Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1437 Sorry, I want revenge

Looking at the young man in front of him, Liao Zhengqi looked gloomy.

He can actually go to the Grand Palace.

But at the last moment, his success failed and he was transferred to Guanbei.

This is basically an announcement that his path has come to an end and there is no possibility of going to the Grand Palace!

And the initiator of this situation is the boy in front of me!

Without his help, that guy Xu Huaqiang wouldn't be able to compete with him!

Things have become like this, and there is no way he can change them.

So even if you are unwilling to give in, you can only accept your fate.

But he let this guy Chen Xinan go without saying anything.

This kind of interface struggle, you, a businessman, intervened and turned everything upside down. Do you really regard me, Liao Zhengqi, as a toy?

When he stabilizes in Guanbei, it will be the end of this kid.

With his status, is it difficult to deal with a businessman?

So what if Xu Huaqiang is protecting you?

Would he completely fall out with me for a junior?

It's just that he never expected that before he went to find this guy, this kid would actually come to him!

Liao Zhengqi looked at Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face and asked: "Chen Xin'an, you asked me to come over. What do you want to see with me?"

I don’t know what I was thinking just now. I was woken up by this kid. I was obviously very angry, but I still agreed to his request and asked the driver to take him here.

Maybe this guy said: We can't really let these five years pass by in a hurry, right?

Chen Xin'an looked at Liao Zhengqi with a smile and said: "Leader Liao, you asked me to investigate this matter. I can't not report the results without reporting them, right?"

Did I ask you to investigate?

Liao Zhengqi turned to look at Chen Xin'an, took a deep breath, nodded and said, "So how is your investigation going now?"

The people around me suddenly changed their colors!

It turns out that everything this guy did tonight was ordered by the big boss?

Is it the big boss who wants to touch Dekra?

But why?

The big leader took office with three fires, but he burned the company that paid the most taxes in Guanbei?

What kind of mysterious operation is this?

Chen Xin'an glanced at Da Beitou and the people from the Chamber of Commerce, and said to Liao Zhengqi:

"Leader Liao, and all the leaders present, now I will lead you to see the true face of Dekra.

Let everyone see what this old friend from Guanbei has been doing all these years! "

No wonder there is no underground parking lot in Dekra.

No wonder there are open-air parking lots all around, but there is an indoor parking and maintenance room built under the office.

After everyone pushed open the door hidden in the ditch, a wide underground laboratory appeared in front of everyone.

Chen Xin'an has sent people to guard everything here.

Even those research subjects in the glass room.

There are also those workers who, although they no longer have security guards, are still working like machines, following inertia and instinct!

They even found the furnace used to burn corpses, and there were two corpses that had not been disposed of in time!

Coming up from the underground laboratory, everyone's faces were full of shock and horror.

They never dreamed that Dekra, a well-established star company in Guanbei, would be so terrifying and dirty!

Chen Xin'an's eyes were burning as he looked at Liao Zhengqi and said: "Leader Liao, now you have seen with your own eyes what kind of enterprise our so-called major taxpayer in Guanbei is!

Even in this kind of place where people are so heartless and careless about human life, there are actually many official forces acting as his protective umbrella, helping him solve problems and willing to be a filial son and grandson!

This kind of person may be in a high position or hold great power.

They don't know right from wrong, don't distinguish between black and white, and serve as a protective umbrella for this kind of place that can be called a hell on earth.

I would like to ask, are these people as damned as those hanging above? Is it more hateful than them? "

The color on Xing Lemin's face instantly disappeared, his legs trembled, and he fell to the ground with a thud!

Chen Xin'an waved to the back without even looking at him.

Two Guan family disciples who were looking at the camera and holding a camera stepped forward and handed the tape in their hands to Chen Xin'an.

“This is footage of tonight’s operation, uncensored from beginning to end.

Now I hand it over to Leader Liao.

The culprit should be dealt with on the spot to serve as a warning to others! "

Cui Jingzhi, who was hanging in the air, knew that the person below was a big leader, and he had a chance to survive, so he cried out:

"I am innocent! Those things were all done by them and have nothing to do with me! My crime will not lead to death!"

Guan Qi snorted, took out her mobile phone, and said to him: "I just got a surveillance video from your surveillance room. Let you listen to a recording!"

"I married a Chinese woman as my wife and moved to China.

It's just that this is a task assigned to me from above.

That stupid Chinese woman was poisoned to death by me five years ago!

My son and daughter have long since become citizens of the Eagle Flag Country.

I kept Huaxia Borrow just because it would allow Dekra to avoid paying a lot of taxes.

But I am not Chinese from beginning to end! "

Choi Kyung-sik, who was hanging in the air, had no voice.

His heart sank little by little.

Chen Xin'an raised his head, looked at the people hanging in the air, and shouted:

"So I ask you, which one should not die?"

No one responded.

Liao Zhengqi frowned and said: "Chen Xin'an, no matter how heinous these people are, they must go through the people's trial.

You cannot use lynching yourself!

This is a crime!

Lu Zhengwu, put these people down and send them to the city bureau for temporary detention! "

"Yes!" Lu Zhengwu saluted Liao Zhengqi.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Liao Zhengqi: "Then please ask Leader Liao to come back first. I will send all the evidence to Leader Liao for review after dawn!"

Liao Zhengqi took a deep look at Chen Xin'an, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll let Lu Zhengwu cooperate with you to finish it off!"

He turned and walked towards the black car.

After taking two steps, he stopped and said without looking back: "After work, all officials who have personal relations with Dekra will report to the Commission for Discipline Inspection themselves and cooperate with the investigation!"

Da Beitou's face was dripping with sweat, and he glanced at the people hanging above.

It doesn't matter, as long as they survive, you'll be fine.

After all, I am still very useful to those foreigners.

The moment Liao Zhengqi got into the car, Chen Xin'an suddenly said loudly:

"I'm sorry, leader, I can only disobey your order this time!

Because the people hanging above are not only sinners of China, but also the murderers of my parents and my father-in-law and mother-in-law!

The specific reason has been clearly captured in the video.

If I cannot avenge my father and mother, my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I, Chen Xin'an, will be a son of man in vain! What a waste of time to be a son-in-law!

Therefore, they must die here today.

I give them judgment!

All death penalty!

Execute now! "

Chen Xin'an bowed deeply to Liao Zhengqi, then put his fingers in his mouth and blew a loud whistle!

The three foreigners hanging in the air above everyone's heads all fell down almost at the same time!

"Chen Xin'an!" Liao Zhengqi, who had just entered the car, stood up again and roared.

But it was too late.

The three people fell heavily to the ground, and without exception, their heads hit the ground, and they died instantly!

Everyone looked at this scene in stunned silence.

How dare this guy? !

In front of Leader Liao, he dared to use lynching and directly executed these three foreigners!

Including those who died before, he directly killed ten people in Dekra tonight, all of them foreigners!

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at the corpses next to her, she just looked at Liao Zhengqi with a smile and said:

"This matter was done by myself, Chen Xin'an, and I am willing to bear all the consequences.

The great revenge has been avenged, thanks to all the leaders for making it happen! "

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