Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1415 I’m not waiting for them

The three Incas took out the daggers from their waists and rushed towards Ning Xiruo!

In their opinion, dealing with a weak woman is just a matter of one knife!

But at this moment, Ning Xiruo suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The three Incas stopped and frowned at Ning Xiruo. Seeing her reach out to unbutton her chest, as if she was going to take off her clothes, they were all stunned.

"I don't want to dirty my coat, let me take off my clothes first!" Ning Xiruo unbuttoned, took off her top, and handed it to Luo Qianxue behind her.

Looking at her exquisite figure, the three Incas were a little staring.

The Incas and the Daying people have the same lustful genes.

It's just that they are more rude and barbaric than the Daying people, and they usually use force to get what they want!

Lahar and Jamu even drooled, and said to Agarye: "I don't care, I want to have some fun before killing her!"

"Yes, me too! Even if she wears a mask, I can't stand it.

When I think of her true appearance, I will go crazy!"

They have been following Ning Xiruo for a few days and have discovered her secret.

This woman wears a mask when she goes out.

In fact, it is not surprising. With her appearance, if she doesn't wear a mask, she will attract more men's attention than a big star when she goes out, and it will cause a sensation.

If such a look is in the Inca country, it will definitely be rated as a national treasure-level beauty and protected by the government!

It's a pity to kill such a woman with such a cruel knife, right?

Agarye wanted to refuse, but he also coveted the beauty of this woman.

He said that he was not tempted at all for the mission, even he himself didn't believe it!

Frowning, he said to his two companions: "Then leave all three women behind.

The one who knows Kung Fu is pretty good too.

Don't forget the one with a big belly, she's also a beauty!

We have ten minutes at most to solve this, so hurry up!"

"Got it!" The two companions were overjoyed, with lewd eyes on their faces, and walked towards Guan Qing and Luo Qianxue with a grin.

Guan Qing had a gloomy face, staring at the two people who were approaching and said: "I will entangle the three of them later, you and the lady run out, don't look back!"

"None of you can escape!" Lahar grinned, the knife in his hand quickly turned a knife flower, and stabbed Guan Qing's stomach fiercely!

"Wait a moment!" Ning Xiruo suddenly shouted again.

Lahar subconsciously stopped his action and angrily scolded her: "What do you want to do again! Why are you so nosy?"

Jia Mu swallowed his saliva, stared at Ning Xiruo, and scolded Lahar:

"Shut up! She might even take off her shirt?

Or she might take off all her clothes!

This way we will save trouble later!"

Lahar's eyes also glowed, licked his lips, and stared at Ning Xiruo.

But she loosened the buttons on the sleeves of her shirt. Was she really going to take it off?

But the result was disappointing. She just loosened the sleeve buttons!

This is not deceiving the audience!

You called a pause, just this?

Agarye snorted coldly, looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "I know you are stalling for time.

It's just that your plan is going to fail.

We still have people to entangle those most capable fighters.

If they can't get down, you can only be isolated and helpless!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "I'm not waiting for them!"

Agarye frowned and asked, "Then who are you waiting for?"

There was a roar of cars at the entrance and exit, and many people shouted loudly.

Ning Xiruo breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "It's here!"

A fourth-generation dragon flag roared and rushed straight towards the crowd.

It was not until this time that Agarye and the other two understood why the other three were hiding in this position.

Because if they stepped back, they could just accommodate three people to hide,

and the three of them were exposed on the driveway!

"Get out of the way!" Agarye shouted, and jumped to the side first.

Lahar and Jiamu also cursed and fled to the side in a panic!

The fourth-generation dragon flag roared and chased the three people.

Jiamu was caught up before he could dodge.

At the moment of the collision, Jia Mu jumped high!


The windshield was smashed, Jia Mu fell into the cab, and the knife in his hand stabbed the driver's chest!

The driver reacted quickly, turned his head to the side, grabbed Jia Mu's knife-holding arm, and smashed it hard on the steering wheel!

At the same time, the man in the co-pilot seat hugged Jia Mu's neck and tried to strangle him.

Jia Mu grabbed the hand that was strangling his neck with both hands to prevent him from exerting force.

His feet actually clamped the driver's head and pressed hard on the steering wheel!

One person against two people, but he was not at a disadvantage!

A man in the back seat rushed out of the car, leaped into the air, and threw Lahar, who was about to rush towards Ning Xiruo, to the ground!

Agarye's eyes shrank, it was these guys again!

It seemed that they were targeted by these guys on the first day they arrived in Kyoto!

I'm afraid even the boss didn't know that there would be such a group of people around Ning Xiruo.

It was like a ghost, floating around Ning Xiruo.

There were not many of them, at most two or three.

But wherever Ning Xiruo went, they would follow.

As they were observing Ning Xiruo, they were unnoticed by the ghosts.

If they wanted to kill Ning Xiruo, they had to get rid of these people first.

So Agarye worked hard to get these helpers from Mr. Yu to stop the gang first and then attack the target.

I didn't expect that I still couldn't trap this group of people, but they actually came over so quickly!

As soon as these people arrived, Agarye knew that he couldn't do anything else today.

All that can be done now is to kill Ning Xiruo as soon as possible.

He stared at Ning Xiruo closely, held the dagger in his backhand, and rushed over like lightning!

"Miss, retreat!" Sensing the strong danger, Guan Qing grabbed Ning Xiruo's arm, pulled her back, and punched her in the head.

But she is not Chen Xin'an, nor is she Luo Xiaoman.

Her strength is not in punching, so her punches are not fast enough or powerful enough.

The other party just turned slightly to avoid her punch.

But at this time, Guan Qing kicked the opponent in a series of kicks with both legs, attacking the opponent in three directions!

Agarye didn't expect that this long-legged woman's legs were so flexible, and he had no time to parry her moves!

Before he could react, he was kicked several times in the chest, and even his lips were kicked until his mouth bled!

The only flaw is the lack of strength!

These few kicks could not make Agarye lose his fighting ability, but made him become more ferocious!

With a roar, Agarye hugged Guan Qing's leg.

Then Agarye picked her up with her whole body in his arms and ran backwards!


Guan Qing's body passed between Ning Xiruo and Luo Qianxue, and hit a car behind them hard!

The entire door of the Honda was dented and the window glass was shattered.

Guan Qing's whole body was embedded in the pit, her mouth was bleeding, and she couldn't move!

"Sister Qing!" Ning Xiruo and Luo Qianxue screamed at the same time.

Agaryes released his feelings, turned to Ning Xiruo and said, "No one can save you now, you can die!"

Ning Xiruo pulled Luo Qianxue back step by step.

Agarye pressed forward step by step, suddenly swung his right hand and slashed Ning Xiruo's neck!

Guanqing is hurt.

Luo Xiaoman and the others were entangled by a group of thugs.

Although the Dragon Shield men arrived in time, the Inca killers were very strong, and the two of them trapped the Dragon Shield trio.

Now in front of Ning Xiruo, there is no one who can protect her!

"No!" With a scream, Luo Qianxue rushed towards Ning Xiruo, trying to block the knife with herself!

But when she moved, Ning Xiruo also moved!

She hugged Luo Qianxue with one hand, and the moment her body spun, she raised her left hand.

With a bang, a large number of steel needles spurted out from her open cuffs!


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