Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1417 All parties gathered

What a joke!

There are eight nurses assigned to the blood collection point. Is it okay to receive four to five hundred people in one hour?

Still saying it’s not enough?

How many people have come to you?

That junior fellow student of his junior junior brother would have such connections?

Ding Baozhen said to the nurse with a straight face: "I think you are fishing, right?

How long has it been since there was no assessment?

Business capabilities are getting worse and worse, right?

Come on, I'll go over and take a look. If anyone dares to fish, I'll deduct your bonus right away! "

The little nurse pouted and followed the dean with an aggrieved look.

The parking lot on the left side of the outpatient hall was originally used to park emergency vehicles and internal vehicles.

The place is very spacious and can accommodate five hundred people.

Ding Baozhen came over cursing and said to the little nurse behind him: "The leader is Nurse Zhang? She likes fishing the most..."

The little nurse hurriedly said from behind: "Nurse Zhang is off today, and the person leading the team today is Nurse Wu Yanwu!"

Ding Baozhen curled his lips, snorted and said, "Xiao Wu has learned to be cunning now! Even this little work..."

Before they finished speaking, the two of them had already walked out of the outpatient hall.

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Ding Baozhen was dumbfounded on the spot!

Good guy, are there four or five hundred people here?

Two thousand people are considered a small number!

What's even more exaggerated is that people keep pouring in outside the gate.

The parking lot outside was empty. Xiao Zhang and Dao Lei led a group of people to direct the vehicles to drive away immediately, making room for more people to stand!

In front of such a crowd, the poor little nurses couldn't do anything!

A group of tattooed young people slapped the table and shouted to the nurse in front of them:

"Hurry up, you can draw as much blood as you like! Just check it out!"

"If something happens to my sister-in-law, I will burn down your hospital!"

"Hurry up, it's just a blood draw, what a big deal! Look how nervous you are!"

The more they scolded, the more frightened the group of young nurses became, and two of them were almost crying!

Wu Yan slammed the table and cursed at everyone: "What are you shouting for? Do you think drawing blood is enough?

A blood transfusion must match the blood type, otherwise someone will die!

If you don’t understand, don’t beep, just get in line! "

One of the yellow men pointed at Wu Yan's nose and cursed: "Who the hell are you? Who are you talking to? Looking for a slap..."

Before he finished speaking, a shirtless man behind him slapped him on the head and cursed:

"you're so dumb?

This is Brother Xiao’s wife!

Call me sister-in-law! "

Huang Mao immediately became honest and quickly apologized to Wu Yan: "Hello, sister-in-law!

I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I didn't know you were Brother Xiao's wife!

Brother Lao Xiao is my idol, you must not let him drive into my door..."

What a mess!

Wu Yan almost collapsed and shouted to everyone: "Get in line, don't waste time! Those who have had blood tests before can leave!"

As long as you have a blood test, if it is a rare blood type, it will definitely be recorded.

"Oh my god, how come there are so many people!" Ding Baozhen was dumbfounded, and now he finally knew that he had wrongly blamed these little nurses!

"Go and notify the college affairs department immediately and mobilize all the staff that can be allocated from each department to help!"

The little nurse responded, turned and ran away.

Ding Baozhen didn't expect that his junior brother would have such connections!

This is too scary!

Of course he knew that these people did not come here for Luo Qianhe's face, but entirely for Chen Xin'an's face.

At this moment, a line of motorcade suddenly poured in from the gate!

The group of people waiting in line were angry!

"Who the hell is this? Why are you so awesome? People are moving their cars outside, how can they drive their cars in?"

Seeing a pair of beautiful sisters who looked exactly the same who jumped out of the first bus, a group of old men's eyes widened.

There were also quick-thinking people who immediately guessed the identities of these people.

He shouted to the people around him: "Be careful what you say, you are from Junhao!"

Everyone shut their mouths.

The background of Junhao Group is not simple, and there are not many people in Kyoto who dare to offend them.

Following the sisters out of the car, there was also an old man with gray hair and an anxious expression. He was helped out of the car by two young people, a man and a woman.

There was an exclamation from the crowd: "It's Mr. Li Zecheng, the head of Junhao Group! He actually came here in person!"

Following Li Zecheng were a group of young women, all of them young and beautiful, as delicate as flowers.

"Ye Zhen, slow down! Let's go up together!"

"Xiaojiu, hold Ye Zhen, don't let her fall!"

"First sister, Yunyan, don't check it now, wait until you see Xi Ruo!"

The men around him stared at these women in shock, their eyes almost popping out of their heads!

The shirtless eldest brother glanced at the brother next to him, snorted and said:

“Just take a look and forget it, don’t worry about it and don’t talk nonsense!

These are all the girls around An Geer, and none of them can be offended! "

As soon as Junhao's people got out of the car, they pushed away the people at the front of the blood collection point. Their attitude was very arrogant, but no one had any objections.

Ding Baozhen was just about to go to the blood collection point to help when the cell phone in his pocket rang.

I took it out and took a look. It was an unfamiliar number. When I answered it, I was shocked:

"Director Shi of the Military General Hospital?

Yes, I am Ding Baozhen!

Yes, I am still doing blood tests, but no matching blood type has been found...

What, you're already here?

Okay, I'm not far from the gate, I'll pick you up! "

Ding Baozhen hurried to the gate and saw a group of green clothes approaching from a distance.

The first person was Shi Guangzu, the director of the Military General Hospital, whom he had met once.

There is a woman next to him, but she is Wang Haiyun, the director of the Third People's Hospital of Kyoto!

Ding Baozhen hurried up to greet the two of them.

"President Shi, President Wang, are you here to guide our work at Zhenghe Hospital today? Or..."

Shi Guangzu waved his hand and said, "We are here for Mrs. Chen! How is she doing now?"

Ding Baozhen sighed and said: "Not too optimistic! The biggest difficulty is finding a matching blood type.

Everything that has been inspected has failed!

Come on, let’s go to the office and talk! "

Shi Guangzu waved his hand and said: "Now is not the time to sit in the office and drink tea!

You don’t even know how anxious Mr. Lu and the old lady are!

Let me clear the field first and pick up the wave! "


Pick someone up?

Who else is coming?

While I was thinking about it, there was a sound of horns and shouts on the road: "Move over to the car in front! 66858, keep to the right and give way!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, green-covered vehicles drove over and stopped at the gate of the hospital.

As the tailgate of the car opened, groups of green-clad people jumped out of the car.

Shi Guangzu shouted: "Gao Qi!"

"Arrived!" Gao Qi responded, ran over quickly, and saluted Shi Guangzu.

After Shi Guangzu returned the gift, he pointed to the blood collection point and said, "Let everyone come directly to collect blood as quickly as possible! The health soldiers will help!"

"Yes!" Gao Qi responded, turned around and ran to the gate, shouting: "Everyone gather! The health soldiers are out!"

In front of the blood collection point, those people from the Junhao Group who had just stood stood aside obediently.

No matter how awesome they are, they don't dare to make mistakes in front of green equipment!

The square at the front entrance of the hospital was already overcrowded.

Nearly ten thousand people are crowded here, and the road is even more crowded. At a glance, they are all black heads!

Shi Guangzu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "If so many people can't find a matching blood type, I will ask Mr. Lu to report it!

It’s time to apply for national emergency assistance! "

Wang Haiyun said with a shocked look on his face: "Is it useful? Is it worthy?"

Ding Baozhen snorted and said, "As long as she is Chen Xin'an's wife, no matter how high-profile she is, she can be worthy of her!"


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