Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1414 You are indeed the boss’s biggest threat

In the thick smoke, someone approached, and a cold light flashed away.

A man wearing a gas mask, holding a dagger, quietly approached Luo Xiaoman and cut his throat with the knife!

In this kind of environment, if you still keep your eyes closed and still talk, you are literally seeking death!

The moment the dagger in the man's hand pierced Luo Xiaoman's chest, his wrist was caught with a snap!

Then Luo Xiaoman twisted the opponent's arm in a circle as if twisting a twist, and cursed with a grin: "I want to see what kind of monsters you are!"

I was about to take off the other party's gas mask, but unexpectedly, the other party turned his right hand and twisted his body to break free from his hand!

Luo Xiaoman was shocked!

You must know that he can twist the opponent's right hand at this moment. Most people would be on the verge of breaking their arm at this time!

The pain alone was already unbearable, and there was no way to resist.

But the guy in front of him could still follow Luo Xiaoman's strength and continue to rotate his arm!

Are all this guy's joints made of noodles?

It's all twisted into a twist and can it still be used?

In shock, the opponent escaped with his right hand, and then kicked Luo Xiaoman in the stomach with his right leg!

Luo Xiaoman took a step back and his hands were empty.

He cursed: "Good boy! Come again!" Without retreating, he rushed towards the masked man!

But at this moment, many people rushed over and slashed at Luo Xiaoman with what they saw!

Damn it, where did these people come from?

The smoke had begun to dissipate, and Luo Xiaoman also opened his eyes.

Avoiding the oncoming machete, he grabbed the arm of a thug.

With a flick of his body, the thug's sword swept out uncontrollably.

With a pop, it hit a thug on the arm!


The blade directly cut off the opponent's arm, causing blood to spurt out.

Amid the screams, Luo Xiaoman held the thug's hands and asked him to hold the handle of the knife tightly.

The body rotated rapidly under his leadership, and the sword swept across the area, unstoppable!

The thugs around him fled in all directions, and no one came close.

The guy wearing the mask also took advantage of the situation to escape.

Luo Xiaoman saw that the direction he was escaping from was the entrance to the underground parking lot!

Luo Xiaoman's expression changed, and he punched the thug in front of him on the cheek with his backhand, knocking him unconscious.

He grabbed the long knife from his hand and shouted: "Big Leizi, Lao Xiao, I will open the way!"

Follow me, underground parking lot!

Pigeons, stay in the car! "

"Okay!" Dao Lei and Xiao Zhang's voices came from the side. The three of them started at the same time, waving the big sword they had seized, and rushed towards the parking lot!

After all, it was still a step too slow.

In the underground parking lot, Guan Qing protected Ning Xiruo and Luo Qianxue behind her and looked at the three people in front of her coldly!

These are the three guys who were wearing gas masks outside just now.

Except for one of them who was slowed down by Luo Xiaoman, the other two knew they had been tricked the moment they discovered that the target was not in the car and ran straight to the underground parking lot.

After all, that Mercedes-Benz business car had come down before and never went anywhere else.

So, they must be hiding people here.

Sure enough, finding them is easy!

But what's a little troublesome is that we have to deal with the woman in front first.

Obviously, this is a Chinese Kung Fu master!

Whether a person's kung fu is profound and his combat power is strong can be seen in many ways.

For example, the way you walk, the frequency of breathing when on alert, etc.

The most important thing is the look in his eyes. Does he have the fierce look of a master who has been stained with countless blood?

Obviously, this woman is indeed strong enough.

But the momentum is not enough, at least he has not killed anyone!

Guan Qing looked at the three people with disdain, and said with a sneer: "Why, are you embarrassed? Do you dare to do such a thing and dare not show up?"

The three people looked at each other and took off the masks on their heads, revealing their true colors.

What the three women didn't expect was that these were actually three foreigners!

And judging from their dark skin and curly hair, they are all Incas!

An Inca said to Guan Qing: "Listen, I don't want to waste my energy killing people who don't matter.

So if you are smart, take that woman and get out of here right now! "

He pointed at Luo Qianxue.

The meaning is obvious, there is only one person he wants to kill, Ning Xiruo!

Guan Qing turned to look at Ning Xiruo, frowned, and asked the three people, "You want to take her away?"

The person who just spoke shrugged his shoulders and showed a cruel smile: "No need! Someone may want her alive, but we only need her dead!"

A person standing behind him said: "Agarye, actually we can kill the big one and keep this one!"

Another person also nodded quickly and said: "Yes! This is so beautiful!

It would be such a waste to kill him like this!

We killed the woman with the big belly and dressed her up to look like this woman.

Anyway, I haven’t seen this woman named Ning Xiruo over there, have I? "

"Shut up! You two idiots!" Agarye turned around and cursed angrily at his two companions:

“Do you think the boss despises TV?

This woman's appearance is already on the movie poster!

Lahar, Jamu, I warn you, we are here to do something.

You can leave when you're done.

If you do anything to hinder anything, I will kill you without hesitation! "

The two companions looked at Agarye's ferocious expression, shrank their necks, shrugged their shoulders, and did not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

They talked in Inca and were not afraid that the other party would hear them.

Agarye turned his head, looked at Guan Qing and said, "You can take that woman away now.

Keep Ning Xiruo, we will let her go after asking her a few words! "

"He is lying!" Luo Qianxue pointed at Agarye and cursed: "They are here to kill Xiruo. They have already remembered Xiruo's true appearance. We must not let them hurt Xiruo!"

Agarye was stunned for a moment, glanced at Luo Qianxue and said: "I didn't expect you could understand Inca!

Okay, in that case, I'll make it clear.

You two stay here and the three of you die together.

If you two leave now, she will be the only one who dies!

How do you choose? "

Guan Qing and Luo Qianxue were about to speak, but Ning Xiruo lowered her voice and said to them:

"Sister Qing, find an opportunity to protect Qianxue and leave here first!"

Guan Qing said without hesitation: "Impossible!"

"Xi Ruo!" Luo Qianxue also shouted with a puzzled look on her face.

Ning Xiruo took her arm and said, "Qianxue, don't forget, you have a child in your belly!

Nothing is more important than children!

Sister Qing, promise me, if the other party is too strong and you are not sure of killing the three of them, you will find an opportunity to protect Qianxue and leave here.

I can protect myself! "

Guan Qing also knew what Ning Xiruo was talking about, so she shook her head and said, "Miss, you must not take any risks!

Your backhand is not enough to kill three of them in one go!

I can't let you get hurt, let alone leave you here alone! "

Ning Xiruo said firmly: "I am confident that's why I talk to you like this! Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid!"

She took a few steps forward, stood in front of Guan Qing and Luo Qianxue, and said calmly: "I can't rely on others to save me every time I encounter danger!

You are all my friends, and I can’t always watch you being dragged down by me and hurt by me! "

She turned around, looked at the three Incas, and said calmly:

“You were sent by Jimmy?

Or was it sent by Abraham?

Forget it, it’s all the same!

You want to kill me, right?

Then do it! "

Looking at the fearless woman in front of them, the three Incas did not dare to take a step forward for a moment!

Agarye nodded, looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "I now understand why the boss sent us all the way to come to China, and he must get rid of you!

You are indeed his biggest threat!

Well, although you are very brave, you must die here today!

Do it! "


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