Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1435 You are just a licking dog

Cold sweat flowed from the foreheads of Director Yu and the police officers.

Their hands still moved to draw their guns, but they never dared to take them out.

Because their intuition told them that what this person said was definitely not a joke or a threat!

Xing Lemin swallowed his saliva, pointed at Chen Xin'an and yelled: "I don't care who you are, you have no right to act recklessly in Dekra!

Don't rely on force to ignore even the police and the Chamber of Commerce.

What you did tonight was enough to put your own life on the line!

No matter what kind of background you have, no matter why you come here to kill, Guanbei officials will not let you go! "

"Okay, you call them over, I'll wait!" Chen Xin'an looked at Xing Lemin expressionlessly and said.

Xing Lemin was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "What did you say?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Call all your so-called Guanbei officials.

I'll give you half an hour. After thirty minutes, every ten minutes, I'll kill someone! "

He turned his head and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, Cun Lei, Brother Yao, bring them up!"

Xing Lemin said strangely: "Who are you? Where are you taking them to? What do you want to do?

Oh my gosh, these are foreign experts from Dekra who are here to help.

How can you treat them like this? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at the Hualong watch on her wrist and said calmly: "There are still three minutes and four o'clock.

Then start the timer at four o'clock, and kill the first one at four-thirty.

There are five people in total. If no one comes before 5:30, we will kill them all! "

"Got it!" Luo Xiaoman laughed ferociously, shook his head at Cun Lei and Fan Yao, and each carried a foreigner and walked upstairs.

Guan Qi also sent a few brothers to pull up the remaining two foreigners and followed them.

Director Yu squinted his eyes and looked at Guan Qi and said, "I asked who was so bold, it turned out to be someone from the Guan family!

You guys are really good, you dare to come to Dekra to cause trouble, I..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an scolded: "Open his handcuffs!"

Director Yu glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Are you ordering me to do something?"

"Yes! I'm just ordering you!" Chen Xin'an shouted angrily, glared at him and cursed:

“If I knew that you acted as Dekra’s protection and had illegal collusion with them.

I will ask you to take off this uniform today, do you believe it? "

Director Yu's face was uncertain, and he looked at Chen Xin'an with deep taboo in his eyes.

He is not sure of this person's identity now, but he can tell that what he is saying is definitely not just words.

Maybe he really has this ability.

"Director..." The police officer also hesitated and called him in a low voice.

Director Yu looked at Chen Xin'an, then at the crowd of Guan family members standing behind him, and said to the police officer in a deep voice: "Take off the handcuffs!"

The police officer had no choice but to untie Guangu's handcuffs.

Guangu moved his wrist and looked at Chen Xin'an with admiration.

My uncle is still so powerful that he can take off his handcuffs with just one sentence.

Director Yu turned around, took out his cell phone, and dialed a number.

He was very nervous about making this call, because at this time of day, he would be scolded if he disturbed his boss while sleeping.

Unexpectedly, after just two rings, the call was already answered.

It was as if the leader hadn't slept at all and was waiting for this call!

"Leader Meng, I am Yu Xiang from the Dongcheng Police Station. I am now at Dekra Company. Something big has happened..."

Before he could finish speaking, the leader over there interrupted him directly and said: "Director Yu, right?

I just found your mobile phone number and wanted to call you, but you just happened to call.

Don't interfere in Dekra's matter, but you can't leave either!

There will be leaders who will deal with it.

Remember, don’t talk nonsense. This is not something that your small police department can interfere with.

Even if our city bureau went there, it wouldn’t be enough!

Leader Lu from the Public Security Department has already rushed there in person. I will send someone to help you when the time comes.

Everything is under the command of leader Lu.

Don't cause trouble for the bureau! "

"Understood!" Yu Xiang responded with a trembling voice and turned off the phone.

Turning around, he looked at Chen Xin'an again, with deep fear in his eyes.

It turns out that what he just said was not nonsense.

He really has the ability to make himself take off these clothes!

He waved, called the policeman to his side, and whispered a few words to him.

The police officer nodded quickly, turned around and ran upstairs.

The people below exclaimed, and everyone looked up.

Directly from the roof of the fifth floor, five ropes hung down, and each rope tied a person, hanging upside down in the air!

The five foreigners were all gagged and unable to make a sound. They looked at the crowd below in horror, their bodies shaking slightly.

"Are you crazy?" Xing Lemin did not expect that this group of people would be so bold and dared to hang these foreigners up, and angrily cursed at Chen Xin'an:

“Do you know what you are doing?

Put the person down quickly, otherwise you will regret it!

They are all VIPs of Syracuse!

Even the leaders would be polite to them, but you treat them like this!

I'm warning you, the leaders already know what happened to Dekra tonight, and they are all rushing over!

What you did tonight will definitely be punished! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him expressionlessly and said coldly: "Are you the vice president of Guanbei Chamber of Commerce?"

Xing Lemin snorted coldly and glared at Chen Xinan, saying, "What's wrong? Do you know how to say nice things to me now? What were you doing just now?"

Chen Xinan sneered, "I think you shouldn't be called Xing Lemin, you should be called Cui Lemin!"

"What do you mean?" Xing Lemin was stunned for a moment and didn't react.

Chen Xinan said coldly, "I thought you were the biological son of Cui Jingzhi, the president of Dekla!

Otherwise, why are you the one who jumps up and down and is the most indignant among the people here?

Are these foreigners your real father?

Do you like to be their filial son and grandson so much and stand up for them?

And in the name of Guanbei Chamber of Commerce?

Do you know that you are causing trouble for the entire chamber of commerce?"

The Guan family behind him burst into laughter.

Guan Qi said coldly: "The relationship between this vice president and Dekla is well-known.

If there are any preferential policies, other companies can't get them even if they go through the back door, he will give them to Dekla first!

The son-in-law is really powerful. He can tell at a glance that he is the filial son and grandson of these foreigners!"

"You are talking nonsense!" Xing Lemin was so ashamed and angry that he pointed at Guan Qi and cursed:

"I warned you not to talk nonsense!

I will sue you for defamation, do you know?

I will sue you for defamation!

He is slandering me!"

Director Yu turned his head, stepped back a few steps, and stood behind the crowd.

The leader has already told us not to intervene, not to stand in line, and just be a transparent person.

Chen Xinan squinted his eyes and looked at Xing Lemin and said, "Whether those foreigners are your fathers or your masters, if you want to fight for them, you should be practical! Don't whine in front of me and talk nonsense. I hate this the most! There are still more than ten minutes, you have to hurry. Otherwise, if one falls from above, it will be your fault for not doing your job well!" "You..." Xing Lemin's face was ashen, Chen Xinan slapped him on the head, tightened his five fingers, and sneered: "Before you speak, consider whether you will lose your life because of a word! I have killed five of those foreigners. Is your life worth a lot to me? I didn't kill you because I asked you to call people over. I want to see today how many people are standing up for Dekla!" Xing Lemin felt a sharp pain in his head, as if he was scratched and exploded, and said in a trembling voice: "You will see it soon! They are all people you can't afford to offend!" Chen Xinan grinned, pushed him with his hand, and said lightly: "I'll wait and see!" ()

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