Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1400 I hope you can do what you say

In the past two days, Chen Xin'an felt that her body seemed a little weak.

Of course it's not that the kidneys are weak, but that the energy in the whole body seems to be suppressed by something.

I always feel like I can’t get enough energy.

I felt like there was a fire in my body before, but I haven't felt this way in the past two days.

I felt uncomfortable all over, but I didn't know what was wrong.

Just now, Wang Qiushi was deliberately kicked. As his body reacted naturally, the fire appeared again!

And my body feels very comfortable, as if everything is back.

Chen Xin'an still felt a little baffled.

Could it be that after losing his strength, he turned into a masochist?

Do you need to be beaten to feel better?

"You are looking for death!" Wang Qiushi has never been insulted like this, let alone slapped in the face so easily!

Those who can serve as guards for the leaders of the General Logistics Department are the best ones selected from China's millions of green clothes!

Any one of them can easily defeat a squad of Montenegrin Tiger special operators.

Therefore, Wang Qiushi would not take special team instructors like Chen Xin'an seriously.

I never expected that the guy in front of me, who looked a little pale and looked like he was just recovering from a serious illness, would slap him in the face in front of the leader!

Wang Qiushi was anxious, so he rushed towards Chen Xin'an and hit Chen Xin'an hard with a beautiful combination of punches!

He has already been cruel. If this combination of punches hits an ordinary person, even if he is not beaten to death on the spot, he will still have to lie in the ICU for half a year!

Chen Xin'an's body was pressed against the wall, like a human sandbag, unable to move. He had received at least eight punches!

Wang Qiushi stood face to face in front of Chen Xin'an and said to Chen Xin'an in a low voice:

"Slap me in the face in front of the leader. You are seeking death. Don't blame me for being cruel to you!

If you can't die this time, remember one thing for me.

Don't mess with people you can't afford to mess with, otherwise your life will be at risk!

Lie down! "

He swept his legs and kicked Chen Xin'an hard, trying to knock him to the ground.

But when his leg came into contact with Chen Xin'an, he felt like he had kicked an iron pillar!

The opponent didn't move at all, but his feet were a little painful from the shock.

And he was horrified to find that he had obviously used all his strength to hit a combination of punches, which fell on this guy like a violent storm!

If it were anyone else, there would be almost no intact bones in his chest at this moment, and he would definitely be vomiting blood and hanging on by a thread.

But this guy closed his eyes and didn't show any pain on his face.

Instead, the corners of his mouth turned up, his face full of enjoyment!

This expression is simply...

It's like I just took a hot bath and ordered a massage.

Step on his back and Shu Tan’s nose will bubble!

How can it be!

Is my strongest attack harmless to you?

Still showing such a mean expression?

Wang Qiushi was furious. Looking at Chen Xin'an, who had his eyes closed and looked intoxicated, he clenched his fist and punched him in the face!

Go and get intoxicated in front of the Lord of Hell!


His fist was grabbed and he couldn't move.

Chen Xin'an's eyes still didn't open, with a smile on her lips, she said intoxicatedly:

“So this is what the fourth level feels like!

When the fire started, it felt like my whole body was on fire. It felt so comfortable!

But it's not too stable yet, your strength is still a bit weak!

It would be nice to be stronger. "

What is this guy talking about?

Why can't I understand?

But Wang Qiushi understood one sentence, this guy said he was weak!

Wang Qiushi gritted his teeth and retracted his arms.

My strength is weak?

Then let you taste my strongest punch...

let go!

Why can't it be pulled out?

Wang Qiushi looked at his right fist in disbelief, how easily it was wrapped by the opponent's hand.

He thought he only needed to retract his arm and continue to attack.

But he never expected that the opponent seemed to catch him easily, but he couldn't even retract his fist with all his strength!

Immediately afterwards, the opponent's fingers tightened, and Wang Qiushi immediately felt as if his right hand was clamped by steel pliers, and the bones in the entire palm were about to break!

Before he could cry out in pain, he heard the other party's voice: "Forget it, you are still too weak. I won't be able to help you if I beat you again. Just lie down!"


The other party kicked him in the abdomen.

Wang Qiushi felt as if he had been hit by a big pendulum. His body flew up, flew directly into the office, and hit the ground hard with a bang!

Lu Huan, who was on the side, walked over, kicked him, and cursed angrily: "I told you to kick me! Today will happen to you too!"

Wang Qiushi's face was full of shock, and he lay on the ground looking at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

This kick seemed very powerful, but it did not cause much damage to him.

As the bearer, he naturally knows that he can do this. That person's control of strength has reached the level of perfection!

But just because he was afraid of Chen Xin'an, it didn't mean he would give in in front of others.

He didn't expect that a little orderly would be so bold and dare to attack him!

Wang Qiushi got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You are so brave!

Dare to be disrespectful to the chief, dare to attack me!

A mere Montenegrin tiger, enjoying the best welfare in the entire army, has cultivated such a disrespectful and disrespectful person like you?

Do you know what you are doing now?

Do you know what the consequences of doing this are?

You are causing trouble for your Montenegrin tigers!


"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an glanced at him impatiently and cursed:

“These words are quite appropriate for the people around you to say them.

You have no right to say that! "

Situ Hong, who was next to him, looked at Chen Xin'an expressionlessly and said, "The person you kicked down just now has the title of lieutenant colonel!

You should know the consequences of beating a lieutenant colonel in the army!

I will never hide this matter and will report it truthfully!

No matter where you are the instructor or whose orderly you are, just how to deal with it..."

Chen Xin'an sighed softly, took out a pair of epaulettes from his pocket and put it on his shoulders.

Situ Hong couldn't speak any more, with a shocked expression on his face.

Wang Qiushi was even more stunned, looking at the epaulettes on Chen Xin'an's shoulders in disbelief!

Gold star epaulets!

This guy is actually a major general!

Meng Jianjun was overjoyed, but his face was deliberately stern and he cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"Instructor Chen, how many times have I told you!

As the chief instructor of the army, he is also the youngest major general in the army.

The epaulette is your honor, you should wear it all the time! "

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "You can hold it! I'll take it to the training ground and crawl around with everyone. Do you think it's appropriate?"

Don't say it's broken, even if it's dirty, you have to nag for an hour. Can I bear it?

Can I not pretend? "

"You stinky boy!" Meng Jianjun blew his beard angrily and glared, but there was nothing he could do.

Wearing gold star epaulets to training is indeed a bit outrageous.

Chen Xin'an turned around and glanced at Wang Qiushi, who looked like he was dumbfounded.

He snorted coldly, and then said to Situ Hong:

"The following offense is disrespectful to your superiors, right?

Reporting truthfully, there is absolutely no favoritism, right?

I hope you do what you say!

Also, don’t use your identity to pressure me.

No matter how great a leader you are, it doesn't matter to me!

If you want to take away my soldiers, let Mr. Hua give me orders.

Others, it doesn’t work! "

It was obvious that Mr. Hua didn't know that Situ Hong was here.

That's why Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun were in a dilemma and didn't dare to deal with it.

Chen Xin'an doesn't care about you.

Since this plan was proposed by Mr. Hua and Mr. Long, no one but the two of them can try to destroy it!

No matter who you are!


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