Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1438 When will the injustice be repaid?

Dekra Bioengineering Co., Ltd., a star enterprise that has been established in Guanbei for nearly 20 years, suspended operations overnight.

Even stocks were suspended and delisted.

This means that Dekra and its subsidiaries have completely withdrawn from the Chinese market. There is no possibility of transfer, and they have completely disappeared!

He was completely dead, with no possibility of turning around.

The strange thing is that until the factory was disbanded, the workers working in the east building had no idea.

In order to cover up the noise in the west building and underground laboratory, Dekra spent a lot of money to install sound control and sound insulation equipment in the east building.

Only when all employees were notified to go to the finance department to settle their wages and receive redundancy pay did they know that the company had gone bankrupt!

Chen Xin'an ignored these things.

He sent a copy of the video materials to Liao Zhengqi and took a private plane back to Kyoto.

Liao Zhengqi was very angry.

He knew that Chen Xin'an had given him a piece of merit and also performed a play for everyone to see, which was to give him a step up to avoid criticism.

But you should clean up such a mess for me!

Say nothing, pat your butt and walk away, what does this mean? Are you my uncle?

You must put aside your past temper and catch this kid back even if he runs away.

But when the video was sent, this guy also sent a voice message saying that he was going back to Montenegro and reinstated.

As Liao Zhengqi, after a little inquiry, I found out that this guy is now the instructor of the Montenegrin Tiger!

Moreover, he is also the chief instructor of the entire army, and he wears gold star epaulettes, which is about the same level as him!

How can I catch him?

How come this kid's status is like flying in a helicopter? He's soaring up to the point where he's almost on par with him!

It is precisely because of this incident that Liao Zhengqi's resentment towards Chen Xin'an is no longer as strong as before.

After all, they did nothing wrong.

After all, he is Xu Huaqiang's grandson. If he doesn't help his own family, who will he help?

If my grandson Liao Wei had the average ability of Chen Xin'an, he wouldn't be so worried!

After staying up all night, Chen Xin'an returned to Kyoto with Luo Xiaoman and the others after dawn.

After arriving at the hospital with breakfast, my wife and Guan Qing also woke up.

Seeing that although Chen Xin'an deliberately pretended to be energetic, she could not hide her tired face, Ning Xiruo stroked his face over and over again, with tears in her eyes.

Just as Chen Xin'an was flying back, Guan Qi called Guan Qing and revealed some things about last night.

So Ning Xiruo now also knows what happened last night.

In order to help her take revenge, her man traveled thousands of miles to kill the murderer.

What more can a woman ask for when her husband is like this?

Chen Xin'an gently brushed away the tears on her face with her hand, and said with a smile:

"Don't cry, it's really okay!

The matter has been completely resolved.

At least for a short period of time, they will not dare to send anyone to retaliate again!

I'll be back in a month.

You rest in peace and recuperate, and when I come back, I will take you to Qingxi to play! "

Ning Xuruo asked strangely: "Dongyang Qingxi County? Why do you want to go there? It's more than five hundred miles away from Kyoto! Why do you want to go there?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook his head and said: "It's not Dongyang, that Qingxi in the western border of China.

Do you want to ride a horse and gallop on the endless prairie?

Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the desert with solitary smoke and the sun setting over the long river? "

It suddenly occurred to me that after three or four years of marriage, I have yet to travel with my wife.

This husband is really unqualified!

Ning Xiruo put Chen Xin'an's hand on her face, closed her eyes and said, "As long as I can go with you, the scenery will be beautiful everywhere!"

Chen Xin'an put her face against her daughter-in-law's face, closed her eyes, and felt her daughter-in-law's warmth.

Zhang Jian and Cun Lei stood at the door, hesitant to come in.

Guan Qing waved her hands to them.

Chen Xin'an opened her eyes, kissed Ning Xiruo's forehead and said, "Daughter-in-law, I have to leave!

