Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1405 I was expelled from the in-law family

Like Chen Xin'an, Erzhangzi is also a master who must avenge his revenge.

Huang Xing's head was beaten to a bloody head, and his insides and outside were scorched by the electric shock. He lay on the ground and could only groan.

Dean Yue walked up to Chen Xin'an, looked at him seriously and said, "Mr. Chen, that's it!"

"What do you say?" Chen Xin'an glanced at her, turned to look at the second pole and asked:

"Have you beaten enough? Do you feel comfortable?"

The second pole threw away the metal pole in his hand angrily, jumped on Chen Xin'an's shoulder, and screamed at him.

Chen Xin'an rubbed its head lovingly and said, "Okay, I know you are not defensive.

Let you think about that all day again, this is a lesson! "

The second pole yelled dissatisfiedly at Chen Xin'an, then jumped on top of the iron cage, got in and grabbed the sweet girl's arm.

Depend on!

forget it!

Chen Xin'an rolled his eyes, this guy is a pure dog and can't change his habit of eating shit!

He had just suffered a big loss from this female monkey, and in the blink of an eye, his lower body took over his brain.

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to it and turned her head to take a look.

Only then did he realize that Wu Chenyang rolled his eyes, was startled, and hurriedly threw him to the ground!

Wu Chenyang felt as if he had died once, lying on the ground breathing heavily, looking at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of fear.

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at him, turned around and whistled.

The second pole seemed to be hesitant, but after looking at the people around him, he reluctantly let go of the shivering sweet girl and jumped onto Chen Xin'an's shoulders.

Just as he was about to leave, the girl with glasses stopped in front, pointed at the two poles and said to Chen Xin'an:

"You can't take it away!

This is the object of our experimental research.

You want us to take it back to the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences! "

For such a confused woman, Chen Xin'an was not even interested in talking to her, and shouted without raising her head: "Get out!"

The bespectacled girl became anxious, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Don't think you know kung fu and just bully others here!

I know a lot of Kung Fu masters, but none of them are as arrogant as you!

You are not learning martial arts to bully good people!

I’m not here to let you act recklessly!

Do you know the serious consequences of such a barbaric attempt to stop our research?

You are simply a sinner of the entire society!

The enemy of all mankind..."

"Shut up, okay?" Chen Xin'an plucked his ears impatiently and said to the girl with glasses in disgust:

"Why don't you say that I have offended the entire galaxy?

How many of you can represent the whole society and all mankind?

Are you worthy of playing moral kidnapping with me here?


My arrogance is based on the enemy's arrogance!

My misdeeds are also due to the enemy's unscrupulousness!

Why didn't you stand up when this idiot used this thing to beat him?

Just because it's a monkey and you're a human, it deserves to be abused by you?

What you do is worse than that of an animal, yet you still stand on the moral high ground and educate others in a righteous manner and behave like a dog. What a joke! "

The bespectacled girl's face turned red and she angrily scolded Chen Xin'an: "What nonsense are you talking about!

Who do you think is worse than a beast?

We took action because it was wild and untamed, and would attack us if we didn't do this..."

Chen Xin'an scolded her impatiently: "Shut up! If you say one more thing, I will let the two sticks attack you!"

No matter how wild and untamable it is, it will never run in front of you to provoke you!

Don't think that just because you are a woman, men all over the world will coax you!

In terms of looks and personality, my wife will give you a run for her money.

She is the only woman in this world who is worthy of my coaxing. Who do you think you are? "

After all, he was an intellectual, so he would definitely not be able to shut up with his talk, like Chen Xin'an, a businessman who had been sparring with the gang of shrews on Qingniu Mountain since he was a child.

Chen Xin'an scolded her so hard that she cried!

Yue Zhixian looked at Chen Xin'an calmly, as if she didn't mind his attitude at all, and said softly:

"Mr. Chen, let's go back to Montenegro first. I want to talk to you, is that okay?"

There was a sound behind them, and Bian Hu led a group of people to chase after them. They were all surrounded with guns and ammunition.

Seeing this scene, the bespectacled woman and Huang Xing both turned pale with fright.

"Instructor!" Bian Hu ran to Chen Xin'an and saluted him.

Chen Xin'an returned the courtesy, turned to Yue Zhixian and said, "You want to talk to me? Yes!

Bian Hu, cover up and take them all away! "

Bian Hu responded and waved to a group of special forces members.

Everyone took out the prepared black hoods and put them on the heads of Huake Academy and Longdun without any explanation, including Yue Zhixian.

If you want to go to Montenegro Tiger, you can just go according to our hospitality method!

In the conference room of the Montenegro Tiger Office Building, Tang Peng personally helped Yue Zhixian take off her hood and cursed:

"This is nonsense! You are the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, how could this kid treat you like this!"

Yue Zhixian waved her hands and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter! Since I'm here with you, just follow your rules! My students..."

Meng Jianjun said with a stunned look on his face: "It's been sent to the team doctor. The problem is not serious, don't worry!"

"What do you mean it's not a big problem?" The bespectacled woman was unhappy and said to Meng Jianjun:

“We came here to do scientific research, but your instructors beat us up and treated us roughly.

You must give us an explanation for this matter, otherwise it will never end! "

"Tsk!" Chen Xin'an's disdainful sneer came from outside the door.

He walked in and glanced at the bespectacled woman who was originally very aggressive, but immediately became shorter after seeing him and said:

"So what if it's not over?

If you have the ability, call back!

I don't care why you came here!

In my territory, you must abide by my rules! "

The bespectacled woman looked at Yue Zhixian as if asking for help, and whispered: "Dean..."

Yue Zhixian smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, don't be angry. I want to ask you a question.

Do you feel connected to that monkey, seeming to have a different kind of closeness than others? "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, frowned at Yue Zhixian and said, "What do you want to say?"

Yue Zhixian sat on the chair, looked at Chen Xin'an calmly and said, "I want to tell you a secret.

A secret shared between you and that little monkey! "

I have to say that this guy is a master at chatting.

In just two sentences, Chen Xin'an's interest was completely aroused.

But who is Chen Xin'an?

Naturally, he would not be manipulated so easily.

He glanced at Yue Zhixian and said, "Dean Yue, are you telling me a story or history?"

Yue Zhixian smiled slightly, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Let's make things happen!

To re-introduce, my name is Yue Zhixian, I am Yue Mei’s aunt.

I also have a cousin named Yue Zhihua! "

Chen Xin'an's eyes almost popped out, she looked at Yue Zhixian in disbelief and said:

"Impossible! I have never heard my wife mention you!"

Yue Zhixian said calmly: "Not only will she not mention me, but even my younger brother will not admit that I am a sister.

Back then, the Yue family removed me from the family, and no one in the Yue family allowed me to interact with them!

Therefore, even Xiruo never knew that there was an aunt like me! "

Chen Xin'an was shocked, laughed dumbly, looked at Yue Zhixian and said:

"Auntie, what heinous thing have you done to make the entire Yue family dislike you so much?"

Yue Zhixian looked at him calmly and said, "Because I killed Xiruo's parents, Ning Yuanyuan and Yue Mei.

And your parents. Chen Guofu and Chi Qingzhu! "

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