tiger come and demolish a building!

Lu Huan was kicked just now, was it you who kicked her?

Come on, take one apart and let me take a look!

How to dismantle it? The excavator came? "

My dignified security guard, that is, the bodyguard in green, has become an urban management officer in this kid's mouth?

Wang Qiushi's face darkened, he squinted at Chen Xin'an and said, "Watch your words!

You don't need an excavator to dismantle your place, just a few detonators! "

Chen Xin'an looked around him, curled her lips and said, "What do you mean?

Did you bring the detonator with you?

Where is it hidden?

Take it out and let me see! "

Wang Qiushi looked at him coldly and said, "Do I need to take it with me?

Even if it is the Montenegrin Tiger's armory, I want some materials to make a few detonators. Is it difficult? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a look of sudden realization, nodded and said:

“You mean, you can easily get materials to make detonators from our Montenegrin tiger.

And blow up our office buildings? "

Wang Qiushi looked at him with a relaxed expression and said lightly: "Do you have a question? Have you finished asking?

When it's over, go ahead and do whatever you need to do!

It's none of your business here, don't mess around!

Remember, no matter who you are, don't talk nonsense in front of me.

I do not want to hear! "

Wang Qiushi, a mere instructor, really didn't take him seriously!

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at the woman and said, "Mrs. Sima, don't bring out such second-rate bodyguards anymore.

It can easily get you into trouble and damage your leadership image! "

"Asshole, what did you say!" Wang Qiushi was furious.

Situ Hong also glared at Chen Xin'an and said, "My surname is Situ, not Sima!

Wang Qiushi is my guard, not my bodyguard! "

"It's all the same!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "I can't remember it anyway, and it's useless to remember it!

You are Hua Youlin's mother, right?

Want to take Hua Youlin away?

Okay, let Mr. Hua call me personally. If he agrees, I will let him go! "

Situ Hong's face was livid, he looked at Meng Jianjun and said, "I want to take my son away, who can stop me?

It's not your turn as a little instructor to speak!

Lao Meng, let me ask you, will you let him go? "

Just when Meng Jianjun was about to speak, Chen Xin'an laughed and said: "In the Black Mountain Tiger, the political commissar can make the final decision on other matters.

But the political commissar and captain really can't decide whether the soldiers under my command will stay or go.

If I don’t let them go, no one can be taken away!

I said, if Mr. Hua calls, I will let him go.

Without Hua Lao's instructions, even Hua Youlin's biological mother couldn't take him away! "

Wang Qiushi yelled angrily and cursed: "A mere instructor has no rules and regulations and is lawless! Get out of here!"

With a loud shout, Wang Qiushi kicked Chen Xin'an in the stomach!


This kick landed firmly on Chen Xin'an's belly!

Chen Xin'an's body seemed to be on a skateboard, her legs moved horizontally, and her body quickly retreated, hitting the corridor wall heavily.

"With this kind of strength, your tone is not small!" Wang Qiushi snorted with disdain, and said with a snort: "Lie in bed for a month! From now on, you can act like a guard for me!"

Chen Xin'an leaned against the wall and said coldly to Wang Qiushi: "You didn't eat at noon?

Or are you just like a girl who can’t find the strength during menstruation? "

He straightened his back and walked towards the office door again.

Wang Qiushi's expression changed and she cursed at him: "I'm looking for death myself, I can't blame others! Get out of here!"

As he spoke, he kicked out hard again!

With this kick, he raised his leg very high and kicked Chen Xin'an directly in the chest.

The force was so strong that he kicked his feet off the ground and hit the wall behind him again with a bang.

That muffled sound made Meng Jianjun's expression change. He was really afraid that Chen Xin'an's head would suddenly burst like a watermelon!

Lu Huan was startled.

He knew that this guard was not easy to mess with, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful!

Chen Xin'an, a figure who is regarded as a god by everyone in Montenegro, actually has no room to fight back in front of this guard named Chang!

Instructor Chen, what's going on?

Ordinarily he shouldn't be so weak!

Even if you really can't beat him, you can't even hide away, right?

Wang Qiushi looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and said: "You should feel lucky, here is the Montenegrin tiger.

If it were any other place, you would have been sent to the hospital and rescued by now!

Even if I don't intend to kick you to death, I won't make it easy for you.

These two feet will keep you in bed for at least two months!

Remember the lesson in the future and watch your mouth! "

He turned to look at Situ Hong.

After all, this is a Montenegrin tiger. If you go too far, you may get into trouble for the chief.

But Situ Hong looked at him with a strange look, as if he had encountered something incredible!

Why are you looking at me like this?

Is there something wrong with me?

Wang Qiushi turned his head uneasily, then suddenly screamed and took a step back.

The guy named Chen stood in front of him like a ghost, almost clinging to him.

Wang Qiushi didn't even notice when he leaned next to him!

What makes him even more incomprehensible is that the two kicks just now are simply unbearable by ordinary people!

He said that he made Chen Xin'an stay in the hospital for two weeks because he was a Montenegrin Tiger instructor.

If it were an ordinary person, he might not be able to recover even if he had to lie down for half a year!

He knows best how powerful the leg skills he has practiced over the past thirty years are!

But this guy actually stood in front of him as if nothing was wrong and said with a comfortable look on his face:

“It’s not bad, although the strength is not as good, it is a little stronger than Lao Zhu and the others!

Come on, give me another kick on my back!

You must show no mercy, use as much strength as you can!

Pay attention to where you exert your strength. Don't wait until the strength of the heel has been used up, and the strength of the sole of the foot has not yet come up!

This disconnect greatly reduces the effectiveness!

Come on, start! "

Start with your sister!

You're doing physical therapy here!

Wang Qiushi was dumbfounded. He looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and cursed at him: "What kind of monster are you! Get out of here!"

He raised his arm and slapped Chen Xin'an.

But he never thought that before his hand touched Chen Xin'an, the other party's slap had already landed firmly on his face!

"Are you sick? I asked you to do something, but I didn't let you do it!

Why are you here without helping me?

That's trash, get out of here! "


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