I'll leave everything to you at home! "

Ning Xiruo suppressed the reluctance in her heart, nodded and said, "Don't worry, husband, so many brothers and sisters are helping me! I'll wait for you to come back, so be careful!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned around and said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, Seventh Brother has arranged for a few brothers to come over, and Guan Gu will lead the team.

Then you can make arrangements and go to Maoping New District if you want to do something.

Let me remind Mr. Shen that if you have the ability, arrange to do a project independently.

Don't hide it and be embarrassed just because it's your own family.

As long as it is talent, it cannot be buried! "

"I understand, uncle!" Guan Qing responded and nodded.

Chen Xin'an walked out of the ward and nodded to the group of brothers gathered outside.

On the roof of the main building of the hospital, Chen Xin'an stood next to the helicopter, turned around again, and gave a fist to the group of brothers behind him!

Everyone also clasped their fists at him and watched him board the helicopter.

From beginning to end, no one said a word.

Because everything is kept in words, between brothers, there is no need to say those polite words.

Watching the helicopter rise slowly and gradually disappear from sight, Luo Niu in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Hey!"

Luo Xiaoman, who was about to fall asleep in a daze, was so frightened that he kicked him and cursed: "What the hell are you screaming at?"

Luo Niu said with admiration: "I'm so excited!

An Geer is really awesome!

The so-called anger turns into beauty!

A man should live like this, so that his life is worthwhile!" Everyone agreed and nodded. Xiao Zhang shook his hair and closed his eyes and said, "In this situation, I want to recite a poem!" Luo Xiaoman looked at him with disdain and said, "You? Reciting a poem? I believe you said you wet the bed! You are a semi-illiterate who has been in elementary school for ten years, and you recite Jill's poem!" "Vulgar!" Xiao Zhang gave Luo Xiaoman a middle finger, cleared his throat and said, "Kill one person every ten steps, and leave no trace for a thousand miles. When the work is done, leave with a clean coat, hiding the merits and fame. I am talking about the boss! Good poem! Good poem!" "It is indeed a good poem!" Luo Niu nodded and said with deep sympathy, "Although I don't understand it, it does sound powerful! Lao Xiao Niubi! Lao Xiao is mighty! "

Everyone applauded and nodded.

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head and frowned, saying: "Why do I feel like I've heard this poem before! Anyway, it's not written by a fool like Lao Xiao!"

Luo Qianhe rolled his eyes and said unhappily: "This is Li Bai's Chivalrous Ode! You are a bunch of illiterate idiots!

We should really set up a literacy class. None of you have ever been to high school. Isn't it embarrassing?"

"Friends!" Fan Yao bowed and said to everyone: "I'm leaving too! Just before Mr. Chen left, he also gave me some tasks.

I need to go back to the base to report.

I'm very happy to meet you all on the mission. We'll meet again if we're lucky!"

"Don't say these empty words!" Luo Xiaoman stretched out his arm, put it on Fan Yao's shoulder and said:

"I know your discipline, don't leave your phone number.

But please leave us your phone numbers.

If you have any tasks in Kyoto in the future, come over for a few drinks when you have time.

I'm always free! "

Fan Yao was not polite, smiled and nodded and said: "Okay!"

At the Black Tiger Base, a helicopter landed on the training ground helipad, and Chen Xin'an and Cun Lei jumped down from it.

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun, who had not slept well all night, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The brat is quite trustworthy and came back on time as expected!

Meng Jianjun called Chen Xin'an to the office and said earnestly:

"I called early in the morning and agreed to take action against Dekla.

But you must cooperate with Longdun, make a detailed plan, and don't be reckless!

Dekla's social relations in China are very complicated, and the slightest carelessness will have a greater negative impact.

So we will send someone to communicate with Longdun first, you wait a few more days..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Forget it! When will the grievances be paid back? I won't bother them anymore!"

Meng Jianjun and Tang Peng looked at each other.

This kid, has he changed his nature?

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