Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1416 Her blood is rarer than panda blood

Agarye shrank his eyes and instantly leaned back to avoid it.

But the dagger in her hand still drew a long blood groove on Ning Xiruo's left arm!


Agarye fell to the ground. Even if he escaped in time, he received at least three injections on his face.

Just as he was about to stand up, Ning Xiruo had already rushed to him.

Her left arm was hanging down, bleeding profusely, but her right arm was raised and aimed at his head!

This woman is so unafraid of death!

At this time, instead of trying to escape, he actually took the initiative to attack him!

And she has terrifying melee weapons on her body!

Let him have to guard against it!

At this moment, Agarye already understood that the mission had failed!

The gang of thugs couldn't stop Luo Xiaoman and the others who were already going crazy. They escaped from the trap and rushed over.

Those Dragon Shield agents were also anxious. They would rather risk their lives than rush over to save people.

What frightened Agarye was that the woman he held and hit in the car was still vomiting blood at the corner of her mouth, but she still rushed over regardless.

The woman with a big belly cried loudly and pulled Ning Xiruo and stood in front of her.

But the scary thing is that the target is a weak and weak woman.

At this moment, he was even injured and couldn't even lift an arm!

But regardless of his own injuries, he rushed forward to deal with him.

The arm aimed at his head must have a weapon even more terrifying than the blow just now!

Even enough to kill him!

At this moment, the woman was exuding murderous aura that even made his heart tremble!

Those sharp eyes made him dare not look closely.

At this moment, Agarye shouted:

"Lahar, Jamu, retreat!"

He knew very well that with this withdrawal, there would be no chance again!

Once this group of people is exposed, they will have no place in Kyoto.

Even Mr. Yu won't be able to help them.

Do you really think that Kyoto’s public security is just for show?

Those two idiots in the Timberwolves are stupid enough, and their concepts were still in China decades ago.

But they Incas were not stupid.

Having been neighbors for so many years, they know best that Chinese people are never easy to mess with!

Once you get serious, not even a fly will let you fly out!

Without waiting for a response from his companion, Agarye stood up and ran away!

As soon as he saw him running away, how could Lahar and Jamu still feel entangled?

Fight to get rid of your opponent, get up and run!

Luo Xiaoman, who had just rushed over, gritted his teeth and cursed: "If you have the guts, just stop, I will challenge you to a duel!"

No one paid attention to him, those Incas ran faster than rabbits!

A group of thugs caught up and shouted to Luo Xiaoman: "You want to play, right? We'll play with you!"

At this moment, several vans stepped on the accelerator and rushed over, charging at the guys with big knives!

A van stopped and Luo Niu jumped out of the van, ran to Luo Xiaoman and shouted: "Uncle Man, we are late!"

Without saying a word, Luo Xiaoman slapped him on the head: "You know you're late? Why don't you come back after the New Year at home!"

"Sister-in-law!" Seeing the blood at Ning Xiruo's feet, Luo Qianhe rushed over with the medicine box and supported her.

Luo Qianxue hugged Ning Xiruo, glanced at her hanging arms, and shouted in horror:

"Luo Xiaoman! Xiruo is injured! Oh my God, she lost a lot of blood!"

"What are you asking him to do when I'm here!" Luo Qianhe quickly opened the medicine box, took out a rubber tube from it, wrapped it tightly around Ning Xiruo's arm, and temporarily made a tourniquet.

He raised his head and shouted to Luo Qianxue: "Help me get iodine for disinfection. I want to stop her bleeding first! She's hurt her artery!"

Everyone was in a mess, and some people ran out quickly.

The thugs were surrounded, but they were still resisting.

At this moment, two roars came from the crowd, and then two people who looked like giant tanks rushed out, flying and crushing them all the way!

Guan Fei and Guan Du rushed towards Ning Xiruo like crazy, howling from their mouths.

Squatting in front of Ning Xiruo, the brother and sister beat their chests and stamped their feet, crying loudly.

When my uncle left, the brother and sister personally promised that they would not let the young lady get hurt.

But it's better now. The lady was so seriously injured, of course they blame themselves!

Luo Xiaoman stood beside him with a livid face.

A Dragon Shield agent came over and said to him: "Sorry, we arrived a step too late and failed to protect Mrs. Chen!"

Luo Xiaoman opened his mouth.

Are you a step late?

I'm always by my side.

What do you mean by not being protected?

Isn't this pointing at my nose and scolding me?

He glared at the agent fiercely, turned around, walked to the side, and cursed Luo Niu with gritted teeth:

"Don't let anyone go! I want to see who dares to mess with us in Kyoto City now!"

Xiao Zhang roared angrily: "Move the cars at the entrance and exit quickly, I'll drive the business car in!

Let 1234 handle the matter here, and Luo Niu stays to help.

The four of us, go to the hospital together! "

Number 1234 is the lead agent sent by Longdun to protect Ning Xiruo.

His name is Deng Jian.

It's just that Luo Xiaoman and the others call him his number, which is much easier to remember than his name.

Xiao Zhang drove in in a Mercedes-Benz business car, and there were several thugs holding broadswords in the passage who were still resisting.

Xiao Zhang honked the horn, and the people brought by Luo Niu immediately dispersed in unison.

Those thugs lost their opponents all of a sudden, and they were still a little confused. Then a commercial vehicle rushed over like a wild bull and knocked them all out!

Xiao Zhang heard the car next to him, and Luo Qianhe had already sutured and cut the thread.

Guan Du asked his brother to help Ning Xiruo up, put her on her back, and then ran into the commercial vehicle.

The brother and sister carefully put Ning Xiruo on the sofa, and helped Guan Qing up, but they couldn't get up.

Xiao Zhang had no choice but to let Luo Xiaoman, Dao Lei, Luo Qianhe, and Luo Qianxue get in the car.

The rest of the people stayed here to deal with the aftermath, and he drove the commercial vehicle all the way to Zhenghe Hospital.

Ning Xiruo had fallen into a coma due to excessive blood loss.

Fortunately, Luo Qianhe had already done a hemostasis treatment, so his life was saved now.

However, a blood transfusion was urgently needed, but after an examination, it was found that the hospital did not have such a blood type at all!

Luo Qianhe angrily scolded Ding Baozhen: "I remember you even have panda blood plasma here, now you tell me that I can't give blood transfusion, what does that mean?"

Ding Baozhen said helplessly: "Your sister-in-law is my brother's sister-in-law, if there is a way, can I not do it?

I have never seen her blood type, which is rarer than panda blood, how can you let me give it? If you don't believe it, see for yourself!"

Luo Qianhe took a look at the blood type test report, his face turned gray, and he shook his head and said: "If you can't give blood transfusion, the damage to the organs will be great later!

I will gather people, you ask the nurse to help with the blood test.

No matter what, we must find the matching blood type today!

If anything happens to my sister-in-law, we will all be sorry for my senior brother!"

Ding Baozhen thought for a while, shook his head and said: "This rare blood type may not exist in millions of people!

How many people can you call for blood tests?

It's just a waste of time!"

Luo Qianhe said with a gloomy face: "You should immediately prepare to send enough people to help with the blood test in the blood test channel, and I will be responsible for calling people!"

Although it feels like a waste of effort, with Luo Qianhe's connections, at most a hundred people will come for blood tests, and not many people will be needed.

But after all, she is the wife of his junior brother, so Ding Baozhen did not dare to neglect it.

He really arranged a blood collection point in the parking lot outside the outpatient hall.

Less than an hour later, a nurse ran over and shouted to him breathlessly:

"Dean, please send more people to help with blood tests!

There are too many people who are collecting blood and we are too busy!"


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