Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1406 The real core of the Oasis Project

The conference room was so quiet that everyone could hear it if a pin dropped!

Seeing Chen Xin'an's face gradually turning livid and gloomy, the bespectacled girl was frightened.

She whispered to Yue Zhixian: "Dean Yue, don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Xin'an's eyes were burning as he looked at Yue Zhixian and asked word by word: "You said you killed my parents and parents-in-law?"

The bespectacled woman said anxiously: "Dean Yue didn't say that! She just said kill, not kill!

This is a fundamental difference! "

At this time, talking about words really works.

Chen Xin'an's eyes dimmed slightly, and she looked at Yue Zhixian without blinking and said, "What's going on?"

Just as Yue Zhixian opened her mouth to speak, the bespectacled woman nervously reminded her:

"Dean Yue, please don't talk nonsense, this kid... is just a lunatic!"

Chen Xin'an turned her head, glanced at the girl with glasses, and said coldly: "If you don't shut up, I will make you crazy first!"

The girl with glasses closed her mouth tightly!

She is a high-level intellectual and is not stupid at all.

Now it can be seen that although the guy in front of him is just an instructor, he does not hold back at all when facing the two leaders of the Black Mountain Tigers.

On the contrary, the two chiefs allowed him to follow his lead.

It seems that this guy's status is no lower than that of the chief!

She has vowed that after returning this time, she will stay in the research laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences forever!

Never come out to deal with these stinky men again!

Especially this brutal instructor!

It's so inhumane and extremely rude and shameless!

Yue Zhihua opened his mouth and was about to speak.

Chen Xin'an suddenly interrupted her and said, "Wait a minute! Does this matter have anything to do with the second pole?"

"You're talking about that monkey? dkl-9527, right?

Yes, it is also related to it, and the relationship is very deep! "

In this way, Chen Xin'an knew that this matter was no small matter.

He took a deep breath, looked at Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun and said:

"What are you two doing here?

Nothing to do?

Go about your business quickly! "

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun suddenly turned dark.

What the hell, are you driving us out?

Are you afraid that you have forgotten whose territory this is?

Unexpectedly, Yue Zhixian also smiled and said to them: "Captain Tang, Political Commissar Meng, Mr. Chen and I are chatting about home affairs.

The two leaders are very busy at work, so I won’t waste your time! "

Tang Peng waved his hand and said: "What, I'm not busy, I have nothing to do..."

Before he could finish speaking, Meng Jianjun had already taken his arm and walked out, smiling and saying:

"Okay, let's talk then! If you need anything, call the office and we'll be right over!"

When the two of them walked out and closed the door, Chen Xin'an, Yue Zhixian, and the girl with glasses were the only ones left in the conference room.

There was also Er Pole who was sitting on the conference table holding some fruit and munching on it.

Chen Xin'an glanced at the second pole and said to Yue Zhixian: "Okay, now tell me in detail, what is going on?"

Yue Zhixian took a sip of the tea in front of her and said softly: "Thirty years ago..."

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an immediately interrupted her and said impatiently: "Why do you all have the same problem?

As soon as we talk about something, we talk about distant topics!

Why don't you start with Pangu Kaitian? "

Yue Zhixian said helplessly: "Because that's when it started!

Since you don’t have the patience to listen to it from the beginning, I’ll choose the most important one for you! "

Chen Xinan stopped talking.

Yue Zhixian thought for a while and said to him: "Have you heard of Hua Longsu?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked, "A member of the Hua family?"

The bespectacled woman curled her lips and cursed: "Who are you from the Hua family? Valon is the first genetic drug discovered by China!"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "I've never heard of that! Is it related to me? Is it related to my parents? Is it related to my parents-in-law?"

Yue Zhixian nodded and said, "Your mother-in-law discovered and extracted it!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Are you mistaken? She is just a wine seller..."

Yue Zhixian said calmly: "Yue Mei's true identity is actually a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences!"

The bespectacled woman's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "Senior researcher?

My God, our Chinese Academy of Sciences has less than five senior researchers in total!

I have been taking the exam for so many years, and I finally passed the exam from researcher to junior researcher! "

At this time, Chen Xin'an noticed that Yue Zhixian's seemingly calm face showed deep sorrow.

Taking a gentle breath, Yue Zhixian continued: "Brewing wine is just a way for Amei to cover up her research.

Her real job is to purify and improve Valon.

It will also help her in the long run.

It's just that our scientific research and technology level in China was very backward at that time.

Some projects require the use of foreign technologies and instruments.

This also led to the leakage of Valonsu, which attracted great attention from Western countries.

Based on this danger, the Chinese Academy of Sciences asked Long Dun for help.

In order to protect the true identities of Chang Yuan and Amei, Longdun dispatched a pair of outstanding agents.

They are your parents, Chen Guofu and Chi Qingzhu.

Chen Guofu and Ning Changyuan were originally comrades-in-arms, and the four of them were good friends.

The four of them teamed up to study Valonol and made a major breakthrough.

It has also been coveted by some large Western companies.

They wanted to get the formula of Valonso, but when they couldn't buy it with a lot of money, they carried out an assassination! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Yue Zhixian with a puzzled expression and asked:

"Isn't it right? I remember that my father-in-law and mother-in-law were assassinated because of the Oasis Project!"

"Do you know about the Oasis Project?" Yue Zhixian looked up at Chen Xin'an, her hand holding the tea cup was trembling slightly, and she looked at him and asked:

"Then do you know what the real purpose of the Oasis Project is?"

Yue Zhihua had mentioned this before, so of course Chen Xin'an remembered it.

He nodded and said to Yue Zhixian: "It was sent by Joses who wanted to launch a banned offensive against China.

Longdun took the lead and joined forces with pharmaceutical factories, food factories, alcoholic beverage factories and other units to jointly develop antidotes. "

Yue Zhixian shook his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "These are just the surface of the Oasis plan.

In fact, the real Oasis Project is an experiment!

The core of the experiment is Valonol.

At that time, Valonol had been wanted by foreign forces because it had a strong effect on human genes.

They want to develop genetic drugs and weapons, which will completely change the pattern of future wars.

But Amei’s original intention was just to conduct effective drug research for the cause of human cancer!

Therefore, the demands of Western forces met with strong opposition from her.

She destroyed part of the extraction formula of Valonol and almost all the research results!

This also completely annoyed those foreign forces and led to their assassination! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Yue Zhixian and asked, "You just said that the core of the Oasis Project is an experiment?

What kind of experiment is it? "

Yue Zhixian put her trembling hands on the table, looked up at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Experiments on living subjects, that is, experiments on living subjects!"

The bespectacled woman's eyes widened in disbelief, and she said to Yue Zhixian: "Dean, you mean, Hua Longsu has done experiments on living people? Why don't I know about it?"

Yue Zhixian said with a painful expression: "Because this was originally a private experiment! It was banned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and even the Grand Palace!"

The bespectacled woman licked her lips, looked at Yue Zhixian and asked, "How is the condition of the experimental subject? Is he still alive?"

Seeing Yue Zhixian staring at Chen Xin'an without blinking, the bespectacled woman suddenly seemed to understand something.

She stared at Chen Xin'an dumbfounded, and after a long time she murmured: "Oh my God!"

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