Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1413 Master Man has been waiting for a long time

These damn Chinese people are so difficult to deal with!

Doyle struggled to shake off the entanglement and shouted to Thackeray: "Damn Thackeray, don't waste this time anymore, if we don't leave, we won't even think about leaving!

Could it be that your purpose in coming to China is to kill these irrelevant people?

Don’t forget what Mr. Jade said to us! "

Thackeray, who was already going crazy and wanted to beat Wu Chenyang to death, was stunned for a moment after hearing what Doyle said.

He pushed Wu Chenyang aside, stood up from the ground, and touched his left ear. There was only a piece of blood left there!

"Ah!" Thackeray let out an angry howl, stared at Wu Chenyang who had passed out, turned around and ran away!

Doyle also glanced at Fan Yao and ran away with Thackeray.

Fan Yao subconsciously wanted to get up and chase after him, but the companion next to him cried loudly: "Old Fan, hurry up, Ayang is dead!"

Fan Yao turned his head and glanced.

Wu Chenyang's eyes were closed tightly, but his mouth was vomiting blood.

His face was already a little gray and he looked very scary!

Fan Yao didn't care about chasing anyone anymore and shouted to his companion: "Go and drive! I will carry him over and go to the hospital immediately!"

The car made a beautiful flick in the open space and stopped in front of Fan Yao.

The driver got out of the car, put Wu Chenyang in the back seat with Fan Yao, then leaned over and said to Fan Yao: "Old Fan, help!"

Just now, Doyle kicked his companion's arm and dislocated it, and there seemed to be some fractures.

Fan Yao didn't have time to take a closer look, so he grabbed the other person's arm and slowly shook it twice, and then suddenly twisted it.

With a click, the arm resets.

The companion gritted his teeth, moved his shoulders, and said to Fan Yao: "Let's go!"

The two got into the car and just drove two meters away when Fan Yao suddenly shouted: "Stop!"


The companion braked, turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fan Yao's expression changed drastically, and he seemed to be mumbling something.

Suddenly he raised his head and said nervously to his companion: "Brother, just find a store in front and drop me off.

You have to take Wu Chenyang to the hospital by yourself, I can't go with you! "

"Old Fan, where are you going?" His companion asked inexplicably.

Fan Yao took a deep breath and said to him: "Those foreigners are going to attack Ning Xiruo!

I have to find a way to remind her and the brothers around her! "

The companion frowned and said, "But the brother over there doesn't have a mobile phone, how can I contact him?

Besides, that's not our job! "

"I know!" Fan Yao nodded, looked at his companion and said, "But I still have to take care of it!

Don't worry, the base won't blame you.

And you will support and appreciate me doing this in the future! "

Mercedes-Benz Business left the hospital and headed to the winery.

In the past two days, a merchant wanted to discuss a sales agency project, and Luo Qiancheng has been following up.

The results should be out today, so I have to go and take a look.

Luo Xiaoman sat on the sofa in the car, crossed his legs, drank tea happily, and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Brothers and sisters, I will leave my words here today.

You and Lao Chen hold on tight and try to hold one next year.

Mine will definitely be a son, and you two will have a daughter.

From now on, my son will marry your daughter, and we will become in-laws...


Wife, why are you kicking me? "

Luo Qianxue glanced at Ning Xiruo carefully and scolded him: "What nonsense are you talking about here! Shut up!"

She knew what Ning Xiruo cared about most, and she could feel it from the way she looked at her big belly.

Today I came with her to the hospital for a prenatal check-up. In fact, she was doing the check-up herself.

Emotionally I'm not happy.

A stupid man like me is still here, picking up any pots!

Fortunately, Ning Xiruo didn't care, just smiled and said: "I said it doesn't count!

It depends on what peace of mind means! "

Luo Xiaoman laughed, waved his hand and said: "Then it's settled!

What can Lao Chen mean?

He couldn't wait to do it!

Look at Xueer and I, we are talented and beautiful.

My son will definitely inherit what we both have, and he must be cool and cool!

Your daughters are fine like you.

If you were like him, you would be like a big monkey, how miserable!

But don't worry, my son has been well educated by me, and his only wife is your daughter!

So no matter how irritated your girl is, my son will treat her wholeheartedly!

You and Lao Chen will live happily together! "

Ning Xiruo, who had always been gentle and elegant, had her mouth twitching at the moment, wanting to curse this shameless guy!

Don’t you know which man is more like a big horse monkey, you or me?

Luo Qianxue couldn't stand listening anymore, raised her arm and slapped the guy. Just when she was about to speak, she heard his cell phone ringing.

Luo Xiaoman took out his mobile phone, looked at the number, and pressed answer:

"Who are you looking for? I am, what's wrong? Are you kidding me? Who are you?"

After a while, Luo Xiaoman hung up the phone, curled his lips and said disdainfully: "I don't know which fool it is, and I won't tell him who it is if I ask him!

Lao Xiao, stop at the corner ahead. I'm going to the supermarket to use the toilet! "

There was a Dalianfa Supermarket on the roadside. Xiao Zhang wanted to park his car in the underground parking lot, but he turned around and came up again, temporarily parking on the roadside.

Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei got out of the car and walked to the supermarket.

Others stayed in the car.

Suddenly, two vans drove up one behind the other and stopped in front of and behind the Mercedes-Benz, effectively squeezing the cars in the middle and unable to move forward or retreat.

With a crashing sound, the door of the van was opened, and a group of unidentified young people jumped out of the van.

Each of them carried a machete as long as one person and quickly surrounded the Mercedes-Benz Business!

Without a word of nonsense, these people picked up their machetes as soon as they got out of the car, slashing and smashing at the Mercedes-Benz Business!

The people around were all petrified, screaming and running away.

Xiao Zhang locked the cab immediately and allowed those guys to rush over, jump on the front hood of the car, stand in front of the windshield and smash it.

Through the windshield, Xiao Zhang squinted at the people outside, trying to figure out who they were.

But no one knew anyone, they were all strangers!

Even a collision-proof and bullet-proof car cannot withstand the torment of a group of people.

Within two minutes, cracks appeared in the windshield!

At this moment, Xiao Zhang and Dao Lei, who had already entered the supermarket, came out.

They took out the sticks they carried with them, jumped to the people with big knives and started whipping them randomly!


The windshield was finally smashed, and the gang cheered loudly.

Xiao Zhang had already pulled out a one-meter-long stick from under the seat, rushed out from the front, and whipped the guy who smashed the glass away!

Xiao Zhang pressed a man holding a machete next to the car window.

The stick in your hand is about to hit the opponent's head.

The boy grinned with a bloody mouth and said to him:

"You have been deceived, the protagonist is not us!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several masked men rushed out of the van, throwing some things on the ground, and some even threw them into the car!

A large amount of thick smoke came out, covering the surrounding area in the blink of an eye!

Xiao Zhang coughed and shouted to everyone: "Be careful, it's a smoke bomb!"

There seemed to be something irritating in the smoke, which made people itchy in the throat, making them cough, and even making it difficult to open their eyes!

There was a sound of smashing glass in front of me. Someone was trying to break through the bulletproof glass and get into the car!

With a whoosh, the car door was opened, and then someone yelled: "Fake! You've been fooled! Go! Go! Go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man rushed over from the thick smoke and kicked him two meters away!

Luo Xiaoman closed his eyes and held his breath, shouting with a grin on his face:

"A bunch of bastards who hide their heads and hide their tails, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"


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