Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1434 I’m in a bad mood now

Before dawn, a car entered the parking lot in front of Dekra's company.

Some people stayed in the square, and some went upstairs.

No one can stop them, and they can't stop them. They are all official figures in Guanbei.

After Cui Jingzhi left the office, he called them.

Now they don't even sleep, they're all here!

Looking at the subdued thugs squatting on the ground, a man wearing a shirt and trousers angrily cursed:

"Nonsense! What a nonsense!

Who are you?

Who asked you to come to Dekra to cause trouble?

Let the person go quickly! "

Guangu frowned and asked, "Who are you? Why do you want us to release him?"

When the man in trousers saw that the person talking to him was a young boy, he immediately became furious. He walked over and kicked Guan Gu in the leg and cursed:

"If I ask you to let me go, why don't you just let me go? Why is there all this nonsense?

Let me tell you, I am Xing Lemin, the vice president of Guanbei Chamber of Commerce!

Decela is a star business in our closing business association.

You have become so brave that you dare to come here to cause trouble!

Going against Dekra is equivalent to going against the entire Guanbei Chamber of Commerce!

Who sent you?

Just tell me if you have the guts, I will make it impossible for you bastards to do any business in Guanbei.

There is no way to survive, do you believe it? "

Guangu was young after all, so he shrank his neck.

He didn't dare to offend people from the Guanbei Chamber of Commerce. The Guan family's business was also under the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce.

If he offends the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and brings trouble to the Guan family, Seventh Brother will have to beat him to death!

Seeing him lowering his head and looking submissive, Xing Lemin showed a sneer on his lips.

When I received Decla's call for help, I thought something terrible had happened, but I didn't expect that it was settled as soon as he took action!

Pointing to the thugs on the ground, Xing Lemin said to Guan Gu expressionlessly:

"Let everyone go and apologize to them!

Don't give me crap, don't give me ink!

immediately! immediately! "

Guangu shook his head. It was okay to be scolded, but not to let him go.

The eldest brother has specially told me that if I run away, I will have to settle the account with him!

"That won't work!

My brother said that these people can only be released if my uncle says so.

No one else can speak well! "

Xing Lemin was so angry that he pointed at Guan Gu's nose and cursed: "What did you say, little bastard?

Didn't you hear me asking you to let him go quickly?

What is your brother?

What uncle?

How could a ghost, a monster, or a snake spirit dare to behave in front of me?

Just listen to me and let me go before I get angry!

Otherwise I will make you walk around without food! "

All the men in Guanbei have a stubborn temper, and Guan Gu is no exception.

Even if he is very afraid of the vice president of this chamber of commerce, he doesn't care about that much at the moment.

He raised his stick horizontally and shouted to Xing Lemin:

“You can’t let people go!

I have to get my uncle to agree!

Vice President Xing, don’t force me! "

Xing Lemin's lungs were so angry that he pointed at Guan Gu and cursed: "You are so brave!

Just wait for me, I..."

At this moment, a frightening cry suddenly came from upstairs.

The people below raised their heads and looked up.

The window of a room on the fifth floor was wide open, and a person with a pale face poked his head out and shouted:

"Dead people!

There are a lot of dead people here, all foreigners!

Call the police! "

Xing Lemin looked at Guan Gu in disbelief, and cursed with a pale face: "How dare you kill someone? How brave you are!"

Guan Gu also looked a little panicked, shook his head and said: "We didn't kill him, it was my uncle who did it!"

Xing Lemin took out his mobile phone and said to Guan Gu: "That piece of shit uncle of yours is just tired of living, isn't he?

Dare to kill someone in Dekra? And it was foreign friends who were killed?

Even if he had eight heads, it wouldn't be enough to chop him off!

Don't even think about denying it, and don't even think about running away.

There are so many eyes here, he's dead! "

There was no need for him to call, the police from the nearby police station had already arrived.

Xing Lemin said to one of the police officers: "Director Yu, Dekra is the front company of our Guanbei Chamber of Commerce and the pride of the entire Guanbei business community.

Now this group of guys with unknown origins have come to Dekra to cause wanton destruction, and even killed so many foreign friends!

I demand that they be arrested and severely punished, and no one can be let go!

Our Guanbei Chamber of Commerce is specially following this case to seek justice for Decela! "

The intercom on Director Yu's shoulder rang: "Director, the bodies of five foreigners were found in the CEO's office on the fifth floor. Their identities need to be ascertained..."

Director Yu's face was ashen and he shouted to the police officers beside him: "Control them all!"

The police officer rolled his eyes. I controlled a dozen of them with a pair of handcuffs?

Director, what do you think?

But no matter what, the director gave the order and he had to carry it out!

Taking off the handcuffs around his waist, he walked towards Guan Gu, looked at him and said, "Stretch out your hands!"

Guangu wanted to resist, but when Director Yu and the police officers glared at him, he immediately turned pale, lowered his head, and obediently stretched out his hand.


The bright handcuffs stayed on his wrists, and the police officer said to the remaining Guan family members:

“Untie their ropes and let them tie you up!

Those who resist will be punished according to the law of resistance and will bear the consequences at their own risk! "

The thugs squatting on the ground laughed ferociously one by one, stood up provocatively, looked at the Guan family and yelled:

"Hurry up! Are you all deaf? Can't you hear what Officer Shao is saying?"

"How dare you come to Dekra to cause trouble? How dare you attack us? Who of you touched me just now? Kneel down and admit your mistake! Otherwise, I will beat you in front of the police!"

"Don't even look at where this place is! You dare to come here and pretend to be a master, who do you think you are!"

Looking at the handcuffs on their hands and listening to the taunts of the thugs in their ears, everyone in the Guan family felt extremely insulted!

With red eyes, Guan Gu looked at the people in front of him and cried, "Just wait, I won't let you go!"

"Uncle?" Xing Lemin sneered and said, "He still won't let us go?

Do you think we'll let him go?

Are you stupid?

He is a murderer!

The ones who were killed were foreign friends!

He can't protect himself..."

"Murderer?" A man walked out of the darkness and said coldly:

"Who sentenced me?

foreign friends?

Is he your friend?

Can’t I protect myself?

Tell me, how hard is it? "

Everyone suddenly turned around and saw that a garage not far away had opened at some point, and a person walked out of it holding a rope in his hand.

Xing Lemin stared and asked, "Who are you?"

Guan Gu yelled with red eyes: "Uncle!"

Xing Lemin pointed to the visitor and shouted to Director Yu: "It turns out that this kid is his uncle!

Director Yu, he killed all those foreign friends. Catch him quickly! "

Chen Xin'an had already walked to the light, and the rope in her right hand was tight.

Only then did everyone realize that there were people dragging behind the rope, and there was more than one!

At the front are Cui Jingzhi and Bolin, followed by four foreigners in white coats, all of whom are researchers in the underground laboratory!

"Mr. Cui! Dr. Bolin!" A thug who had just been untied screamed.

Pointing at Chen Xin'an, he shouted to Director Yu: "Director Yu, this person is simply lawless. You must..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed over and kicked him out!

A strong young man weighing one hundred thirty or forty pounds was kicked three meters away, knocking over three or four of his companions.

There was no sound when he fell to the ground, and his life or death was unknown!

"You are so impudent! Put your hands up!" Director Yu and the police officer shouted at the same time.

Chen Xin'an looked at them with a gloomy face and said:

"I'm in a bad mood right now!

So you'd better not take it out!

Because whoever draws the gun will die! "


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